Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've cured my premature ejaculation

Well I’ve taken it for two days now, this evening I had a bit of a session with my Fleshlight STU. I had also taken a little Cialis as I knew I would be using it a reasonable amount today and tomorrow.

Well it took about a minute before I was having to stop and start repeatedly, this in itself is quite good for me, however it does seem to vary a bit anyway, sometimes it could be 10 thrusts, sometimes approaching a minute. Edged for about 4 more minutes (totalling 5) then without even moving I was really having to clamp down hard for 20 seconds or so and I think a tiny amount of semen escaped. Erection level went down a bit, to maybe 80% but I just kept going, before long it was back to 90%+ and I was really going at it for 10 more minutes, I had to keep reapplying lube and was frankly getting bored, ~~now this is new to me!~~ How much, if any of this is down to Seroxat I don’t know, but needless to say I am pretty happy about it as it gives me hope, bad PE has been getting me down quite a bit for a while now.

Oh and by the way, no signs of any side effect as of yet, do they normally kick in immediately or take a little while to appear?

I’m through with the Paxil. But the bad news is that it seems I’ve even become more sensitive in the last couple of weeks and that was while I was still taking the Paxil. Night before last I was able to talk the girlfriend into letting me be on top. I was thinking that would help to slow me down a bit. It did for awhile but I had to go slowly. Even at a much slower speed I had to try and fight off the feeling of the orgasm. After about 5 minutes I decided to try and speed up the strokes. After only about 2 or 3 strokes I came.

It’s even became a problem when edging. I’m back to being on the verge of orgasm just about the time I get 100% hard. So I’m right back to square one.

Formula1: try using 10mg Paxil doses daily, at the same time every day, preferably about 5-7 hours before you plan on getting down and dirty. It took me one month, but it kicked in all-of-a-sudden at about thirty days. Total control now. United Pharmacies is a good source; allow 2 weeks for delivery. Try getting a bit drunk before-hand also.

I love GOLD

Originally Posted by gold_member
Formula1: try using 10mg Paxil doses daily, at the same time every day, preferably about 5-7 hours before you plan on getting down and dirty. It took me one month, but it kicked in all-of-a-sudden at about thirty days. Total control now. United Pharmacies is a good source; allow 2 weeks for delivery. Try getting a bit drunk before-hand also.

I’ve already tried that. I’ve been taking it for about 8 months now. I don’t drink alcohol so getting drunk is out of the question.

OK, fair enough. Do you have a steady girlfriend? If so, you could consider trying the stud100 spray (just make sure you wear a condom with it).

I love GOLD

Originally Posted by gold_member
OK, fair enough. Do you have a steady girlfriend? If so, you could consider trying the stud100 spray (just make sure you wear a condom with it).

Yes I have a steady girlfriend but I don’t use condoms. I wouldn’t try the spray anyway.

Well day 4 for me and I’m sure it’s having an effect. In fact I’m posting here because I’m outright excited about it.

Just about to get into bed and some browser window popped up with the usual hot women in it, thought I’d check out a little porn to see if anything was different at all and definitely, it seems so. Have been rubbing my cock for a few minutes to some video and nothing! Zilch! Nada! Believe me that’s a big difference to me and while I realise once with a woman again soon it will be very different, I really am excited by this.

Originally Posted by Formula1

Yes I have a steady girlfriend but I don’t use condoms. I wouldn’t try the spray anyway.

If stamina is a concern for you two, you could suggest wearing condoms alone to help the issue. If that doesn’t work, you could always try the spray in conjunction with the condom….

I love GOLD

It’s time for another update!

I have decided to divide up the post into three parts for readability. Please feel free to comment.

PART I: My experiences with SSRI up to this date

I have been on SSRI (Sertraline) since February. I stopped taking them in March because I did not see significant improvements. Strictly speaking, I went from a two-second man to a two-minute man. This wasn’t what I had hoped. I was aiming for lasting 20 to 30 minutes with the aid of the drug. Needless to say, I was very disappointed with the result.

Now, a little background. I live an ocean away from my girlfriend. When I started “testing” the effects of the drug, I was using my own hands, and lasted only up to two minutes. I thought maybe I would last longer once I actually had sex with my girlfriend. I even practiced edging while masturbating.

Then finally, I got my vacation at the end of February, and went to see my beloved girlfriend. I was excited to see her, but even more anxious to test out my endurance. To my disappointment, I lasted just as long as when I masturbated.

