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Total testosterone of 290 at 21 years old. Options?

Originally Posted by donmcgowen
I’m going to chime in. I’m 37 and my test is 267. No libido. I can get hard, just have no sex drive. So, I do testosterone cycles and I am an animal. My dick is like a monster. I take Nolvadex and Clomid for pct and and HCG to keep my balls healthy. The problem is Dr’s have no idea about this stuff. They think anything between 200-900 is normal. Sorry, if you are 80 years old with a 250 test level fine, but not when you are 25. There is a huge difference in sex drive with test levels. Idc, I’m running cycles because I’m not a 60 year old man with no sex drive. I love sex and there are zero natural alternatives to increase your test to a sufficient level.

I will never say anyone should take steroids, that’s a personal decision. But for me, I want a sex life, so that’s what I’m going to do. Without the testosterone, I could have sex once year and be fine. That is lame and Dr’s will not do ANYTHING if your test levels are between 200-900 cause that’s NORMAL. Yeah, whatever.

Thanks man. If you don’t mind me asking, how long once you started injections did it take for your erections and libido to return to a good level? I just started taking testosterone enanthate yesterday and so far I haven’t noticed anything. I did wake up with an erection last night but no real libido increase or erections during the day.

But yea doctors think it’s 100% fine to be at a low level at 21 years old. I mean the average 70 year old has a higher testosterone level than my natural max. Also why do you cycle it instead of just taking the same dose every week? or do you take the same dose each week + cycle higher doses?

I cycle Testerone 12 weeks on, 12 weeks off. If you stay on too long, you will jack up your natural Test, even though I feel like mine is jacked already. I also still want to have kids. If you run a 12 week cycle, do proper PCT, you can fully recover by your next cycle. My test was 267 10 weeks after my last injection, that basically my standard level. When I recover, I don’t have a problem with ED, but with my low test levels I just don’t have a sex drive.

As far as how long after the first injection my libido changes, I say by the end of the first week I start getting raging hard ons. This continues for the entire cycle and one month past my last injection. Then my libido drops back to my natural levels. I use the same dose every week. I take 250mg 2x a week, so 500mg a week.

I want to say, I’m advocating steroid use. This is my decision being 37 years old and being very well informed. I don’t like the fact that you are 21 and using steroids, my sex drive was much better at that age. However, you’re an adult and it’s your decision. Make sure you educate yourself. If you don’t have Nolvadex or Clomid available, and I would also advise and anti estrogen and HCG to keep your balls back in place. If you don’t do proper PCT, you will permanently damage your system.

I wish there were better Dr’s to help with low sex drive, but there is not. They say if you test levels are between some ridiculous normal range, they are not willing to help. I don’t have a problem with ED, I have a problem with sex drive. And I’m not going through life not wanting sex. I have plenty of boning left in me, especially with my hot ass girlfriend.

Starting Size

March 2015 BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.0" EG 5"

Sept 2014 BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.25"

Tungstenman, what dose of test are you taking? Also, are you getting it from a reputable source? You don’t want to be using junk. Are you planning to just do a HRT where you always stay on? If so, like someone said, a maintenance will be around 150-200mg a week. I run 500 a week, I’m not just doing it for sex drive, but also for muscle mass. I work our a lift weights a lot. PM me if you are unsure of the quality of your gear. Also, you may not feel a huge effect like I do if you are only running 200mg a week. I’ve never run that low, so not sure how that would feel.

Starting Size

March 2015 BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.0" EG 5"

Sept 2014 BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.25"

Generally it is frontloaded: first injection would be 2.4 folds the amount of test you want on average (assuming you are using longer esters). So for a 200mg x W first injection would be about 500 mg.

500 mg x week is way too high and is going to shut down your balls just after the first shoot.

Yea guys I actually had night time and morning erections for the past week. First time in like 5 or 6 years. My libido has improved but I’m keeping my estrogen nuked for the time being because I’m afraid of gyno. I feel like low is better than high even though they’re both bad. My doctor thinks that’s a good idea until I get my next blood test in a couple weeks.

