Extender then pumping
Hi I am new to this site and exercising my penis in general. I am currently about 6.25 in length I’m not sure about girth haven’t measured just yet. I just bought a extender online and am waiting for it to arrive. I have done some research and all the sites say it’s okay to sleep with but I’m a little skeptical about that.. The possible blood circulation issues. Has anyone slept with one on and can tell me proof positive that I will be okay? My real question is based on the theory of extenders that we use traction on the penis to let the cells multiply and based on the knowledge that pumps increase blood flow and good blood flow helps things heal. I thought about maybe using my extender then right after ward using a pump to increase the blood to my penis. Does this sound like it would work to any of you? I don’t have a pump so I am not up on what actually happens with one but will be reading it on this site. I hope any of this makes sense I’m just eager to start.