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I've cured my premature ejaculation

Originally Posted by King_G
Yeah placebo might get me an extra minute or two, like I had with the accupuncture (which I think was purely placebo), but not 20 mins. Double blind studies have been done with SSRI’s and have found to have been far more effective than the placebo in treating prem ejac.

Here’s a link to one such study. There are more out there if you search for them.

Good post ill have to try it, I’m fine while having sex and can last but I don’t last long during handjobs and blowjobs so this is good to know. Thanks.

Erect Length 8.500 inches , Erect Girth5.700 inches, Flaccid Length 5 inches, hang Flaccid Girth 4.2 inches, Erect Width 1.814 inches,

Erect Volume 21.977cubic inches


Hello! First of all, I must thank for such a good thread.

I just finish reading it, and I also suffer from P.E. I also suffer from a mild depression (shyness) , and have a allergy in the spring time (someone mention it earlier, maybe all of us have that too? Anyone?). I think I will stick with a good diet (I am almost 27 years old), edging, kegel workout, the right breathing and a mind relaxation such as meditation. I started edging several weeks ago and it’s already paying off, but haven’t had any sex yet. I almost stopped all this uncontrollable kegeling when approaching PONR, but it’s still there. I am quite sensitive down there, but I think the major factor is that I am getting very nervous and keep thinking about ‘what if I ejaculate too early.” when having sex, which is wrong thing to do.

I will update any more progress if I will discover something new (if I’ll remember).

Good luck, guys! Don’t give up.

Damn. Just have to say I’ve just finished reading this whole long thread, front to end. I’ve suffered from PE since I was 16 and first started having sex; I’m 21 years old now and still have it. It’s the worst type of PE, the one-two minute PE, which I’m sure is due to some neutrotransmitter issues..

I’ve contemplated using low dose SSRI for PE. I’ve finally decided to take the plunge. My only concern is with ADHD meds, which I use. I take a really low dose Vyvanse 4-5 days a week. This helps me out a lot in school.

Originally Posted by big Bori333
I’m on paxil @10mg right now, along with ritalin@5mg(been on it and can take it anytime as it’s flexible). So far I’ve noticed improved stamina and ejac. Control. I’m young and have a very very high sex drive. I can afford a slight decrease in libido. I mean heck a slight drop can enable me to focus on other things and get my priorities straight. Even after an hour of taking my 1st pill I had more stamina when masturbating. I’ve been on it for 10 days so far. I masturbated and edged for 40 minutes the other day as opposed to 15 min. Despite all this great stuff from paxil, I think it has decreased my erection strength (thus making girth gains harder). I’ve been feeling slightly crappy but it’s going away.I read somewhere that the penis doesn’t orgasm, it’s the mind.

Bori, how has the Ritalin/Paxil combo been so far? This is really the only thing I’m concerned about. I don’t think there will be any “permanent” neurotransmitter modification. That’s really not how these things work. But I’m just worried about some weird Vyvanse/Paxil interactions that could possibly happen.

But anyways, here is what I’ve concluded/plan on doing:
-Paxil @ 10mg daily
-Low dose Cialis whenever I can
-Vyvanse low dose for studying

I actually just went to the uro the other day. He readily handed me a prescription for Zoloft @ 30mg. That’s why I came and read all 42 pages of this thread. I want to know which SSRI is the best for PE, and apparently, Paxil is the one. And I wanted to do some reading about the dose. I feel like Paxil @ 10mg is a great dose to start.

Actually guys, about SSRI and cognitive functioning, I’ve read that SSRIs can actually increase cognitive functioning. But this is limited to a small amount of people, who have issues with low levels of serotonin and/or reuptake issues. I wouldn’t suggest ever trying this.

Any advice would be appreciated. Holy shit. I think I’m about to try it out.

For some reason I suffer from cold hands, my hands are always cold which I think is due to poor circulation which overall I always assumed that is why I suffer from ed. I tried this home remedy about two weeks ago, stirring a teaspoon of cayenne and ginger into a glass of fruit punch and gulping it down while eating breakfast each morning. I wouldn’t recommend drinking this on and empty stomach and the drink taste hot so I usually drink it as fast as I can. Since I have been doing this I have noticed that my cold hands syndrome has completely disappeared and I get great erections easily and my body overall feels warmer. I have to note that I am taking 50 mg of tadalafil every five days from Aquachem which I ordered about a year ago. However, my erections seem fuller and I last longer. My girlfriend had to give me head for over an hour because I just couldn’t cum. It was great. I recommend you guys look into this.

