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Too much of a newbie for ADS

Too much of a newbie for ADS

Hi guys, I’m a newbie to the forum, and a relative newbie to PE. Started and stopped a few times I’d say at best all my work would come to a total of 6 weeks good PEing (no permanent gains although flaccid hand is much better).

Anyway, I’m messing around in my Dad’s workshop today, and decided to build an ADS.. And It’s actually pretty decent, looks like the Jes only doesn’t use springs (will post pics soon if anyone is interested)

My question is, should I wait a while to start using it do you think? I know newbies are recommended to keep it simple but I do get a wicked stretch off this thing, I’m wondering is it that big a deal if I don’t go nuts and wear the thing 24/7?

Any replies appreciated.

(P.s. Anyone new to ADS, newbie or not - build your own - it was ridiculously easy - no need to spend so much money on a commercial version)

"You know that look a woman gets when she wants sex? Me neither" - Steve Martin

Last edited by Duffman82 : 05-20-2009 at . Reason: to make title clearer

Hey Duffman. I started PE awhile ago. Did the newbie routine for 3 months and gained nothing. I was convinced that PE was hoax. A little while ago I was scrolling through a science journal and I came across this article on gains using ADS:

Penile Extender Increased Flaccid Length By Almost A Third, Clinical Study Reports — ScienceDaily

I used one for about six weeks and for awhile it looked like I was gaining and then I just fucking turtled like I just got out of a cold shower. I then moved to hanging and had the same experience, looked like I was gaining then my PI signs went straight down. Right now I’m just taking it slow with the linear b routine. I have come off the idea that going after quick gains is a smart strategy and looking at this as a project that will go on for a few years. I would take it slow and keep a simple routine. Set your expectations low for the short-term that way you don’t get discouraged and change routines mid-stride to the detriment of your gains.

ADS shouldn’t be anymore demanding on your penis than the techniques used in the newbie routine. Just apply the same principles. You wouldn’t start a manual exercise routine by doing an hour of jelqing and an hour of stretching.

You’d start with a small amount and build up over the coming months. It’s the same with ADS. Start by wearing it for short periods of time at low tension and gradually, over the coming weeks and months, build up the tension and time you wear it. Wearing a low tension ADS for an hour (checking the blood supply is ok and taking breask when necessary) per day, is probably less likely to cause damage than the newbie routine (assuming your ADS design is sound).

Newbies are told to keep it simple and stick to the newbie routine, but there is no reason why you can’t do a newbie routine based around ADS. In fact, I think the makers of the commercial ADS devices encourage wearers to build up time and tension slowly.

Basically what ever tye of PE you decdie to do, condtion your penis by building up slowly. That is the point of the newbie routine and why most posters on here will direct newbies to it, is becasue it is a good place to start your PE journey and condtion your penis, but it is by no means the only approach.

Thanks lads,

Boxseeker -
That was a good link, quite encouraging, I can see why you switched to using an ADS after reading that. 36% gain in erectile length after 6 months?. I’d be rocking close to 9 inches come Christmas! Top that for a present Santa ;) In all seriousness tho, I get what your saying.. I won’t get upset if I don’t see gains like that.. I think the thing with that study is, all the guys have TINY wieners, and those guys are notorious for super fast gains. I admire your dedication despite not getting the gains you had hoped for.just remember: It’ll be that much sweeter in the end! Best of luck mate.

Joey -
Thanks for the insight, you have explained it so well I can’t understand why It wasn’t obvious to me before.. Slow and progressive in terms of exercise demand & intensity. The exercises themselves are not the progression.

And the ADS design - I’m pretty sure it is sound enough, are you familiar with the jes extender? I pretty much copied that design, except that rather than springs to provide traction, I used long screws together with a platform that slides along them. I’ll turn a wing nut and the platform is forced further along the screw increasing the traction. Cheap, sturdy, effective.. If not stealthy, but I don’t plan on wearing it at work in “baggie trousers”. Thanks again mate. Cheers.

"You know that look a woman gets when she wants sex? Me neither" - Steve Martin

Newbie for three months before using devices.

Basically, Newbie teaches you about your penis and how far you can push it.

It is way too easy to get carried away with devices if you are newbie. And hurt yourself.

It is similar to why you follow a “newbie” routine when you first start going to a gym. You need to learn about your body and proper form.

If you do go to the gym you know that lots of newbie weightlifters have very good gains on those beginner routines.

I knwo it is not a perfect analogy, but you get my point.


I remember following a thread last year where a newbie was using an ADS. He lost sensitivity in his glans after a few days, and had to take several month off to recover.

Besides you may find manual PE is all you need for a long time.

I have to repeat the very true cliche:

PE is a MARATHON, not a sprint.

Take your time and use plenty of heat.

Or as AndroNYC said once — “What’s your hurry? Are you planning on getting rid of your unit soon? I didn;t think so!”

Any best of luck!!!

Last edited by sta-kool : 05-21-2009 at .

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Newbie for three months before using devices.

Basically, Newbie teaches you about your penis and how far you can push it.

It is way too easy to get carried away with devices if you are newbie. And hurt yourself.

It is similar to why you follow a “newbie” routine when you first start going to a gym. You need to learn about your body and proper form.

If you do go to the gym you know that lots of newbie weightlifters have very good gains on those beginner routines.

I knwo it is not a perfect analogy, but you get my point.


I remember following a thread last year where a newbie was using an ADS. He lost sensitivity in his glans after a few days, and had to take several month off to recover.

Besides you may find manual PE is all you need for a long time.

I have to repeat the very true cliche:

PE is a MARATHON, not a sprint.

Take your time and use plenty of heat.

Or as AndroNYC said once — “What’s your hurry? Are you planning on getting rid of your unit soon? I didn;t think so!”

Any best of luck!!!

But what about the newbies who hurt their penis’s through jelqing? I even remember a story of a guy tearing his frenulum through manual strecthing. There is absolutely no basis or evidence to suggest that the newbie routine is any safer for you penis than a sensible and progressive approach to ADS.

A quick glance into the injury forum shows that most injuries come from either jelqing, manual stretching, clamping or hanging. Two of those 4 exercises are part of the newbie routine and a good number of those complaining about injuries are newbies.

So you would just advise newbies to jump in with ADS?

Sure it is true you can injure yourself with manual exercises, by trying to do too much too soon. That is the problem with trying to rush things.

Based on what you have written I would be more likely to recommend Linear Newbie.

NEW newbie + advanced routine

Extenders can’t help so much for EQ or girth, and they are harder to manage than a basic manual routine. Most of those who had no previous experience of PE have a bad outcome from extenders; adversely, they are a good tool for experienced PEers.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
So you would just advise newbies to jump in with ADS?

NEW newbie + advanced routine

If ADS appeals to a newbie, then I’d have no problems what so ever advising them to do so. As I said in my initial post, they key is to apply the same logic that one does to jelqing and manual stretching, by starting of very moderately and building up over time. The argument about not rushing has no vaildity, as there is no reason to suggest a newbie ADS routine is anymore likely to cause damage than the newbie routine based around jelqing and stretching. ADS isn’t an advanced routine in itelsef. The level of advancement comes from the time and tension applied. The idea that very light tension ADS, over short time periods, with sensible safety checks, is more dangerous than the newbie routine, just has no substance. I don’t see why ADS should be lumped in with the likes of hanging and clamping.

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