Seriously getting frustrated. Insight Needed.
Hey everybody, I’ve been sticking to a routine of 150-200 jelqs/around 70 jelq squeezes, sets of 20 with 10 jelqs in between/ and handclamp for 1 minute. At first this routine seemed great as I was adding on to my already okay size of 7.2 nbp by 5.2-3.
Now, 2 weeks later, after a consistent every day, rest day when needed schedule, my flaccid AND erect have shrunken AGAIN. I’m now at the same length with a much smaller girth and honestly it’s affecting me, it really makes me angry over the fact that I shouldn’t be shrinking for no reason! It could be low test, as I have some of the symptoms, and my ejaculation amount is small and watery. My flaccid is small and thin, which isn’t so bad as it usually isn’t massive haha.
But my erect girth shrinkage is seriously bothering me.
Also, my flaccid and erect have much more prominent veins now all over the side, they are soft and they are not painful. Not sure what that means but it is a ton of veinage no matter what state.
Need insight and info thanks.