Although I’m thinking my dick as well as my PC, BC and IC muscles have kind of atrophied over the last few years due to the lack of erections since some weeks I’d only have 1 erection for the entire week (serious and no night wood). I read a study about how it takes 2 to 3 weeks for a person to start to see a libido improvement then it’s maximized by week 6. Then erections reach their peak level in terms of quality after 3 months. I’m thinking mine have started to improve ahead of that because my levels weren’t that low (300 to 400) versus some guys are in the 100s and 200s. Though I was in the 100s and 200s for the past couple months since my T level never recovered after taking the HCG.

Kind of too late to front load but I’ll see how the TRT works out over the next few months.

Thanks guys

Be careful with the anti-estrogen stuff, if your estrogen levels go too low that can kill your libido too. Sounds like you’ve got a great doctor, those are hard to find.

Congrats on the night and morning wood, that is a great sign.

I went undiagnosed for a long long time, then went untreated for a year. Same story regarding erections. I am sure I had some atrophy, but starting and doing PE was great for that.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Be careful with the anti-estrogen stuff, if your estrogen levels go too low that can kill your libido too. Sounds like you’ve got a great doctor, those are hard to find.

Congrats on the night and morning wood, that is a great sign.

I went undiagnosed for a long long time, then went untreated for a year. Same story regarding erections. I am sure I had some atrophy, but starting and doing PE was great for that.

Yea I’ll be careful of that. Hopefully I’ll see a big increase in the coming weeks.

You don’t need an anti-estrogen at therapeutic levels (of course there are always exceptions). You can’t run for a lot of time at too high testosterone levels, for a number of reasons.

Originally Posted by marinera
You don’t need an anti-estrogen at therapeutic levels (of course there are always exceptions). You can’t run for a lot of time at too high testosterone levels, for a number of reasons.

Yea I’ll see what my blood tests come back as in the next few weeks.

Alright just wanted to give a brief update.

Libido is up and erections are better but it’s not “spectacular”. I should also mention that I get poor sleep. Around 5 to 6 hours a night that’s interrupted. I have issues with urinating at night time. Currently trying out vasopressin to try to fix it as well as a few herbal supplements to shrink the prostate.

How much of an impact do you think poor sleep has on erections and libido?

Also the gym is going very very well. Since I started the TRT my arm size has gone from 16.25 inches up to 17.375 inches. Chest has gone up 2 inches from 46 to 48. Quads are up too to 25.5 inches. Calves are up like 0.25 inches but that’s because the calf raise machine at the gym is broken so I’ve only been doing leg presses. Forearms are decent at 14.25 inches now. Waist has remained constant at 31 inches. My weight has also remained constant at 231 lbs which is puzzling because my measurements have increased. I don’t think I have much water weight because I’ve been taking more AI than I should. My roommate has said I’ve gotten leaner but I’m not so sure. My diet has been 4,500 to 5,000 calories at day with 300 grams of protein minimum so I’m not really sure how I wasn’t able to gain weight……

I decided today that I’m going to lose fat and drop ~15 lbs to get to 8% body fat. I’ll look a lot better if I do it. Should only see a slight decrease in measurements since almost all my fat is ab + lower back fat. I’ll continue to go to the gym 6x a week at the same intensity so hopefully I’ll even gain muscle mass in the process.

I will post pictures once I drop the fat in ~6 weeks. Maybe a bit before. Just want to prove that I’m not bullshitting since you guys probably all think that.

This summer I slept so many times about 2 to 4 hours during the night. Do you know what? I was horny as hell! Lol. I think it depends on the situations, I worked as waiter so seeing all those hot girls all days jumped up my testosterone.

Anyway, thinking a bit even during winter, when I sleep less than the usual amount, I am generally hornier. But that’s just me.

You are not the only one.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Hmmm any possible causes for low libido and infrequent erections then?

Tungsten Man,

Poor sleep could have an overall effect. Your body creates testosterone as you rest and recover. If you are not sleeping well, it could have an impact. The place I am doing my TRT wanted me to get a sleep study to see if sleep apnea may be some of the cause of my low T issues.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Testosterone makes people more sleepy, generally. The low libido could have several causes, first that come to mind are too high T doses, which can send estrogens to the sky, or the rollercoaster effect, or again your are pushing too much in the gym believing that T is already in your blood stream, or..well you got the idea.

What dosage are you on? It takes several weeks for T enanthate to go completely in blood stream. Also, I would avoid taking other medications without doctor’ advice, it can unleash fucking unpredictable reactions. Taking a prostate shrinker at 21 when you are coming from a story of low testosterone is somewhat ridicolous.


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