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Total testosterone of 290 at 21 years old. Options?

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I’m getting my blood tested again next week and I discontinued all supplements starting a week ago. I just want the most accurate reflection of my total. Although I must say I definitely think my total is under 290 now based on how I’m feeling.

Did you get morning wood before your replacement therapy and if so how hard was it? Then how is it currently with your therapy? I currently don’t get any morning erections but occasionally I get a semi in morning. I think the last time I got hard morning wood was probably 4-5 years ago.

Thank you

I had a lot of weird fluctuations. A lot of this may have been stressed related. But, I’d go 2-3 weeks without morning wood and then go a week solid with. But, they were not real strong (at least at the point I noticed them). When I eat right and I took either of the supplements I mentioned, they were more consistent but still not 100% of the time.

Since I’ve started TRT, I have only had 2 days that I can remember that I did not. Both of those were due to poor sleep (late night, early morning, kids interrupting sleep, etc) that I did not.

The other things I’ve noticed is that my erections are a lot stronger and definitely come a lot easier. Sex drive is very high more days than not. I’m sleeping better. I have more energy. The next big thing is can I lose fat with this regiment. I just restarted a strict gym routine and eating 80/20 - 90/10 clean. We think by losing the body fat my T could stay elevated naturally, but I am going to have to drop 20 pounds at least before we know for sure.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Wow thanks. I’ve been really missing out over these last several years then. :( Well at least I’ll be normal and finally have morning wood again once I get on a treatment plan. Hopefully the doctor I’m going to see will prescribe the injections and if not I’ll go see someone else. I’ll be graduating in exactly 1 year and 3 days from now so I’d like the try to make the most of my last year at university once I go back after the summer ends. As I’ve said in a previous post I’m only going to accept treatment via injections (assuming there isn’t something simple wrong with me that I don’t know about which can be completely reversed or fixed giving me a decent level.) If the doctor gives me c-l-o-m-I-d and tells me to come back in 3 months I’ll just leave and find someone who will give me the injections. I do not trust doctors.

When I was in middle school I was slightly sad so my parents took me to a doctor and he gave me p-r-o-z-a-c which I took for a few years. The result? Well for one ejaculatory a-n-h-e-d-o-n-I-a meaning I receive zero pleasure from orgasms. While zero pleasure from orgasms is most likely permanent seeing as I’ve had it for years now my erections and libido are fixable. I’m not too concerned with the zero pleasure from orgasms because it’s unable to be fixed and out of my control. I’ve already accepted the condition however my erection and low libido issues are completely fixable through injections. I want injections because as I’ve said I figure the best I’ll be able to get my level to through alternative treatment options is the 400 to 500 range which is completely unacceptable for someone my age. Also I’ve decided I won’t accept any level less than 1,200 to 1,100 from injections and if my doctor refuses to prescribe enough for this level then I’ll find a new doctor. Any advice on how to talk to / negotiate with doctors?

Thank you

You are completely out of path TungestMan. TRT is 200 mg/week at most. It’s not that the more you put in your body the better. Not even most of competitive bodybuilders take 1,200 mg /week on cycle, go figure the whole year.

A level of 1,200 n-a-n-o grams per deciliter. NOT 1,200 mg a week. I stopped adding n-a-n-o grams per deciliter because I can’t type the short hand version due to this forum’s annoying spell checking.

I see. The spell checker will be turned off automatically after 30 posts, as I remember.

Thanks, I can’t wait because it’s hard to word what I’m going to say due to having to limit my use of the spell check triggering words. Using hyphens and writing out a long version are both equally annoying to write and probably very annoying to read. :/ Sorry about the times I had to use hyphens.

FYI, I take 75/week and have seen a drastic increase. But my levels were decently higher than yours.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Thanks, I like the sound of a drastic increase.

Originally Posted by marinera
Nice post Chuck.

Thank you sir!

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I’ll be careful with the iodine and I’ll make sure the doctor does as many tests as possible. Then yea I’m 21 and I have zero sex drive at the moment most likely do to the 290 level. I believe the average is 750 for my age group but that includes out of shape guys and I read obesity can lower testosterone levels drastically so maybe the average for healthy males my age is 800 to 900? Maybe I have had some unexplained problem for the past five years now. I don’t know but taking more tests should reveal a problem if there is one. I’m just not sure if I want to try to fix it via alternative means. My “normal” level appears to be at 400 which is perfectly fine by most doctor’s standards then if I raise my level from 290 to 400 and it won’t go up anymore I’ll still be denied treatment even though it’s 50% of the normal value for my age. Obviously living with a level of 400 at 21 and watching it drop year by year doesn’t sound very appealing considering I still had bad erection issues with libido problems at 400 (worse now at 290 obviously as I’ve said in earlier posts). I only have some of May, June, July then part of August to try to fix this problem before I’d most likely have to start all over again in terms of finding a doctor because I’ll have to go back to school. My libido has actually gotten worse in the past few days which is “good” I guess (in terms of getting replacement shots).

