Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Girth - The Downside

I’ve been married a long time, and haven’t been “caking” my unit or exploring any other part of the dessert menu, so admittedly my observations are based on a small sample size. That said, I think there must be considerable variation in what women can handle.

I’m a little over 8 x 5.75 (on a good day). On a fairly limited number of occasions (usually when I’m up for Olympic gold medal sex), I’ve caused some discomfort due to penetration depth, but I’m not even close to having a problem on the girth front.

Maybe this is partly a penile sensitivity issue, and I suppose it’s possible that my perspective could change if/when I resolve possible low T issues, but at this point I’m convinced that increased thickness would significantly enhance my experience without any problem for my wife - at least as long as I don’t get carried away and try to set new Olympic depth records.

Anyway, I think it’s a mistake to leap too quickly to the assumption that all guys looking for more than 5.5 must be misogynistic troglodytes, or into S&M.

Last edited by meatbuilder : 06-21-2012 at .

This is a great thread and good for everyone to think about why you want a bigger hammer. Myself, I’m blessed with a wife of 37 yrs marriage and 4 kids. She can take the whole thing no problemo, even without foreplay (only lube). I want huge under the false belief that she’ll want it more :) , and because I was subject to shower-room teasing about size when I was a kid (I know - get over it!). Bottom line is I do it because it feels so good to be pumped and huge, but I hope to outgrow the PE addiction someday. Thanks for adding articulate thought-provoking conversation.

I cannot begin to image how one “cakes” one’s penis…

Ever see the movie American pie?

I’ve considered starting a similar thread. I’ve only had a really big issue with it one time. It was with a good friend of mine that I had started seeing. Things were really great, but when things got physical, they went down hill. She told me the day after the first time we slept together “it felt really great when we were doing it. But I’m so sore right now, I’m calling out of work. It hurts to walk right now.” I apologized to her, and suggested that next time maybe we needed to take a little more time for foreplay and start off more gently. We did that the second time. She still had the same issues the following day. We then adopted the “we just need to adjust to one another” philosophy. We kept hanging out as always, and slept together a few more times, but we had to accept that things just weren’t going to change in the bedroom.

We’ve remained friends, but it really sucked that we liked each other so much but found ourselves physically incompatible.

YET… I do still have my goals, because I find most women like it. The closer to average sizes are probably your “safer bet” though, so guys concerned with that should definitely take head to the words of the original poster.

Starting measurements (August 2009): BPEL: 7.625in EG:6.25in BPFSL: 7.5in flaccid BP length:4in

"Peak" measurements (Oct. 2012): BPEL: 8in EG: 6.625in BPFSL: 8.375 in flaccid BP length: 6in

Current measurements (Nov. 2017): BPEL: 8in EG: 5.75in BPFSL: 8.25in flaccid BP length: 6in

Originally Posted by Patriotgirth

Ever see the movie American pie?

That’s penising a cake, surely? Or a pie, anyway.

Originally Posted by highpoint
Having a pre-PE 6 inch girth and plenty of experience through the years, I can’t say my experiences match the OP. Issues have been rare.

Same here. As a pre-PE 6”+ in girth, I have had very few women say that I was too big (they often commented that I was pretty big, though I really didn’t believe them … silly me). Current gf loves my size and although she doesn’t know that I PE, she makes remarks often about how bigger I’m getting. She gives great blowjobs and doesn’t seem to have any issues (I actually like a “little” teeth here and there). We haven’t done anal often but when we have, she says she enjoys it.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Having less than 5 girth can make you agoraphobic. Of course 4.5 or whatever is average, but you are not likely to see those in porn, on the Web, or anywhere at all. It’s even less likely than seeing a 5.5 length. The big guys show. Overwhelmingly the girth creates the confidence and exhibitionism.

I believe this was posted with good intentions, but it reminds me of my friend: I tell him about PE. He’s game, but says there could be problems at 9 or 10 length. I stare at him. I tell him to talk to me in five years because 9 inches is so elite it defies description. Unless he’s the fastest gainer ever, too much length isn’t going to be a problem. I’m laughing right now.

Small dicks better for head, I’ve heard. But who wants to whip that out? The big dude knows he’s basically going to get a good response. Of course the big ones are tougher to take. And rich guys might have issues with all that money and paying the pool boy, what a drag! Don’t get me started on the housekeepers and picking a Mercedes!

Girth makes Diesel Diesel. It makes the dominant male element actually occur. I’ll take the foreplay requirements to go with the unstoppable confidence. See you at 6.5 girth, and in good humor I say thanks for the warning.

My girth must be really under average. I need some for sure exercises to gain girth.

Originally Posted by jadown
My girth must be really under average. I need some for sure exercises to gain girth.

Have you tried PE?

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

Originally Posted by jadown
My girth must be really under average. I need some for sure exercises to gain girth.

There are lots of exercises out there for gaining girth, especially if you don’t want to go the route of devices, like pumps. Jelqs, flaccid bends, sloq squash jells, uli’s - there are lots and lots of exercises that target girth.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Originally Posted by wibble

I cannot begin to image how one “cakes” one’s penis…

i am a bit confused on at as well; although, I have had whipped cream on my penis on more than one occasion.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Haven’t been here for a while but I always get intrigued by posts about big girth. As a person having an extreme amount of girth, I can say that all of the potential downsides mentioned are true. In spite of that, I can say that I still enjoy having much larger than average girth (even though my wife sometimes does not agree).

I only wish I had a 9” length to go with it.

Arent you going to tell us your girth ?


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