Actually, disregard that last post. After reading more about SSRIs, I won’t be using them. I am going to try out some Vicodin before sex as I have read that this works wonders as well.

Originally Posted by icatt
For some reason I suffer from cold hands, my hands are always cold which I think is due to poor circulation which overall I always assumed that is why I suffer from ed. I tried this home remedy about two weeks ago, stirring a teaspoon of cayenne and ginger into a glass of fruit punch and gulping it down while eating breakfast each morning. I wouldn’t recommend drinking this on and empty stomach and the drink taste hot so I usually drink it as fast as I can. Since I have been doing this I have noticed that my cold hands syndrome has completely disappeared and I get great erections easily and my body overall feels warmer. I have to note that I am taking 50 mg of tadalafil every five days from Aquachem which I ordered about a year ago. However, my erections seem fuller and I last longer. My girlfriend had to give me head for over an hour because I just couldn’t cum. It was great. I recommend you guys look into this.

Did you suffer from PE prior to this or just ED?

This has been a really interesting thread. I mjust read it from the beginning.

I used to get a lot of PMs from guys with pe, and I also used to get people on my forum (now closed). One thing I noticed is that people with pe seem to be “in as hurry”, in other areas of their life. For instance, read this post from King_G after he quit the paxil

Originally Posted by King_G
MGUS, while coming off the paxil I really noticed my patience levels evaporating. Now that I’ve been off for a week, I’ve either gotten used to it or it’s not so bad. I had a few arguments with the wife while coming off, but things are fine now.

I have noticed that my drive to fix things around the house has improved since weaning off. While on Paxil I was much more ‘laid back’ about everything. Thinking ”ahhh, that’s fine, I’ll fix it tomorrow” then tomorrow never came. Now I’m back to, if it needs doing, I may as well do it right now, kind of thing.

Paxil may seems to have made him more laid back - an essential ingredient for lasting longer in my opinion.

So I would recommend trying to develop a more relaxed attitude to life. Learning to meditate might help. I have learned almost total mastery over when I cum. OK, so I was not a premature ejacualtor to start with, but I did sometimes come before I wanted too. One of the main techniques I use is to monitor my arousal level, and slow down or change position slightly when I get close.

Another slightly counter intuitive thing is sensitivity and horniness. Being more horny and sensitive can actually help for two reasons.
1) You can monitor your arousal level more easily. And slow down in good time
2) Not cumming so fast is actually the art of experiencing more pleasure without triggering that impending feeling of “you’re going to blow”. I can’t emphasise this enough. It’s all about being able to sustain higher pleasure levels, and not cuming. So being hornier can help. That is why things that boost dopamine can help. Also taking high quality fish oil can help because it make the penis more sensitive - in a nice way.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Originally Posted by invictus
Actually, disregard that last post. After reading more about SSRIs, I won’t be using them. I am going to try out some Vicodin before sex as I have read that this works wonders as well.

Any luck with this?

Originally Posted by King_G
Day 21 - Shagged fast and hard from the outset, for at least 20 mins. I had to focus as hard as I could to cum. Afterward I almost puked because the exercise was so vigorous.

I laughed so hard at this.

mudbud's quest for 6" girth. Current = 4.8"

Gains. Starting length- 6" Now- 7.2" Goal- 8"

Invictus, I haven’t tried vicodin, but percocets work marvelously for me. Eat a 750 ( I think ) a couple hours before sex and you’re good to go. I suppose you crush them up and do a line of it if you were in a hurry, but that’s sort of hard to hide, kind of hurts, and makes you look like a coke-head. I’ve heard tramadol, a synthetic opiate, works very well but haven’t gotten to test that one out.

Watch out for those opiates though…..they can be a little too much fun.

I haven’t tried them yet but that’s what I’m looking at right now. I’ve decided not to do SSRIs, because they can really mess you up- even if that means fucking like a robot with an adjustable “cum-clock” dial, granting prolonged longevity in the bedroom.

You don’t need any of this crap. I use to cum in 25 seconds!!! And I found the cure. It’s just cum baby cum. Bust 5-6 nuts. Just keep cuming. Your unit will adapt. I was the poster child for quick cuming. One weekend I just said f-it. I’m going to f you all night long period. And it worked. Cum like crazy!!! After a few loads you will aquire DC (dick control). Just cum baby cum. To hell with it don’t stress. Buss everyware Everytime. Make it an event!!!!!! In a week of two you will go from 25sec to 5 min of pounding. Just Don’t give a fu*k.

