Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

fast, FREE growth


fast, FREE growth

I haven’t had a whole lot of activity on here since my first post four and a half years ago (geez, time does fly), in which I talked about my good experiences using self-hypnosis for penis growth. Back then I gave my measurements as 7 7/16" x 5 1/2" (14.0 mm). Since then, using both hypnosis and PE (jelqing and pumping) - but mostly not doing any kind of enlargement for long stretches - I’ve gotten up to 7 3/4", with no gain in girth. I don’t know why, but I’ve never gotten much girth growth (prior to the 2004 post I had gained all of 3/8" girth, vs. 1 3/16" in length!), and it’s been frustrating. Granted, I never did specifically girth routines, but I should have had SOME increase in four and a half years.

Well, that’s changed lately. That 7 3/4" x 14.0 cm (sorry about using different units; it’s how I’ve gotten used to measuring myself) size I gave was as of about a month ago. As of today I’m at 7 7/8" x 14.5 cm (14.6 when really excited) ( pic here: my current girth). I’ve had some fast gains in this month, and best of all, I’ve had good gains in girth, finally! And the bulk of the girth gains have come in the past week. AND, most awesome of all, this growth seems to have had little or nothing to do with manual PE - it’s all been from hypnosis and/or other "non-manual" techniques… in other words, "free" growth!

Here’s the extent of what I’ve done to make this happen in the past three weeks: I’ve had six PE sessions (stretches, jelqing, pumping); I’ve had three self-hypnosis sessions, one of which doesn’t really count because I could barely stay awake through it; and I’ve had about nine weight-training workouts. And also, I’ve taken on a pretty stepped-up leadership role at work lately, especially in the last few weeks. I know these last two things sound like a strange thing to bring up related to penis enlargement. Stay with me.

Here’s how I thing the weight training may have done it. In my earlier post I mentioned a 10mm growth spurt I had when I was 19 following a bout of the first weight training I’d done in my life. I hadn’t been doing self-hypnosis or anything else for enlargement at the time, so I figured the growth had to have been from the working out; specifically, from the spike in testosterone in my system that it brought on. People here have doubted that a testosterone spike couldn’t do such a thing, but it’s the best way I could think of to explain what I was seeing on the ruler. Aside from, as I wrote, "Since I was 19 at the time, it may have simply been a late final burst of adolscent growth."

I’ve often thought about that growth spurt over the years, and wondered if it could work again. I never tried it, aside from a few work outs; obviously, weight training isn’t really my thing. But when I got my first ever gym membership recently so I could run indoors during the cold months, I decided to give the weight training a shot. So I’ve been doing it fairly regularly for the past month or so.

Well, it may have paid off very well. But my growth could also have been due to the last "technique" I mentioned: having more of a leadership role at work. This idea comes from something I heard years ago and have also written about here, which is: that men have been known to experience some penis growth after coming into positions of power. The reason would be similar to my theory about weight training: that the increased power brings a spike of testosterone to the system, which then brings about growth.

So that’s four possible causes for this new growth, and it’s impossible to say which one or ones are responsible. Although, I can pretty much rule out the PE. Six sessions isn’t enough to do much of anything. In my previous bout of PE, several months ago, I had about TWENTY-six sessions, and gained a whopping 1/16" in length and nothing in girth. Also, I haven’t done any PE in over a week, and in that time I went from 14.3cm to 14.6cm in girth. Still, the PE may have reinforced the other stuff. In fact, all four of these things may have been working together.

Whatever it was, I’m excited. I have to say, my cock looks awesome lately!

Last edited by thelovelybone : 02-22-2009 at . Reason: Edited to add link to my pic thread.

Actually for girth one session is enough to alter your girth, well for myself anyway. I have been bodybuilding for three years and when I have to take a break from it (injury) I have many less erections, maybe your not actually seeing growth just better EQ from the hormones circulating in your body.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

How about some detail on your self-hypnosis sessions. What is your “script”?

I am a firm believer that visualization can help you achieve goals. By extension I can see how hypnosis could help too.

(ON EDIT - by the way, when I grow it usually happens during days off. Maybe you are similar)

Originally Posted by sta-kool
How about some detail on your self-hypnosis sessions. What is your “script”?

Yes please share, I am up to try anything to boost my gains.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Maybe the factors you mentioned did play a small part in the growth but for the most part I think its just less is more.

Originally Posted by sta-kool

(ON EDIT - by the way, when I grow it usually happens during days off. Maybe you are similar)

I don’t know… I’ve done my fair share of PE over the years, so I’ve had plenty of days off. And almost no girth gains, until now. Most of the 3/8” overall girth gain I mentioned came from my hypnosis-only days.

Last edited by thelovelybone : 02-22-2009 at . Reason: Fixed a misspelling.

Originally Posted by thelovelybone


This idea comes from something I heard years ago and have also written about here, which is: that men have been known to experience some penis growth after coming into positions of power.


