Thunder's Place

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I've cured my premature ejaculation

Just wondering where I can get tramadol for a cheap price in the U.K if anyone knows. I heard in the U.K tramadol is named Zamadol

Could someone send me a link to order paxil online that’s legit.

Thank you

I wonder if there is an update to the long-term use of SSRIs to delay ejaculation?

Enjoy what you have

When I first got married I would last 30 seconds or less. I felt real bad about myself and thought I had a really bad case of premature ejaculation. I solved the problem by getting rid of the wife that ran me down and told me that sex was a bad thing. She would call me an animal whenever I brought up sex. When I dumped her I found a very fun girlfriend who was multi orgasmic. She solved my problem right away. After the first time she realized I didn’t have a premature ejaculation problem but that I was multi orgasmic like her. The next time we had sex she started me out with a blow job and when I shot off she had me give her head until I got up again. Then she offered me her ass which I worked on before I came in it. I was disappointed that I came in 5 minutes but she said no problem and she had me wash it off then she pulled me back into bed with her to finish up in her pussy. She told me she was so grateful to finally find a man that was like her. She taught me to not treat myself like a freak and to enjoy what I had. I have ED now so my advice to you is to enjoy what you have.

Have anyone tried Ashwagandha for premature ejaculation?

Vydo’s story reminds me of a girl who told me that she would rather have bursts of sex in a spree. Like fuck for 10 minutes, do something else for a bit then fuck again for 10 minutes. I thought it was weird that she didn’t want me to just pound away at her for an hour long. So if I don’t last long I just remember there is always other stuff to do


Hi today Dapoxetine is widely being used for premature ejaculation as it comes in and goes out of the system quickly.

Can somebody please tell me as if this drug can be taken on regular basis daily and if yes then how much? Otherwise one does not know what to do when One has to perform on the spot.

Please help.

I've used Dapoxetine for years.... works.

Hi all.

I had Premature Ejac. problems since forever. A few years ago I read about SSRIs and specifically Dapoxetine being used for the problem.

I tried it about 4 years ago and it works great… once I figured out the best dose and timing.

I use about 30-40mg (I break the pill in half.. a little more than half a 60mg pill works best for me).

I have purchased it in several forms… just the Dapoxetine alone or as I prefer Super P-Force (stupid name) which is Sildenafil Citrate 100mg + with dapoxetine 60mg.

Also important is the timing. Ive found that taking it 2hr before sex is perfect, but the effect lasts several hours so 3 or 4 hr ahead is fine too.

For me 1 hour ahead is not long enough for the ejaculation delay effect to kick in.

My experience is that you do not have to take it daily…just when you are anticipating some athletic sex.

When I am on my game I feel like I can have sex for as long as I like and when I decide I want to climax I can build up speed and intensity and in a few minutes build to a crashing climax.

It has done wonders for my sex life.

2008 Starting size: 5.25 BPEL, 5.5 girth, vol. 12.7

2009 Plateau reached 6.5 BPEL, 6.0 girth, vol. 18.6

My GP prescribed me Priligy (Dapoxetine) but I was hesitant to take chemicals and was wary of side effects.. Lidocaine based sprays helped a little but numbing my dick to have longer sex defies the whole idea of sex as there was no pleasure.

So I kept searching for natural remedies while I was practicing exercises like edging etc. So I came across this natural herb from Indonesia/Malaysia - So this helped me to turn from a 2-minute sprinter to almost a marathon runner :) This thing alone helped me to last 15 and sometimes up to 30 minutes. When I apply this herb and use all the practices that I have been doing like edging, breathing, reverse kegels I can last for almost as long as I want.

If someone has already tried this please share your experience too.

I tried Paroxetine and after 5 days of use the results are amazing

I’m taking 10mg of Paroxetine daily it works better to have a more spontaneous sex. But I could be used on demand (the day you want to have sex) 20 mg 2-4hours before.

The secondary effects are really important to consider because it kills sex drive.

I never considered how mi anxiety and TOC could affect the whole performance. Now I’m more confident, I have good sex.

Originally Posted by jsr25

I tried Paroxetine and after 5 days of use the results are amazing

I’m taking 10mg of Paroxetine daily it works better to have a more spontaneous sex. But I could be used on demand (the day you want to have sex) 20 mg 2-4hours before.

The secondary effects are really important to consider because it kills sex drive.

I never considered how mi anxiety and TOC could affect the whole performance. Now I’m more confident, I have good sex.

I took paxil for a year part for anxiety and stress and part for PE. It didn’t help PE for me at all. Helped my stress and anxiety. I went up to as much as 30mg daily. Initially I had really bad side effects and I’ve been trying to wean off of it for 3 months now with terrible side effects. Tapering off slowly is the key, so just a word a warning, if you use paxil for long term, it is important to wean off properly. I don’t think you can use Paxil on demand though. Doesn’t work like benzodiazepines.

Started Paxil and keeping record of effects.

Tldr: I read the posts here and wanted to give it a try. I had PE since I was 12 due to porn and was conditioned cum fast. The sex currently with wife is below average due to me cumming quickly and not being as young as I used to be, longer to get it back up again.

So I got my hands on a prescription.. And now it begins. 10mg of Paxil a day (splitting the 20mg tablet).

