Thunder's Place

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I've cured my premature ejaculation

Quicker ramp-up with higher dosage.

It sounds like 10mg may be a good dosage for curing PE. However, for some of you it took 3-4 weeks for the effect to kick in.

So: I’m thinking of trying 20mg for a week or two, until I last much longer, then cut back to 10mg.

Any reason not to do it this way?

I plan to try this experiment starting in 2 weeks or so.


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Just got prescribed 100mg Zoloft daily (2 weeks loading at 50mg). My psychiatrist also prescribed me Viagra, but I don’t have a problem getting an erection or keeping it. He prescribed it so I would last longer. But the problem is my insurance doesn’t cover Viagra so I won’t be able to try it out. Either way, my g/f isn’t having sex with me anymore so I don’t need it anyway :(

Originally Posted by tmar89
Just got prescribed 100mg Zoloft daily (2 weeks loading at 50mg). My psychiatrist also prescribed me Viagra, but I don’t have a problem getting an erection or keeping it. He prescribed it so I would last longer. But the problem is my insurance doesn’t cover Viagra so I won’t be able to try it out. Either way, my g/f isn’t having sex with me anymore so I don’t need it anyway :(

Any updates for us?

Your GF isn’t having sex with you? That sucks. How about a little DIY method to try out the effect of Zoloft?

As for me, I am still on SSRI. I don’t think I will seek other solutions to my problem of PE any time soon. SSRI is just way to convenient. One pill a day takes care of the problem very nicely. It doesn’t get any simpler than that.

However, I have found that kegeling reduces my endurance dramatically, even when I am on SSRI.

Recently, I have started manual clamping (I want to do manual clamping for a couple of weeks to make sure that my penis is conditioned enough before I switch to cable clamp). During the clamping sessions, I kegel in blood into my penis to stay erect. I don’t kegel often, but only when the penis starts to go limp. But I do kegel hard! It didn’t take long before I start to notice that my endurance is way down compared to pre-clamping days.

Just thought I’d share…

I’m on paxil @10mg right now, along with ritalin@5mg(been on it and can take it anytime as it’s flexible). So far I’ve noticed improved stamina and ejac. Control. I’m young and have a very very high sex drive. I can afford a slight decrease in libido. I mean heck a slight drop can enable me to focus on other things and get my priorities straight. Even after an hour of taking my 1st pill I had more stamina when masturbating. I’ve been on it for 10 days so far. I masturbated and edged for 40 minutes the other day as opposed to 15 min. Despite all this great stuff from paxil, I think it has decreased my erection strength (thus making girth gains harder). I’ve been feeling slightly crappy but it’s going away.I read somewhere that the penis doesn’t orgasm, it’s the mind.


A short story on my “cure”…

I’m 23, had sex a couple of times before, always was a quick shooter except for when I was really drunk. By quick I mean within the first few strokes. Not a really big problem because I was able to maintain a good erection afterwards, and the 2nd time was quite longer,depending on the mood and all around 10 minutes or longer.

Now, since 3 months I got a girlfriend, great love, it’s all amazing. As we started to have sex I tried to give myself time in case something went wrong the 1st time. Needless to say the 1st time of a session usually lasted around 2-4 strokes… It didn’t bother me much, again the 2nd and 3rd time around was way longer and she is very understanding. She can’t take it vaginally very long cause it starts to hurt (I’m at 6.5 / 5.2 BPEL), she is usually “out of service” for 2-4 days after we have intercourse 3 times in a row for a total time of maybe 20 minutes.
After a while I was able to last maybe 4-8 strokes on the 1st go. After reading this thread I wanted to try something natural on a very low dose to see if it would affect me.