So that's why Michelle Obama is smiling more these days!

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by bluray
Actually for girth one session is enough to alter your girth, well for myself anyway. I have been bodybuilding for three years and when I have to take a break from it (injury) I have many less erections, maybe your not actually seeing growth just better EQ from the hormones circulating in your body.

That’s a good point. The working out is for sure resulting in better erections. But an erection can only get so good. A week ago I was getting super-hard erections. And they were 3mm less girthy than my super-hard erections of late.

Okay, about self-hypnosis scripts. I have used two different suites of hypnosis programs for penis enlargement, although they’re very similar to each other to the point of having identically-worded portions. Both of these include a few induction sessions that are based on different approaches for growth. Both have a version of age regression, for instance.

But, I actually prefer, and have had the most success, with true self-hypnosis, if you will. For this, I will use a hypnosis audio for induction, that is, to “go under”. Once the induction is over, I’ll turn off the audio and then continue with my own thoughts, my own suggestions. And the suggestions I use are also based on age regression. So that’s the approach I’ll focus on.

So, the age regression script, in skeleton form, goes something like this:

Take a moment to fully take in the experience of being in your body right now. Take that experience, that full-body sensation, and “see” it in your mind’s eye. Think of this as a movie screen, but instead of merely seeing what’s going on, you fully experience, with all of your senses, this movie. And this is a movie of your life as lived in your body.

Now begin to play that movie in reverse: start moving backward in time and seeing, experiencing what it was like to be in your body then. [this part is mostly visualization - remembering past experiences and milestones, and “pausing” periodically to experience a particular point in time.]

Now you’re back to when you were twelve years old [or whatever]. At this age dramatic and rapid changes are taking place in your body; your body is transforming from a boy’s body to a man’s. Notice in particular what is happening with your genitals. Your penis, too, is becoming a bigger, man’s penis - it is growing in length and thickness.

Really focus on your growing penis, and fully feel that growth. Feel the excitement, the rush of hormones, the warmth, the tingling sensation, that come from the rapid growth that is going on here. Feel it, focus on it, and magnify the sensation.

Hold on to that sensation. Then, as now: this is your penis now, growing and changing. Bring this sensation forward with you in time, as you fast forward back through your life, up to the present.

…There’s a lot of elaboration on these ideas, but that’s the gist. Focusing on the “sensation of growth” seems to be key. In good sessions, I’ve been able to feel something going on down there, and then magnify it until I have powerful sensations, as though there is hot electricity flowing through my cock. The hypnotic state seems to make this possible: it lets you get more in touch with your body-mind connection. It’s probably possible to induce warm/tingling/electric sensations in any body part in much the same way. Which is why, the particular approach used for hypnosis might not matter: the best thing, no matter how you go about it, might just be to get that sensation in your dick. It can spark something that lasts well beyond the hypnosis session.

Thanks - I appreciate you breaking it down for me. I will try something similar.

I will admit to using the “Penis Enlargement” hypnosis session from mindfit hypnosis. It is similar to what you are doing, but without quite so much regression. However he gives reminder of that time in your life, and says that is natural and normal to return to that state, and that your mind knows which hormones to release to put you into growth mode again. Also reinforcement for doing your PE workout consistently. I do experience that “growth/tingling” sensation while listening - it is interesting. I do believe it has helped - if nothing else it does keep me in the mode of wanting to do my PE workouts consistently.

Link is here:

Anyway: Your post helps me think of ways I can expand on this, tailoring it specifically to my goals.

I cant wait to start trying this. I think this could help me in other area’s not only things PE related.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Often gains come in a deconditioning/tapering phase. That’s all.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Thanks - I appreciate you breaking it down for me. I will try something similar.

I will admit to using the “Penis Enlargement” hypnosis session from mindfit hypnosis. It is similar to what you are doing, but without quite so much regression. However he gives reminder of that time in your life, and says that is natural and normal to return to that state, and that your mind knows which hormones to release to put you into growth mode again. Also reinforcement for doing your PE workout consistently. I do experience that “growth/tingling” sensation while listening - it is interesting. I do believe it has helped - if nothing else it does keep me in the mode of wanting to do my PE workouts consistently.

Link is here:

Anyway: Your post helps me think of ways I can expand on this, tailoring it specifically to my goals.

It’s good to hear that someone else has experienced this. I’m sure it’s been making a difference for you.

Bluray: best of luck with that.

Occam’s razor dude. I’ve gotten 1/5” gains from just 3-5 sessions when I was years into PE and I’ve also gotten gains during breaks when not doing any PE at all.

My Measurements | My Favorites

Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Occam’s razor dude. I’ve gotten 1/5” gains from just 3-5 sessions when I was years into PE and I’ve also gotten gains during breaks when not doing any PE at all.

But why did you get these unexpected gains? It didn’t just randomly happen. Maybe you had come into a position of power at the time :)

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