Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

dynamic clamping

Originally Posted by carrbc
Could this work with dynamic clamping, too?

I am a relative newbie so am not sure if I should be replying. Anyway dynamic clamping sounds like jelqing to me. I did some unintended high intensity jelqing by rolling a rolled up constriction sleeve over my glans and lost a lot of sensitivity in my glans for over a month. Only now got it back. Could not even ejaculate for a few weeks or so. I say beware if very high intensity jelqing is what you have in mind.

OK, here’s what I have noticed so far.

I love pumping, but had to give it up because it was causing too many broken capillaries and it was just getting worse with time not better. I found rather than getting conditioned, my skin was becoming more and more sensitive to vacuum, to the point even 3 in hg was causing a problem, so I quit it about 9 months ago.

I have tried this style, using my aquarium vacuum pump set at about 5 in hg, and today did about 20 minutes. This is about the 4th time I have used this method and today, almost zero red dots which is really great for me and not possible 9 months ago.

I did get about 1/4 inch expansion in length by the end of those 20 minutes, with very little edema, which is amazing because its all pretty much true expansion.

In my opinion, I still buy into the Vets belief that the lower the vacuum the more steady and prolonged gains you will get, so I am going to experiment with a max of 5 in hg and ride it as long as I am getting gains, then maybe up it to 6 when gains stop.

I think its ok to do short bursts of higher vacuum, but I think prolonged use of high vacuum MAY toughen tissue and bring it all to a screeching halt. You will see gains at first, but when it stops, its over for a long time.

If you read some of our Pumping Masters like Avocet and Peforeal, they got amazing gains over longer periods of time with moderate vacuum forces, and all insist that slow and steady is what works, and I tend to agree.

HOWEVER, there are occasionally guys reporting monster gains that conditioned their dicks over many years to take higher forces and have acheived gains that sound impossible. My thoughts on this, is I have heard it enough to believe there is something to it.

HOWEVER, not everyone can tolerate high vacuum forces and you can permanently ruin you dick, so here are MY guidelines if you want to try to “walk on the wild side”;
!) Slow, INCREMENTAL increasing of vacuum over WEEKS of time.
2) If you start to get red dots, that is your body telling you, you are starting to overwhelm it, so slow down.
3) Mild discomfort is probably ok and it should be a “good” discomfort. Any PAIN, especially a sharp pain means you should stop immediately and back down, and probably best not to take it that high again, at least not for a few weeks and even then VERY VERY CAREFULLY. Many times pain is your FIRST warning before a major injury…so take it seriously!!!
4) PATIENCE is the name of this game, so its best to take it up only 1 in hg at a time, use that for about a week before you move it up another 1 in hg. Even then, if you are gaining at that level, why take it up higher and risk limiting your potential gains. IF you are gaining at that level, keep using it until the gains stop.
AND BY gains, I mean beyond what the increased vacuum is doing, slow improvement you see day to day or week to week.
5) IF you are getting gains at a certain vacuum level, its WISER to try increasing TIME before you increase force!
6) Watch your EQ (read the thread linked at the bottom of this post) and it DOESN’T MEAN ERECTION QUALITY, the total EQ can be a very accurate early warning mechanism of over doing it. It is the sum total of about five or six characteristics of your penis that can give you very important information!

Remember, long term successful PE is learning to push your penis just enough to ENCOURAGE gains, which will allow you to make long term steady progress for a long time. Pushing your tissue too hard can stretch out some of the elastin, but when that is stretched out, like a rubber band, thats all you are going to get for a very long time.

Good luck and post your results so we can follow it.

Last edited by sparkyx : 07-19-2013 at .

Just a thought. Have you noticed that after a given point, the fatter your penis becomes the shorter the length? What is stretching your penis is just force, dynamic or static that shouldn’t make a difference for maximum stretched length. So it could be that the short span of time doesn’t gives time to the circular lay of tunica to stretch, cutting a bit your lenght. Otherwise said, I’m supposing that the two tunica layers have a different degree of viscoelasticiy, so the short span of time the vacuum is applied doesn’t give enough time to the circular tunica to expand. That also cause less red dots.

