Just girth
Hey, guys.
I’m trying to find a set of exercises that would solely focus on girth. I don’t even care if I lose some length, as my starting EG is 4.313” and I goddamn hate it.
I’ve done PE for a couple of months a couple of times, the most recent time being in Feb-May 2015, with mostly length gains (possibly 0.5” of length and 0.15” of girth) but health issues have caused me to stop every time.
My goal is to gain 1 inch in EG all around, as my penis is pretty much straight without fluctuations in the size from the base to the head (I would love a mushroom head).
My question is, apart from the newbie routine, is there an established pathway to increase girth size without really caring about length? I know that girth gains are harder to get and take more time.