I will post more and document week-by-week progress with day by day breakdown like King_G, including side effects such as addictive qualities or changes in my physiology.


Originally Posted by Formula1
I tried Wellbutrin XL for about 2 months but couldn’t tell any difference. Would Paxil make any difference?

Wellbutrin if I’m not mistaken is an NDRI (norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor) which does not directly affect serotonin. Paxil may well function differently for you, so it might be worth addressing with your doctor.

Also, to anyone considering this, there is a real danger with long term maintenance use of any reuptake inhibitor (SSRI, SNRI, NDRI, etc) of causing what amounts to atrophy if the brain’s ability to correctly process those neurochemicals without the drug. Your brain becomes used to being flooded with those feel-good hormones and they become less effective at regulating mood etc, so the only alternative is to up the dosage or stop talking the drug. Meanwhile, your brain has not needed to produce or reabsorb those neurochemicals during the time you’re on the drug, and will eventually lose its ability to do so properly in the drug’s absence. In the case of cessation, the withdrawal can be extremely bad, and it’s worse the longer you’ve been on the antidepressant. If I remember correctly, it’s not recommended to take paxil for longer than five months without a break. They can be extremely addictive and potentially alter your brain chemistry permanently if used for too long without significant breaks.

I am not sure how ultra-low dose usage might affect the withdrawal, but I suspect that shorter term regimens may be effective here. A short term regimen at low dosage should affect ejaculation positively and after a month or two of usage, your body should become more used to that time frame for ejaculation in the same way that edging trains you. Then you can begin cessation and try for a while without. The antidepressants should be safe to return to every few months or so if needed.

Just be very careful with these pharmaceuticals.

Starting Stats Jan 2019 - BPEL: 6.75", MSEG: 5.875"

Now - BPEL: 7.0625", MSEG: 6.25"

Originally Posted by Gurks
I am not sure how ultra-low dose usage might affect the withdrawal, but I suspect that shorter term regimens may be effective here. A short term regimen at low dosage should affect ejaculation positively and after a month or two of usage, your body should become more used to that time frame for ejaculation in the same way that edging trains you. Then you can begin cessation and try for a while without. The antidepressants should be safe to return to every few months or so if needed.

Just be very careful with these pharmaceuticals.

Hi Gurks, thanks for the timely advice and indeed your post will help alot of people exploring Paxil as a form of treatment. I intend to do that 2 months of 10mg daily then get off it.

I wanted to put a weekly post and wished to document my progress. However, I had a strange effect amounting from using Viagra as well and I hope the symptoms will go away.

Day 1: No side effects, no effects of feeling happier or sadder. Still get erections and they feel as hard. No sex. No masturbation.
Day 2: No side effects. Erections ok. No sex yet. No masturbation.
Day 3: Abit sleepy today - maybe I didn’t sleep well. I was with the wife and I was trying to get her in the mood for sex.

I also took a 50mg Viagra and now I have a side effect (I think more so from Viagra). This is not the first time I took Viagra but previously in lower doses of 25mg. I felt like my hearing was abit sharper and now (day after) I still have slight tinnitus. I read on the Internet that this could possibly lead to permanent hearing loss which I am quite scared actually. Here’s hoping that the side effect goes away after a few more days. I don’t think I will ever take Viagra again, its just too risky with all the different drugs that is going on. ((( Might go and see a physician if in 2 days it still doesn’t reset.

Back to the effect I think that came from Paxil. SO turns out wife is very grumpy and does not want sex. I had a raging boner by this time and it was throbbing like mad. So I went to masturbate (unfortunately). But this has never happened to me before - I was acutally dripping lots of precum. ALOT like it kept dripping out of my boner as I stroked myself. I also did not explode straightaway like I usually do (maybe can come in 1 min). I felt like that was some small control. It was hard but even as I wanted to cum, it was abit easier to hold back just a bit more. I used to contract my whole body, my arse, my PC everything to hold back. But it seems like I could stop and it really eased the pressure abit. Nevertheless, I kept stroking hard and fast just to see the effect and finally came. Maybe total time was 3 mins or 4 mins. Not sure.

The precum thing is new.

Here’s hoping my slightly blocked ears/ tinnitus goes away in a few days.


Day 4: Took my Paxil in the morning. Blocked ears/Tinnitus is still there from the 50mg of Viagra. Midday I tried to masturbate to check the precum thing. Edging is different. I used not to be able to withhold the sensation of cumming but now, I was able to hold back. Once the sensation of cumming I dropped back and take a large inhale, relax the belly and down the sensation of cumming was less. Then I could stroke hard again. I really still don’t understand how it works with the serotonin. Since its hard to visualise. But I like the control I am gaining.

Why is it that increased in serotonin availability is associated with increased control of orgasm?

Day 5: Blocked ears from Viagra confound is gone (whew!). Today, nothing spectacular, no side effects or changes in mood.

Day 6: No side effects, no changes in mood or drop in sex drive. Still horny, tried to masturbate but I think the control of orgasm is still there.

Day 7: Still taking it in the morning around 9am. No side effects. Maybe just a tad bit sleep in the afternoon but a coffee helped to perk me up. There is definitely more control with regards to cumming. There is increased time to cum and also an ability to slow down and prevent cumming.



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