I returned from my vacation and stopped taking the drug. These drugs are not cheap in my country (Taiwan), so I thought I would stop wasting my money and started looking at alternative solutions. One thing seemed promising: TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Taiwan is a country which is heavily influenced by Chinese traditions and cultures. Therefore, finding a TCM doctor is not a problem at all. Some TCM clinics specializes in male sexual dysfunctions. For those who can read Chinese (are there any?), this one looked very good to me:

For those who can’t read Chinese, here’s the summary from his website:

According to TCM theories, a man’s kidney is the key organ to better sexual performances. These may include: endurance, stiffness (erection quality), sensitivity, etc. Most men who suffer from premature ejaculation are due to excessive early-age masturbating, poor diet, improper sleeping schedules, etc. Such behaviours cause stresses on a man kidney, thus resulting in sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation and impotence.

His treatments are simple: Natural herbs to repair the kidney, and quit masturbating during the entire treatment period. The treatment may be of any length from 1 month to 3 months, depending on the severity of “damages” on the patient’s kidney. However, he states on his website that sex is allowed because, as he claims, a man’s kidney behaves differently between masturbating and having sex as the kidney is under stress when masturbating, but isn’t while having sex.

He had appeared on national television, and is a consultant on a popular health-related radio program. That’s a good thing to know because there are just as many good TCM doctors as there are bad ones. Also, judging from the feedbacks posted by his patients on the website, the results seemed very promising.

However, I did not pay him a visit because (don’t laugh!) I wasn’t willing to give up masturbation for 1 to 3 months. Really, that was the only reason!!

So, I gave that up and went back to my urologist. By this time it was April. I had stopped taking SSRI for an entire month. By the way, I did not experience any negative side effects, nor did I have any withdraw symptoms. Anyways, I told him my whopping two-minute improvements with Sertraline. He thought that my body might take longer than a month to see any improvements. So, I was on SSRI once again until this date.

This pretty much sums up PART I of my post. I will finish up with PART II and PART II tomorrow.


PART II: A Chinese Masseuse and My Premature Ejaculation

So, it was the beginning of May, and I had been back on Sertraline for almost two months.

I had to make a business trip to China. I had been there many times. In fact, I have to go there almost every month, so it wasn’t anything new for me. However, I decided to get a full body massage at the hotel that I was staying at. I requested for a 60-minute full body relaxation massage, and within three minutes, a rather young and pretty looking girl showed up at my door.

I stripped down to my boxers and lay face down on the bed. Then, she said “Why don’t you take those boxers off. I will cover you with a towel”. That was when I realized that the massage was likely to include some “extra” services. I couldn’t have been more right! She started to caress my ass crack within three minutes into the massage, and asked me if I would like a sensual massage. I asked her how much it was, and she told me a price and I agreed. I forgot how much it was, but I remember that it wasn’t cheap. Then she changed the strokes and started to use a little more pressure on my anus. The pressure was a little harder than light touches, but not enough to penetrate my asshole. It felt amazing! In fact, I could already feel my precum slipping out of my unit. However, I wasn’t 100% erect at this point yet. After massaging my anus for about five minutes, she told me to get on my hands and knees, with my ass in the air facing her, as if I was going to be fucked in my ass. She slowly move her hands from my ass to my balls, and then to my dick, caressing my dick very gently. This was when the nightmare began.

I ejaculated!

Yes, I ejaculated with only a few touches. She wasn’t even stroking it yet. I wasn’t even 100% erect!! I was pissed and embarrassed.

Not knowing what to do in such an awkward situation, I lay back down. She asked me if I ejaculated, and I said yes. She asked me if I wanted her to continue. I thought, what the shit, why not? I would have to pay for the full amount no matter what. Why not use up the entire 60 minutes? So, I asked her to keep going. And she did. She started on my ass again and told me to turn over. This time, she went right ahead to stroking my cock, which was as soft as tofu because I had just shot my load five minutes ago. That poor girl. She was stroking it fast and hard for at least five minutes tyring to get it up, but it would not respond.

Then finally, after about 10-15 minutes of stroking my limp dick, it got back up. She added more baby oil and started going full speed. This time, I ejaculated in about three minutes. Fuck! I felt so useless. Then, she went to the bathroom and got me some hot towels to clean me up. While wiping down my dick, she said “Hmm…you have a pretty big dick for an Asian. You just got to have sex more often so that you wouldn’t ejaculate so soon.” Her comments made me feel much better. I don’t think I have a big dick, not even for an Asian — about 14.5cm NBPEL, just about average, I think. I haven’t really measured myself because I am still on the newbies routine (slightly modified). Anyways, her encouragement comforted me a lot.

