Can't get a full stretch, tough flaccid issue, really need a good advice
I know it’s an unfamiliar problem as I didn’t notice much discussions if at all about that issue..
Anyway.. Thing is, its already been a week that my unit is just tough and not stretchable in flaccid state no matter what time I’m trying to work it out.
My routine is hanging and jelqing.
I can’t stretch or hang that way because there is a little stretch if at all, it seems and feel not effective at all.
I know very well the feeling of a full stretch I am not a newbie and already gained 1/2 inch length.
If I concentrate 100% to get my unit flaccid and smaller as I can, I’m able to get a good stretch but only for few seconds until it get tougher again and then the stretch is no good.
Seriously I am very dedicated to PE and don’t wanna miss even 1 workout, but I just can’t stretch or hang that way.. I started to think about jelqing only routine haha..
What ya think fellas?