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I've cured my premature ejaculation

Originally Posted by King_G
tmar, I’m pretty sure I’ve read posts by people on this forum who have tried that without success. I’m fairly sure it won’t work.

I’d save the time and money if I were you and skip straight to Paxil, which is about as guarenteed as you’ll get to a quick fix.

I actually haven’t read about anyone using a combo of 5HTP and SJW. I’d be interested to see how that went, although I would exercise caution, because though both are natural substances, people haven been known to have adverse reactions to SJW, and it may be worth researching if it is safe to take with 5HTP.

I’m currently taking 5HTP at the moment, along with a good multi-vitamin and concentrated fish oil.



Originally Posted by mravg
Zigga, you are funny. The combination is discussed in the thread below, which just happens to be…YOUR thread! :D

St. John's Wort helping my prem ejac (I think)

lol, I knew I’d read it somewhere…

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Doh! Silly me.

Nobody seems to have really stuck out a SJW/5 HTP combo though…



I am taking both right now and not seeing a difference. If it helps, it is very little/subtle. I know I last 6 to 10 minutes whether I take nothing, or one or both of the above mentioned supplements. I might average 7 minutes without and 8 minutes with the supplements, but I can’t keep track that well, as my wife gets mad whenever I pull out the stop watch during sex. :)

It’s definitely not like taking an SSRI as some people claim, where you improve from 2 minutes to 20.

Horny Bastard

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll give it two months to see if anything happens. I’ve tried the SJW on its own but I heard the combination is more effective.

Originally Posted by iwillbbigger
The One, it is hard to determine your sustaining time by masturbating. Have you had any sex and if so how has that been going for you. Do you feel like you’re lasing longer. I know that when I masturbate I do it quickly and cum fast. In about five minutes. But when I have sex it’s different and the control is much longer.

I finally met up with my girlfriend and had sex (we live in separate countries), but I don’t think there was a significant improvement.

One more thing to add:

Since I was away to see my girlfriend, I ran out of my pills. I had not taken any for about a week now, and I have yet to experience any withdraw symptoms.

As a conclusion, I am thinking that the dosage was too low for me because:

1) It did not prolong the time to ejaculate (not significantly);
2) I did not experience withdraw symptoms;
3) No other side effects whatsoever. For example, weight gain, loss of concentration, etc.

I was very concerned about the concentration issue because I need to be at my 100% at work. (I am an R&D manager in an electronics industry.)

So, either the drug did not work for me, or I need a higher dosage.

I am overwhelmed with workload at the moment since I was away for about two weeks. Once I clear up some of those papers on my desk, I will book an appointment with my urologist and talk to him about it. He didn’t want to increase the dosage for me when I told him that I couldn’t get past the two-minute mark (three weeks into taking the drug). He asked me to stay on the drug for a little while longer and said “we’ll go from there”. But obviously, it didn’t work!

I will keep you guys updated.


Originally Posted by mravg
I am taking both right now and not seeing a difference. If it helps, it is very little/subtle. I know I last 6 to 10 minutes whether I take nothing, or one or both of the above mentioned supplements. I might average 7 minutes without and 8 minutes with the supplements, but I can’t keep track that well, as my wife gets mad whenever I pull out the stop watch during sex. :)
It’s definitely not like taking an SSRI as some people claim, where you improve from 2 minutes to 20.

mravg, do you edge?



Yes. I don’t find it very helpful however. I can last as long as I want when edging, since I am in complete control. Sex is completely different, and my wife gets frustrated with stopping and starting during sex. She wants steady, rhythmic thrusting, and I am likely to get a complaint or punch in the back if I stop, even for a second.

Horny Bastard

If you are going to tinker with Paxil (without taking it because of depression) keep in mind that this is prescribed in _small_ doses in cases of premature ejaculation. Ditto the other SRRI drugs. Get a good sense of what a very moderate dosage of this drug would be; very preferably have a doctor figure out the dosage and frequency for you.



Originally Posted by mravg

Yes. I don’t find it very helpful however. I can last as long as I want when edging, since I am in complete control. Sex is completely different, and my wife gets frustrated with stopping and starting during sex. She wants steady, rhythmic thrusting, and I am likely to get a complaint or punch in the back if I stop, even for a second.

This is my biggest complaint about edging being a way to improve PE. I can last as long as I want also but I know my limit and when to stop when edging. But when I’m having intercourse, I can’t just stop and start every 5 thrusts and pull out. And even if I stay inside, once I reach a high level of arousal (say after 5 thrusts), the sensation will push me over the edge anyway.

Originally Posted by mravg

…and I am likely to get a complaint or punch in the back if I stop, even for a second.

Now that’s another issue I’m glad I don’t have ;)

Originally Posted by TheOne
One more thing to add:

Since I was away to see my girlfriend, I ran out of my pills. I had not taken any for about a week now, and I have yet to experience any withdraw symptoms.

As a conclusion, I am thinking that the dosage was too low for me because:

1) It did not prolong the time to ejaculate (not significantly);
2) I did not experience withdraw symptoms;
3) No other side effects whatsoever. For example, weight gain, loss of concentration, etc.

Dude couple of questions,
did you stop taking the pills before you saw your girlfriend?
What size dose were you taking?

It took me about a month before I saw the maximum benefit. In one of the studies they seem to link the delayed ejac to one of the side effects that only occurs if you take it daily for a long period of time, you mustn’t miss any doses or you go back three spaces.

But failing that check with the doc, sounds like you need a bigger dose.

Cheers, G Started at 6 x 4.5 - Jan 05 Current 7.1 x 5.1 Goal 8 x 6

Originally Posted by mravg
Yes. I don’t find it very helpful however. I can last as long as I want when edging, since I am in complete control. Sex is completely different, and my wife gets frustrated with stopping and starting during sex. She wants steady, rhythmic thrusting, and I am likely to get a complaint or punch in the back if I stop, even for a second.

This is why I will soon start doing my edging fucking into the FL, with on top, thrusting positions.



Originally Posted by Ziggaman

This is why I will soon start doing my edging fucking into the FL, with on top, thrusting positions.

Yeah, I love the Fleshlight too, just don’t use it enough because it requires effort. Then again, so do women.


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