The real dilemma I’m facing is this. First lets make three assumptions. 1) Lets say there’s a solid line for a person being declared low T and that line is at 300 (generous assumption, a lot of doctors choose 250 or 200 in your doctor’s case). 2) Lets also assume that if someone has low testosterone they will be prescribed replacement therapy (also fair). 3) Finally lets assume if someone is prescribed replacement therapy they will be replaced to a level of 800 on average (kind of fair because as long as a person’s lab tests remain normal doctors tend to aim for this level although some doctors are afraid of going to a normal level and instead opt for 500 to 600 especially in older men but since I’m 21 lets say 800 is a fair value). Obviously by making these three fair assumptions a serious issue arises. This issue of course originates with statement one. Lets say the doctor and I try to raise my levels to a normal value using alternative methods. Then I get a second blood test and the level comes back at 280. The doctor will declare I have low testosterone and I will be prescribed replacement therapy to get my level up to 800. The final result? My level is now 175% higher! Now in a parallel universe lets also say the doctor and I try to raise my levels to a normal value using alternative methods (good idea right?). I get a second blood test in the parallel universe and my level comes back at 380. The doctor will declare I do not have low testosterone and I will not be prescribed replacement therapy because the alternative methods worked. My level is now 31% higher. In which case am I better off in? I don’t think anyone here would agree I’m better off in the second case with my level naturally raised to 380 given that I’ll still have low testosterone symptoms of reduced libido, erection problems, tiredness in the gym, etc.

The above example makes me question if it’s even worth it to try to raise my level using alternative means. As you guys can see even if in the best case scenario I can raise my level to 450 (arbitrary number less than 500) through alternative means it would still be less than the 800 from replacement therapy (some doctors want their patients to be at the upper end of normal so 1,100 to 1,200 (this level is not uncommon for men aged 21 either.)). So now you guys know my dilemma. Should I attempt to keep my testosterone level low so I can get replacement therapy to get a level of 800 (hopefully 1,100 to 1,200) or should I attempt to raise my level through alternative means with my doctor and most likely get a level of 400 again? I say 400 again because lets be honest, the chance of increasing it from 290 to even 600 is probably very very low, increasing it to 800 is like wining the lottery and increasing it to 1,000 is zero. I really haven’t read any stories of guys more than doubling their testosterone level permanently who aren’t trying to sell an e-book on the “secret” for $39.99 (I mean considering I’m physically fit already. If I was 400 lbs I could easily double or even triple my testosterone level by simply losing weight). Now you guys know what I’m thinking about and my reasoning.

It’s your body. However, if I were you, I would determine why your testosterone level is so low. It may be the side effect of another medical condition. Also, you say that you’re physically fit? How many push-ups can you do in one set? Pull-ups? How fast can you run a 400m or mile? Personally I believe there’s a strong correlation between the amount of exercise performed daily and testosterone.

Originally Posted by Dinosaur
So you must not be taking in a lot of salt or you’re supplementing regular salt with sea salt.

Correct. For a period of time, I substituted regular (iodized) salt with sea salt. I believe this is how I became iodine deficient. After I supplemented and got my levels back to normal, I occasionally eat seaweed which is a good form of natural iodine.

You have to use inorganic iodine with potassium iodide, it is Lugol, some other glands use iodide iodine. The thyroid uses iodine and tyrosine do with the control of other glands.

I can do 30 pushups and 12 pullups in a set. I don’t currently run because I’ve had a problem with my ankles for my entire life where they hurt extremely bad when I run. But they’ve been 100% better since February when I started a gluten free diet so in my opinion I’m gluten intolerant. I definitely plan to start to run when I get everything straitened out. As far as I know I don’t have any medical conditions that could cause low testosterone however my doctor’s appointment is this Tuesday so I’ll see what he says.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
I can do 30 pushups and 12 pullups in a set. I don’t currently run because I’ve had a problem with my ankles for my entire life where they hurt extremely bad when I run. But they’ve been 100% better since February when I started a gluten free diet so in my opinion I’m gluten intolerant. I definitely plan to start to run when I get everything straitened out. As far as I know I don’t have any medical conditions that could cause low testosterone however my doctor’s appointment is this Tuesday so I’ll see what he says.

Good job on the pull-ups. Sounds like you are in decent shape. However, you may feel better if you increase the intensity of your workouts. This has been my experience. Good luck!

Thanks, I’m seeing the urologist today so I’ll tell you guys how that goes later today.

There’s a lot of options out there, but I’d highly recommend trying to increase your testosterone naturally and try to avoid medications to boost it. It can be dangerous to go on testosterone and then try to get off of it, because if you’re on it long term your body begins to become reliant on it. I’d make sure to get plenty of exercise, work on increasing your overall muscle mass and decrease excess fat content. Make sure to eat a balanced diet as well.


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