I bought 200 capsules of Griffonia Simlicifolia( good quality). The prescribed dose was 2 capsules 3 times a day before meals. I took 1 pill once before we had a long night(around 6 hours before). I already noticed an increase in staying power, not really on the 1st go, but after that, too might have been just shape of the day.
since 2 weeks I take 1 capsule 2 times per day before lunch ( although sometimes I miss some days or take only 1).
Since then I’ve been able to last from 10 strokes in the beginning to around maybe 2 minutes of actual slow penetration (all including foreplay with some oral) on the 1st round, 2nd rounds are longer as well, and the amazing part is that if the penetration speed is rather slow I can still maintain control in sense of being able to decide when to orgasm.

For side effects, I haven’t noticed anything at all.

This has helped me quite much, I will probably take it on a low dose for some time. I didn’t feel any loss of sex drive so far, but then again I have some to spare.

Hope this might be a solution to some of you.

Confused what to do

I have been reading this thread for days now mainly because I have the same problem. I have been suffering from PremEj for about 5 years now and have just turned 30. Only recently over the last year or so have I learnt methods to prevent this. My kegels are strong and I can edge for over 20 minutes however these are light strokes and the PONR still arrives within a few minutes.

I am not sexually active at the moment and won’t be for a while. It has been 2 years since I last had sex and I have a current girlfriend whom I have not had sex with yet I think we are going to wait till we are married which could happen end of this year or next. She does not know about my problem I am trying to fix it while I can.

I believe my PE issues started at the same time as a traumatic experience in my life with a psycho x who ruined me and sent me into depression which I ultimately fed with drugs. After reading this I believe this could have cause a serotonin imbalance in me and that’s how the PE started along with a weak kegel muscle.

I am currently on 5-htp and vitamin b complex and omega-3/6 and have just started today. I was wandering what I should do since I am not sexually active? Is it worth me taking the prozac/zoloft/paxil route while not being sexually active? Or should I start a little course hoping this will help condition my penis?

Confused as to what to do here and thanks for your help.

I’m not a Med, slanker, so this is only a personal opinion.

If your Doc doesn’t believes you really need psycho-active medicines, I’ll avoid them. ED is not a remote chance with those.

PE can aid you with prem-ej, assuming there aren’t psychologics and/or pathologic factors involved. Edging is a good technique, in example.

Last edited by marinera : 05-26-2008 at .

Thanks for the reply marinera. I guess I should speak to my docter first. Hopefully I don’t need them. When you said ED is not a remote chance with those, you mean there is a high risk of ED with taking those? I can feel you their many of the posters here were complaining of a lesser EQ quality.

I’ve been taking generic celexa (Citadep) for about 2-3 weeks now and I have had awesome results. I went from 2-6 pumps to lasting 20-30 minutes over night. This is something I fought with since my teenage years. My EQ has been normal for me as well although some times I take tadalafil just for fun weekends or punishment depending on if you ask my wife lol. I think it also helps that I do not take the pills every day and I only take 5-10mg at a time instead of the whole 20mg pill. As a result I have no wacky side effects that others speak of and the superman stamina lasts for quite a few days after my last dose. Edging, breathing, or kegels did not help me. So of your out of ideas this is not the worst thing you can do, it saved my marriage.

Thats great to here toyox. I am just thinking to myself, maybe I should start that if edgeing etc hastn’t helped, when I am sexually active. As I am not right now, I don’t see the point. Unless you push me to. lol.

Naa, I would not use them if you are not sexually active unless you just want to experiment with yourself to see of you last longer. I tried that when I first got my pills to test them out.

Is everyone getting their prescription from their regular doctor or something like a psychiatrist?

Has there been anyone that hasn’t been prescribed by who they saw?

Hey I’m suffered from Premature Ejaculation from 3years now and am about to start using paxil and I bought 20mg (60 Tablets)

So I want to know it will be better to start with 20mg daily or 10mg and when should I take it in morning or before I go to the bed?

Anyone ever hear of this study:

I was on 30mg of paxil for a year.. Couldn’t even really ejaculate at all. I recall masturbating with massive intensity and not being able to ejaculate it caused a huge donut effect on my foreskin.

Paxil does take away prem-ejaculation, once I was off it came back.

Just thought I would add to the thread

Magnus B


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