Started PE April 2008 : 5 1/8 x 5 1/4

July 2010 : 6 1/4 x 6

Feb 2011 :7" bp Sept 2011: 7 5/16. Bp (Gold: 7 1/2 x 7)

Originally Posted by monkeykush
You don’t need any of this crap. I use to cum in 25 seconds!!! And I found the cure. It’s just cum baby cum. Bust 5-6 nuts. Just keep cuming. Your unit will adapt. I was the poster child for quick cuming. One weekend I just said f-it. I’m going to f you all night long period. And it worked. Cum like crazy!!! After a few loads you will aquire DC (dick control). Just cum baby cum. To hell with it don’t stress. Buss everyware Everytime. Make it an event!!!!!! In a week of two you will go from 25sec to 5 min of pounding. Just Don’t give a fu*k.

Great post! This is so true, the more you cum the better you get. Dick control will be even more pronounced if you do it hard and rough.
I would definitely avoid things like Paxil. I read some posts on a German board where people had great success with the tramadol. I would rather go with the tramal and avoid the SSRIs.

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

I would like to contribute my experience with SSRI’s for premature ejaculation treatment. I was a quick shooter usually less than 30secs, some times within a few strokes if I was really turned on. This was quite bad and I would often be frustrated at my lack of control, not to mention the sex was usually a disappointment. I could go again 2nd round but the desire is diminished at this point, taking away from the enjoyment and not to mention my erection is not as hard.

So I decided on 10mg Paroxetine daily to remedy the solution. I noticed a delaying effect within a couple of hours, but the drug really kicked in around 10-14days. Success! I had control like I could never have imagined, in fact it was bordering on anorgasmia. I didn’t mind this in the beginning because for the first time ever I could fuck my girl like the dirty little whore she is, haha.

Other positives:
Better erections (yes better, contrary to what is commonly reported)
More desire (I suspect this was due to the much improved sex)

Lack of energy/determination
Brain fog (thought process felt slow, I deal with math and engineering problems in my job and this effect was very obvious)
Near anorgasmia

Due to the difficulty I had in ejaculation at this point and the brain fog, I lowered the dose to 10mg every 2 days. I continued this dose for around 5 months ejaculation delay was exactly the same as was the brain fog. Overall I was happy at the outcome, but still concerned at the prospect of taking an SSRI long term. I started looking at alternatives and weaned myself off. Interestingly the delayed ejaculation remained for at least 2-3 months after I was completely free of the paroxetine and then returned to pre-SSRI state.

Since then I have tried:
5 HTP up to 200mg (no effect)
Tramadol up to 100mg (definite delay but nowhere near as good as paroxetine - needs to be taken on demand, weaker erections, penis feels numb, not much fun)
Methionine (mentioned here at Thunders - no effect)
Vigara/Cialis (Very slight delay, gives me bad head aches)
De-sensitizing creams (delays slightly, some of the fun is also lost, also applied on demand)
Penis sleeves (delays as good if not better than tramadol, same draw backs as de-sensitizing creams)

So I am kind of back to square one and considering going back to SSRI’s. However this time I would like to try it on a much lower daily dosage of 2.5mg paroxetine, to reduce some of the side effects. I’d be interested to know if anybody has had experience dosing in these amounts for a period of weeks/months.

Secondly Dostinex is now available on the market, and I was wondering what where peoples results with this (especially relative to a conventional SSRI). However this is my second option as I want to avoid on demand treatment.

An alternative strategy I’m considering is reducing my refractory period and going two rounds, but I would need something that would still maintain my desire for second attempt.

Damn, I’m shocked that this thread is still going. Well I was gone so. Anyways let me tell you all the facts. Yes the SSRI’s help. I was using Zoloft 10mg. A beast in the bed room. The only downside to this is, what ever other side effects that taking this stuff has I will honestly say is not worth it. It’s like once you’re on it, you’re on it. Trying to get off and when you do get off it, it’s very hard. I was feeling really down and had fatigue, headaches and leg cramps. Now I must say that I just quit taking it without a doctors help. But I had to get off this shit. Now I can honestly say that eating healthy foods fruits and veggies and most importantly, having a fine ass woman in bed with you, the sex will be long and great. You just need some participation from whomever you’re with. Peace

If you stretch it, it will grow. If you clamp it, she will know.


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