I still think cycling high forces will strengthen connective tissue, after all that’s what happens with pretty much any weight bearing exercise.

I’m happy for guys results to prove me wrong but I won’t be trying it.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I still think cycling high forces will strengthen connective tissue, after all that’s what happens with pretty much any weight bearing exercise.
I’m happy for guys results to prove me wrong but I won’t be trying it.

It’s just my opinion mind you but, it is the preferred way to stretch among athletes. So in that regard it must work. All my gains have been done with this method. I tried static pumping for years in between my first gains way back and my most recent success without anything permanent. I could make it absolutely huge but within a couple days it was back to normal.

In that regard I have to agree with SparkyX about lower pressure. I have been using a bulb type vacuum pump which doesn’t allow me to over pump. I recently bought a regular style at Harbor Freight and have added that to the routine. So now I do 100 reps at low vac as a warm up so to speak, then do 50 reps at a higher vac.

I think you can see the stretch marks below the head to prove it.
/attachment.htm … chmentid=100697

Originally Posted by HomerJS

It’s just my opinion mind you but, it is the preferred way to stretch among athletes


I doubt this is true actually; anyway what is called ‘dynamic stretching’ in sport is about to mimic the foremost movements performed in the game, to make the muscles more reactive (AKA elastic). They don’t aim to longer tendons, because the longer the tendon, the shorter the muscle.

Originally Posted by HomerJS
It’s just my opinion mind you but, it is the preferred way to stretch among athletes. So in that regard it must work. All my gains have been done with this method. I tried static pumping for years in between my first gains way back and my most recent success without anything permanent. I could make it absolutely huge but within a couple days it was back to normal.

In that regard I have to agree with SparkyX about lower pressure. I have been using a bulb type vacuum pump which doesn’t allow me to over pump. I recently bought a regular style at Harbor Freight and have added that to the routine. So now I do 100 reps at low vac as a warm up so to speak, then do 50 reps at a higher vac.

I think you can see the stretch marks below the head to prove it.
/attachment.htm … chmentid=100697

The important thing is it’s working for you.
I don’t have a problem with the idea in principle my concern is more with the use of higher vac levels.

Originally Posted by marinera
I doubt this is true actually; anyway what is called ‘dynamic stretching’ in sport is about to mimic the foremost movements performed in the game, to make the muscles more reactive (AKA elastic). They don’t aim to longer tendons, because the longer the tendon, the shorter the muscle.

To be honest Dynamic Pumping would be a better word, I used ‘Stretching’ for lack of a better term and/or explanation. The basis is that a repeated outward pulling using a pump. I am sure that there are at least a few alternative methods like using a noose and gently pulling over and over might do - though you wouldn’t catch me doing so. It seems jelqing is really just pulling it outward or at least a partial aspect of it is doing the same.

I doubt that I have done very much ligament stretching using this method. It’s probably just the tunica. As stated earlier it causes tiny stretch marks to form underneath the head. By now with almost 1 1/2” gain I have about 1/8” of stretch marks when flaccid. What is really happening underneath and inside? Beats me but I am open to ideas.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
The important thing is it’s working for you.
I don’t have a problem with the idea in principle my concern is more with the use of higher vac levels.

Well I do agree with that. When static pumping I would occasionally get carried away and pump the pressure way up and would be numb afterwards for days. Not Good! I think that since any high vac obtained is only momentary it’s less of an issue. But if I do over 50 reps let’s say numbness can occur more easily.

Tunica albuginea is pretty much like a tendon :) .

Stretch marks I think are due to skin stretch, the penis can’t grow that fast to cause stretch marks. That’s why stretch marks are common in those who hang with a clamping hanger - like the Bib or the AFB - where I never heard of people using other devices/techniques reporting stretch marks.

1.5” gain in length? In how much time? That is impressive if it is meant as erect length, less if it is the legnth inside the tube.

Originally Posted by marinera
Tunica albuginea is pretty much like a tendon :) .

Stretch marks I think are due to skin stretch, the penis can’t grow that fast to cause stretch marks. That’s why stretch marks are common in those who hang with a clamping hanger - like the Bib or the AFB - where I never heard of people using other devices/techniques reporting stretch marks.

