Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Seriously getting frustrated. Insight Needed.

Seriously getting frustrated. Insight Needed.

Hey everybody, I’ve been sticking to a routine of 150-200 jelqs/around 70 jelq squeezes, sets of 20 with 10 jelqs in between/ and handclamp for 1 minute. At first this routine seemed great as I was adding on to my already okay size of 7.2 nbp by 5.2-3.

Now, 2 weeks later, after a consistent every day, rest day when needed schedule, my flaccid AND erect have shrunken AGAIN. I’m now at the same length with a much smaller girth and honestly it’s affecting me, it really makes me angry over the fact that I shouldn’t be shrinking for no reason! It could be low test, as I have some of the symptoms, and my ejaculation amount is small and watery. My flaccid is small and thin, which isn’t so bad as it usually isn’t massive haha.
But my erect girth shrinkage is seriously bothering me.

Also, my flaccid and erect have much more prominent veins now all over the side, they are soft and they are not painful. Not sure what that means but it is a ton of veinage no matter what state.

Need insight and info thanks.

This sounds counterintuitive but I was hitting things pretty heavily and noticed length shrinkage also. I had to take a week off for travel with the family and was very disappointed I had to cease all PE activities during that time. When I returned, after two sessions, I noticed the length had returned. I can’t offer a solid scientific explanation, just observation. And relief!

I went from about 5.2 to about 4.8 last night to about 5 right now. It sucks. I guess it’s okay since I’m not really interested in being sexually active at this very moment as I need to focus on other things.

Hahaha Ecto I definetly feel you on that. I’ve had panicked days at the beginning of my PE career where I hit it way to hard and ended up loosing more inches than Adele on a diet.

Hopefully I gain some girth back. I want to start clamping and attacking my goal of 5.5. I don’t care too much about length as I can easily fit both hands on my dick with a inch left, plus length for me is already good I think.

Started roughly: 6.3 x 4.4

5/21/2015: 7.2 x 5.3

3/06/2017 (have not done PE for 12+ months) 7 x 5 - 5.1

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
I went from about 5.2 to about 4.8 last night to about 5 right now.

This is totally minor and happens daily for me. You made it sound like you permanently shrunk.
This is part of PE. Deal with it or stop measuring. Many dont measure at all cause they cant deal with this.

You always want to do the least amount necessary to gain.
To find that you start increasing slowly always checking for positive PI ‘s .
Repeat what creates positive PI ‘s. Change what creates negative PI ‘s.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
I went from about 5.2 to about 4.8 last night to about 5 right now.

This is totally minor and happens daily for me. You made it sound like you permanently shrunk.
This is part of PE. Deal with it or stop measuring. Many dont measure at all cause they cant deal with this.

You always want to do the least amount necessary to gain.
To find that you start increasing slowly always checking for positive PI ‘s .
Repeat what creates positive PI ‘s. Change what creates negative PI ‘s.
I think many of you young guys need to train observing your body better and relate it to the theory available.

Sorry haha, no it did not permanently change, it changes usually monthly. It will eventually get thicker now after this than it was before, but I’m taking a 5 day break first. Also I don’t measure but I can just tell by my hands and how it looks.

What is Pl? How do I know if I have negative or positive Pl? Any links to information on this? I will try to find myself after school.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
Sorry haha, no it did not permanently change, it changes usually monthly. It will eventually get thicker now after this than it was before, but I’m taking a 5 day break first. Also I don’t measure but I can just tell by my hands and how it looks.

What is Pl? How do I know if I have negative or positive Pl? Any links to information on this? I will try to find myself after school.

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

When i was a hardcore pumper, some time this happened. It’s because you are overtrainning and your penis need to heal, so it go back for me it was like a temporary penis contraction. It’s normal and not permanent.


Lets start with some definite Negative PIs;
-decreased nite and morning wood
-decreased hardness of erections
-loss of size

Now for the definite Positive PIs;
-larger flaccid hang lasting all day
-increased nite and morning wood
-increased hardness of erections
-increase of normal size

Neutral PIs;
-temporary penis contraction after a PE workout
-slight achyness in your penis
-increased size temporarily, a few minutes to a couple hours
-edema in the penis skin

Of all the PIs, SIZE GAIN OR LOSS is the bottom line! Size loss or gain will give you the final word on whether you are being effective or not.
So lets use an example and put these PIs in use.


Originally Posted by Pumpbra
Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!

