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Are most newbie gains simply "recoveries"


Are most newbie gains simply "recoveries"

I have been doing this 1 month and I havent seen much change in my penis, bigger flacid I think but thats about it. I am young without ED and I’m wondering if most people who gain quick with noob gains are just gaining because they are working their penis and recovering lost size, or erection quality

Originally Posted by shookone
I have been doing this 1 month and I havent seen much change in my penis, bigger flacid I think but thats about it. I am young without ED and I’m wondering if most people who gain quick with noob gains are just gaining because they are working their penis and recovering lost size, or erection quality

Hi shookone.

It’s really down to the way your body works. Some guys can make quick gains, but the majority take a little longer than 1 month to start showing results.

It’s better to do things steadily. So don’t be tempted to use extra force, as damage could result.

Good luck


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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I think the bigger donation is the faster penis grows ;)

Quick gains in a month may just be the stretching of the ligs and tendons causing some internal penis to be exposed this would make sense because if the gains are not cemented people seem to lose all there gains.This could be from the tendons tightening up again. I don’t think any ones body grows tissue this fast.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Bump still looking for opinions on this


How would one cement gains by ligs alowing more inner penis to be exposed? Long term light tension ADS? That the force can be very light, as long as it remains extended.. Most of the day?


“Word up son, word
Yeah, to all the killers and a hundred dollar billas”

To answer your question, I agree with what your asking. I think some people get quick gains because they are “recovering” or whatever you want to call it. I think of it as newbie gains come from people who haven’t reached 100% of their true penile size for whatever reasons, and then real PE gains are hard to obtain after you reach your “100%.” Understand? It’s hard for me to describe but I agree with you.

This is a really interesting question. The hard gainers’ forum seems like the place where physiologic reasons for slow growth happen, but remember: you’ve only done this for a month. Don’t give up. Stay with your routine!

June 24 2008: BPEL 6.4 NBPEL 6.0 EG 4.6

I just read your reply (shookone) in another forum and it looks like you only do stretching. Have you tried the LOT test/theory? Maybe you already have stretched out ligs.

June 24 2008: BPEL 6.4 NBPEL 6.0 EG 4.6

Maybe the initial 1/16” to 1/8” newbie gains are exactly what you describe. None the less, a harder penis is a bigger penis.

I really don’t see the downside of “recovering lost size or improving erection quality”.

In your own case, check out this thread.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

The “regular newbie” routine was too much for me. I did something similar to the thread I linked to and had much better results. A fair number of guys respond better to a “less is more” PE approach.

My personal opinion is: if you are young, you can’t recover previous size, because you haven’t lost anything.

If you are a bit older, likely your quick gains are recovery-gains.


I’ve long believed that the newbie pop is exactly that— regained penis health and a return to a fully functioning unit, at least for someone over 25-30. For the younger lads I’m not so sure that their units have had time to grow decrepit, so that may be more a matter of free-riding on less settled tissues that are more open to expansion.

Kind of like when you’ve been out of school for a couple of years and not doing too much in the way of physical activity? As soon as you start you experience a period of quick ‘gains’— but are they really gains or just a return to a healthier homeostasis?

I think I could accept this premise. Looking at my stats and history, I’ve sort of wondered how I gained so well with such a lazy and inconsistent routine. The answer might well be that I am simply regaining the penis of my youth.

And you mentioned a flaccid gain. It has long been my opinion that a flaccid gain is a great sign. First of all, it means that you have actually affected your penis and its characteristics. This is great news, because it means that you CAN change your penis, which means that erect gains are certainly possible. Second, I believe that flaccid gains are the precursor to erect gains. They are not a guarantee of any sort, but I do think that the lay the ground work for erect gains.

My BPFSL used to be longer than my BPEL, but now I’ve gotten to where my BPFSL and my BPEL are the same, so my BPEL grew to “fill up” my BPSFL, so now I’m focusing on extending my BPFSL to “make room” for more BPEL.

I do think that my EG gain of .25” is simply the result of better overall penile health, more blood flow, and improved EQ.

And for my real point: to me, it doesn’t matter why… any gain is a great gain!

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

KingPole is my Sensei - Goal: Just a little bit more - Progress/Routine - My Pictures - Perfect Measuring Technique

I think that it’s probably yes, restretching tendons that have grown taut, and regaining bloodflow to areas that have become “decrepit.”

Originally Posted by frosh
I just read your reply (shookone) in another forum and it looks like you only do stretching. Have you tried the LOT test/theory? Maybe you already have stretched out ligs.

Yeah I only do stretching for now, jelqing is a bit too tedious and messy for me, and I’m not that interested in girth gains anyways. My LOT is actually rather high, so I don’t think it would be that. I have seen gains since the start, when I started I was around 6.75 and now I’m around 7.25. It could be less, but the ruler is definitely higher than it was when I started, which means something is working.

Originally Posted by springer240

“Word up son, word
Yeah, to all the killers and a hundred dollar billas”

Hahaha :)

Originally Posted by Springer240
To answer your question, I agree with what your asking. I think some people get quick gains because they are “recovering” or whatever you want to call it. I think of it as newbie gains come from people who haven’t reached 100% of their true penile size for whatever reasons, and then real PE gains are hard to obtain after you reach your “100%.” Understand? It’s hard for me to describe but I agree with you.

Yep that is definitely what I’m saying, dunno if any of this has any truth to it, but I think it’s certainly a possibility. It would go on a case by case basis anyways.

Last edited by shookone : 06-26-2008 at .
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