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bundled stretches for people struggling with girth gains

In 5 months of only doing these straight out of a shower or bath I have added .25” to my length. Length was not at all one of my goals but it is a nice unintended benefit.

My name is sarcastic.

Originally Posted by Religion
In 5 months of only doing these straight out of a shower or bath I have added .25” to my length. Length was not at all one of my goals but it is a nice unintended benefit.

Any girth gains in that time?

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

Originally Posted by soonerbomb
Any girth gains in that time?

Nothing that I would say is outside the realm of EQ variance.

My name is sarcastic.

Last edited by Religion : 01-26-2018 at .

But I did get a .25 inches of MSEG so my tree trunk is more uniform now!

My name is sarcastic.

I’ve been doing 30 minutes of bundled stretching and tunica tugs before either 25 mins jelqing/squeezes or 3 x 7mins clamping for the past 2 weeks.

I’ve seen better EQ, better flaccid hang and close to an extra quarter inch expansion during girth work. Very impressed with results so far. I’ll measure in 6 weeks to see if I get any permanent girth/length gain.

Routine consists of one and a half full rotations to the left, then slight stretch to the left and hold for one minute.
Then repeat but to the right.
Then a one minute tunica tug.

I repeat this over and over for a half hour, then start the rest of the girth routine.

I’ll keep an eye on pi’s, if they remain good I’ll add more duration to each stretch ( I won’t add any more rotation or pulling force, only duration ) as the 6 weeks routine progresses.

Any update on this GirthSmirf?

Hi Mick,

Yes I completed that routine, and am now 3 weeks into my first ever 4 week decon.

So far I’ve lost absolutely nothing measurable in length or girth. EQ is immense, as is morning wood and random erections throughout the day. ( The break from PE has been good for the mind, body and soul, the 1st week was a struggle, but the last 2 have been nice, and I’m now itching to get going again )

I’ve been blown away with how well bundled stretches + constant heat have been for me ( I think that constant heat is important here, I tried bundled stretches once before without heat, and found I turtled, during and after the stretches. I’m getting the opposite with heat )

Constant heat will be a mainstay of all of my routines going forward, and I’ll rotate use of bundled stretches so my tunica doesn’t get overworked.

I’ll update again once I bring bundled stretches back in ( gonna jp90 for 3 weeks after decon ). I’m hoping for another little jump in length and girth after deconditioning

Thanks for the reply.

So you do bundled stretches for a whole hour? What source of heat do you use? A heating pad or a lamp or something?

Also do you notice immediate expansion from the bundled stretches alone, or just extra expansion during girth work afterwards?

Do you think these are more effective than Horse 440’s?

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

Originally Posted by Mick
Thanks for the reply.

So you do bundled stretches for a whole hour? What source of heat do you use? A heating pad or a lamp or something?

Also do you notice immediate expansion from the bundled stretches alone, or just extra expansion during girth work afterwards?

No half an hour.. I was twisting then pulling to the left for one minute, then to the right for minute, then doing a one minute tunica tug, over and over on rotation without a break for half an hour. This was all performed In front of an IR lamp.

However I found that the 1 minute tunica tug was turtling me, so dropped it, and just did 20 minutes of bundled stretches, without any rest. All performed In front of IR lamp. No expansion during the bundled stretches, just a big soft flaccid.. By the end of the 20 minutes before id even flick the cap on the vaseline to start jelqing I’d be filling up with blood and the subsequent girth work gave me at least another quarter inch expansion.

Originally Posted by Steinroid
Do you think these are more effective than Horse 440’s?

No I’d say they can’t really be directly compared, I think the bundled stretches stretch the tunica, and allow other girth work, like 440’s, to expand the smooth muscle within the tunica, further than you’d usually be able to.

A bit like a very thick, room temp balloon. If you heated and stretched it for 20 minutes before blowing it up, you’d get more air in it.

That’s my take on it anyway

Hey thanks again. Do you happen to have a link to the IR lamp you use?

Originally Posted by GirthSmirf
No I’d say they can’t really be directly compared, I think the bundled stretches stretch the tunica, and allow other girth work, like 440’s, to expand the smooth muscle within the tunica, further than you’d usually be able to.

A bit like a very thick, room temp balloon. If you heated and stretched it for 20 minutes before blowing it up, you’d get more air in it.

That’s my take on it anyway

Sorry what’s a tunica tug??

Thanks in advance.

Erectile Affectation

I am wondering how bundelled stretches affect erectile health. Do you young guys note any effect like making sure you do them early in the day so that you can have recovery time of several hours for sex with a good erection.

Can you all get a good hard after a bundled stretch work out??

Originally Posted by Mick
Hey thanks again. Do you happen to have a link to the IR lamp you use?

I don’t sorry Mick, it’s an old hand me down that I put a fresh bulb in. Anything off eBay for muscular therapy will do I think


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