So, that was my first experience with a masseuse with “extra” services. Over the next couple of days, I couldn’t help to but keep thinking about the massage and my endurance. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to conquer premature ejaculation. So, two evenings later, I requested for another full body massage from my hotel room. A different girl showed up, but the session went very similar to the first one with only one difference - I lasted about 7-8 minutes with her going full speed stroking my cock. I was pleased with my “performance”. I know 7-8 minutes may not sound like much to those who can last all night long, but this was a huge improvement for me considering what happened two nights ago. What made me feel even better was that she also commented on the size of my dick. However, she might be saying it in the attempts to get more tips from me, so I didn’t take her compliments too seriously.

That’s pretty much it for my story for update post #2. I just thought I would like to share my interesting story with you guys.

It’s bed time. I will write up my update #3 tomorrow.

P.S. I read a thread a while ago regarding erotic massages. Ziggaman, I think you also received erotic massages? How did you do? I hope your experience wasn’t as embarrassing as mine. :p

Did you do anything to last 7-8 minutes the second time? Or was it just “luck”?

Those masseuses… aren’t they prostitutes?

Originally Posted by tmar89
Did you do anything to last 7-8 minutes the second time? Or was it just “luck”?

Hmm…I was just about to analyze this “improvement” in PART III of my update. :)

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Those masseuses… aren’t they prostitutes?

Well, yes and no. These girls work for the massage parlor which is a part of the facility of the hotel. The masseuses respond to massage requests (“calls”) which include both male and female clients. Quite often, they would offer sensual massages to their male clients in the attempts to earn a few extra dollars.

I don’t think they would engage in any kind of sexual activities other than a hand job.

PART III: The search for a CURE to end premature ejaculation continues

So, not wanting to give up masturbation for one to three months, I was back on Sertraline. I didn’t have sex at all since I went on my vacation to see my girlfriend in February. The closest thing I did to having sex was my rather embarrassing experiences with Chinese masseuses. I couldn’t help but to keep thinking about why I lasted longer than usual the second time.

Two things came to my mind:

1. I had two orgasms with only one day apart.
I don’t masturbate very often, whether on SSRI or not. The average masturbation frequency for me is about once to twice per week. Three times is about the maximum and very rare. Even when I lived with my girlfriend, we didn’t have sex very often. She is not very sexually active. Don’t get me wrong here. I am horny all the time, but I don’t like to masturbate. I would have sex everyday if my girlfriend was into it, but she wasn’t. So, could this be one of the reasons that I have premature ejaculation? Even though I was on SSRI, I didn’t have sex or masturbate often. Would I need to build my stamina in order for the SSRI to work? To test out my theory, I did a little experiment myself. For about two weeks, I masturbated at least once every two days. By the end of the second week, I was able to last 10+ minutes.

So, I think even though one is on SSRI, he would still need to train himself. When I didn’t masturbate often (and taking SSRI at the same time), I would last only about two minutes. This, I think, is the physical cause for my premature ejaculation. I have very low “sexual stamina”. I don’t know if that is the right term to call it, or if even such thing exists. But the bottom line is that I need to shoot my load more often in order to last longer. In other words, practice lots!! This, however, is closely related to my observation #2:

2. The orgasms were made possible by complete strangers.
This is the psychological part of the cause for my premature ejaculation.
During my first massage, when the masseuse started to touch my balls lightly, I was afraid of busting too soon. So, I kept telling myself “Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot”. But I did anyways. Also, the anxiety played a big part there as I was very nervous because I had never received a sensual massage prior to that. When the second time came around, I already knew what to expect. In combination with my observation #1 above, I lasted 7-8 minutes.

I think the above two points sum up the causes for my premature ejaculation. I have read threads on this board stating that premature ejaculation is a purely psychological dysfunction, where others believe that it is 100% physical-related. Well, it is safe for me to say that, in my case, both are correct. I suffer from both physical and psychological premature ejaculation.

I think Point #2 can be conquered; however, point #1 is difficult to resolve. I have such a low “sexual stamina” that I need to train myself even though I am taking SSRI. Without SSRI, I can’t last any longer than 30 seconds. I wonder if this is the kidney thing that the TCM theory is all about. I started masturbating excessively at a very young age (grade 5 or 6). I understand that most of us here started masturbating at a very young age, but only some suffer from premature ejaculation. I think the reason is that everyone’s body is different. Some are born with a strong kidney, where others aren’t. What do you guys think? SSRI’s can only be used as an aid to improve premature ejaculation, and be used to build the confidence.

The more I think about it, the more I want to give TCM a try. But should I? Three months without masturbation? Do you guys think it’s worth it? I still have two weeks worth of Sertaline left. I will give TCM some serious considerations when I am out of the pills.

Thanks for reading and I will definitely let you guys know if I decide to visit a TCM clinic.



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