When i was a hardcore pumper, some time this happened. It’s because you are overtrainning and your penis need to heal, so it go back for me it was like a temporary penis contraction. It’s normal and not permanent.


Lets start with some definite Negative PIs;
-decreased nite and morning wood
-decreased hardness of erections
-loss of size

Now for the definite Positive PIs;
-larger flaccid hang lasting all day
-increased nite and morning wood
-increased hardness of erections
-increase of normal size

Neutral PIs;
-temporary penis contraction after a PE workout
-slight achyness in your penis
-increased size temporarily, a few minutes to a couple hours
-edema in the penis skin

Of all the PIs, SIZE GAIN OR LOSS is the bottom line! Size loss or gain will give you the final word on whether you are being effective or not.
So lets use an example and put these PIs in use.


Thank you for the link I will definitely read it soon, would more veins been a Pl or NI? They don’t hurt and they’re not sore, but they’re like veins that look like tree branches. Also I get thinner while PEing strangely enough.

Do you know the thick cord inside your penis that goes down into your body? I’m not sure how to explain it. But when I PE That cord seems to be pushed forward and it is always bent at a 90 degree angle when soft. Not sure if that’s normal or anything, just started noticing that a while back.

Also when I get thinner I notice my base girth is smaller first then gradually the rest of my shaft gets thinner.

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
Thank you for the link I will definitely read it soon, would more veins been a Pl or NI? They don’t hurt and they’re not sore, but they’re like veins that look like tree branches. Also I get thinner while PEing strangely enough.

Do you know the thick cord inside your penis that goes down into your body? I’m not sure how to explain it. But when I PE That cord seems to be pushed forward and it is always bent at a 90 degree angle when soft. Not sure if that’s normal or anything, just started noticing that a while back.

Also when I get thinner I notice my base girth is smaller first then gradually the rest of my shaft gets thinner.

I read about this “cord” but i could not get to find it yet, some people can’t like me, idk why. I only could find the ligaments and the rest, and not this “cord”. But so far what i read it’s normal to have this “cord”.

Hum, about thinner idk. Never happened to me. Maybe it’s your blood flow? Is it inside thinner or outside like skin?

Bar none the best thread in PE history!
Every newbie should be forced to read it before attempting a single jelq!!!
Thats why I link it in my signature.

If you dont understand the principles in his PI thread you will have a hard time with PE.

If you check out the threads sparky started you will have entered the most valuable part of the PE community.
Most other knowledgable people interacted and contributed to his threads too,

Originally Posted by LiquidHeroine
Thank you for the link I will definitely read it soon, would more veins been a Pl or NI? They don’t hurt and they’re not sore, but they’re like veins that look like tree branches. Also I get thinner while PEing strangely enough.

Do you know the thick cord inside your penis that goes down into your body? I’m not sure how to explain it. But when I PE That cord seems to be pushed forward and it is always bent at a 90 degree angle when soft. Not sure if that’s normal or anything, just started noticing that a while back.

Also when I get thinner I notice my base girth is smaller first then gradually the rest of my shaft gets thinner.

More veins can be considered a positive PI . Of course you always have to look at the bigger picture and see it all in relation to each other.
For example looking for as much indicators you can and then writting them down in relation to the routine done.
Then you can check what works and what not. ( I have good PI when… , I have bad PI when..)

Man you annoy me with your thinner through PE talk. lol
Its probably temporary expansion you created through exercises and then the expansion gets less.
Or even edema that is draining first at the base.
You shouldnt worry about it as long as you dont go below the girth you started with.
And espacially not if the reason is a lower EQ.
Also from sparky in that regard: Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

I have the feeling you are doing too much.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
More veins can be considered a positive PI . Of course you always have to look at the bigger picture and see it all in relation to each other.
For example looking for as much indicators you can and then writting them down in relation to the routine done.
Then you can check what works and what not. ( I have good PI when… , I have bad PI when..)

Man you annoy me with your thinner through PE talk. lol
Its probably temporary expansion you created through exercises and then the expansion gets less.
Or even edema that is draining first at the base.
You shouldnt worry about it as long as you dont go below the girth you started with.
And espacially not if the reason is a lower EQ.
Also from sparky in that regard: Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

I have the feeling you are doing too much.

I’m reading about PI’s now and recording them right now. So far I’d say I have all pos PI; night/morning erections, veins, hard erections.

I don’t mean to annoy you lol I just get frustrated. No it’s not temporary expansion. I’m get thicker when I take breaks. I believe I am doing too much like you also believe.

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