1.5" gain in length? In how much time? That is impressive if it is meant as erect length, less if it is the legnth inside the tube.

I gave most details in the OP though I guess it’s a bit sketchy.

Yes that’s 1 1/2" erect. I gained a full 1" way back in 1979 with a pump though I had no idea how it happened, then. To rehash, I had a novelty store pump - I’m not sure if I could even find a medical one then - with a doughnut. The bottom edges weren’t rounded like they are today. The pump was in the end of the tube. Long story short, it cut through the doughnut in short time leaving me with a leak.

So what did I do? I pumped it up as fast as I could and it would then leak away. I did it over and over. Probably gained that inch in about 6 months if memory serves me correct. I was 20 or so then though so I suppose age had something to do with it, or I thought it did. So I was at 7" erect and quite satisfied. The pump was just about shot. I was good :)

Well time passed and I bought other pumps wanting to see if I could gain some more. From that point on all I did was static pumping because tubes and pumps had gotten better quality wise. I cold make it HUGE in the pump. Monsterous! But, nothing permanent. It had never occurred to me that the pumping up and losing pressure like that had been the missing part.

Flash forward to about 2 years ago. I remembered the leak and wondered if it might make a difference. I was at that point 53-54 years old. Time for an experiment. 150-200 reps of pumping up and releasing every other day. Less than 6 months later I am at 7 3/8" erect and the stretch marks below the head have gotten wider. Yes there are stretch marks. I tried to show them but it seems hard to get a good focus. 200 reps causes a doughnut effect BTW. 150 seems about right.

Here: Not Bad For an Old Guy

So about 3 weeks ago I started up again. 2 day on 1 day off. 100 reps light vac - 15 - 20hg then 50 reps at 23-25hg. I have already gained another 1/8" putting me at 7 1/2". What is happening internally? I don’t know, but it is working, still and I am now 55. Yes, stretch marks.

If you have explanations, I have time to read them.

Dynamic Pumping - It really works

OP: This Works (Dynamic Stretching)

I gave most details in the OP though I guess it’s a bit sketchy.

With this method I have gained 1 1/2” erect. I gained a full 1” way back in 1979 with a pump though I had no idea how it happened, then. To rehash, I had a novelty store pump - I’m not sure if I could even find a medical one then - with a doughnut. The bottom edges weren’t rounded like they are today. The pump was in the end of the tube. Long story short, it cut through the doughnut in short time leaving me with a leak.

So what did I do? I pumped it up as fast as I could and it would then leak away. I did it over and over. Probably gained that inch in about 6 months if memory serves me correct. I was 20 or so then though so I suppose age had something to do with it, or I thought it did. So I was at 7” erect and quite satisfied. The pump was just about shot. I was good :)

Well time passed and I bought other pumps wanting to see if I could gain some more. From that point on all I did was static pumping because tubes and pumps had gotten better quality wise. I cold make it HUGE in the pump. Monsterous! But, nothing permanent. It had never occurred to me that the pumping up and losing pressure like that had been the missing part.

Flash forward to about 2 years ago. I remembered the leak and wondered if it might make a difference. I was at that point 53-54 years old. Time for an experiment. 150-200 reps of pumping up and releasing every other day. Less than 6 months later I am at 7 3/8” erect and the stretch marks below the head have gotten wider. Yes there are stretch marks. I tried to show them but it seems hard to get a good focus. 200 reps causes a doughnut effect BTW. 150 seems about right.

Here: Not Bad For an Old Guy

So about 3 weeks ago I started up again. 2 day on 1 day off. 100 reps light vac - 15 - 20hg then 50 reps at 23-25hg. I have already gained another 1/8” putting me at 7 1/2”. What is happening internally? I don’t know, but it is working, still and I am now 55. Yes, stretch marks.

25hg? Holy shit!

Please don’t start multiple threads on the very same subject.

I had an old squeeze bulb type pump years ago and I doubt if it could pull anymore than 5”hg.

If you made your initial gains using that type of pump I doubt you were using very high pressures.


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