Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Andrew tell your wife mate. It’s for the best. Chicks hate men holding information from them. My wife knows and it makes my life very easy.

Andrew, She knows something is going on, so be honest and come clean with your wife, I think you might be surprise with her reactions. Not best to keep something as this important to you from her. If she loves you and know you are not only doing this PE for yourself but for her, she can not but love you even more.

I think Wadzilla has the right attitude for most guys. There are some marriages that are conducive to open and honest communication, and some that are not. And there are lots somewhere in between. If at some future time your SO decides to screw with your head, you have given them something thermonuclear to hit you with. Do it for yourself, by yourself, and let her just know that the thing is somehow getting bigger.

I would say just tell her. Hell, the first night that I I was with my current girlfriend I basically decided to come out with it and told her that I had gained 2 inches from doing something called PE. She has never given me grief about it and that was almost a year ago. Granted not all relationships are that open, but I think if you set the ground rules for being the “alpha male”, you would do what Dino said and walk around with weights on for all you would care about whether she approved or not.

As for trying a wife to use it against you later, just point out the fact that if she didn’t have cow pussy you wouldn’t have needed to do it. If she starts saying how had to make your penis bigger, well that reputation does not seem so bad because women will start to ask how big it is…. (Great way to meet new people if it came to that.) :D

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

>>“Thats actually very good you know! Your obviously an expert at 'on the spot' lies. LOL.”

Well, to be honest, I can’t claim credit for that being impromptu - I’ve often thought about what I’d say in various situations (when I’m doing “high-risk” PE - which is when the kids are not at school and she’s not at work). Since I haven’t come up with any excuses regarding wet jelqs or hanging, I never attempt those forms of PE under “high risk” situations. :)

>>“If at some future time your SO decides to screw with your head, you have given them something thermonuclear to hit you with. Do it for yourself, by yourself….”

PRECISELY. Look, 99% of all relationships start out wonderfully-magic, lovey-dovey, sweetie pie kissy face….and then usually end in the bitterest acrimony, recriminations….even court. Call me a cynic - I’m a realist. More than 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce (in many areas of the U.S., it’s 2/3 of all marriages).

In other words, the odds are that one day, most likely, she’ll be hitting you with that “thermonuclear” device. She might even use it during the divorce proceedings to “show what a freak you are”…..the kids would learn of this, so would your family, and eventually your friends.

Nah, my dick is mine. It’s my business.

Man up! Man up!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

I get a kick out of guys who expect a gold star every time they report to their wives that they passed gas. Why do so many men mistake the pointless divulging of every thought and feeling for trust? This isn’t trust, it’s surrender.
There is nothing more lame than a guy who says “I love my wife, she’s my best friend!” Your wife isn’t your your friend - she’s not your buddy. She’s your wife, a woman - the most special woman on earth. Do I tell my wife “Hey honey, I pulled out two loads today while watching Big Butt Latinas vol. 194!!” Hell no. But you can be damn sure I tell my buddies. My wife isn’t my buddy - my buddies smell bad. I have too much respect for my wife to relegate her to the “friend” category. She’s not my friend, she’s my wife.

I see this need in men to share every waking thought with their wives less as a modern-age evening of roles and more as a confusion of them. The problem begins when a man lets his wife take the lead in the relationship. A woman wants to treat her husband like a friend. They want to drag your ass out shopping, they want you to listen to their take on what Cindy said to Jenny, they demand that you tell them what your “feeling”. Ultimately, their mission is to feminize you. They don’t mean it maliciously - they don’t even know they’re doing it - but they can’t help it. I even see my wife doing this to my eight year old son. I’ll come downstairs in the morning to find her sitting with him, leaning in really close and putting the girly-works on him: “Tell me what you’re feeling, why won’t you share with me what is bothering you, baby.. Your sister does.” That’s usually when I stop and give her my “I am going to kill you” look and she backs off. The poor kid doesn’t want to eat her nasty tasting omelet and she has to turn it into a therapy session. Christ, I personally know a few pussy-whipped guys who will actually join their wives in mind-fucking their sons. “Yes son, tell us what you’re really feeling” - raising a generation of psychos, I have no doubt.

A lot of guys just don’t get it: Some wives are better off not knowing about PE. Some wives couldn’t handle knowing about PE. Ironically some wives really don’t want to know about PE, but their husbands insist on “sharing” every facet of their lives with them (gee, where did they get that idea?)
Ask yourself - Do you really want to know everything your wife does and every thought she has?
I hope not. What you might think is “trust” is just one more way to make a good relationship painfully dull.

OK guys, I’m back.
First of all, from reading all the posts on this little thread, it really reinforces to me why I love all you guys and Thunder’s Place so much!. Everyone has been so supportive and every post has been a great help to me.
Also, is it just me or is this thread one of the funniest lately? Dino absolutely cracked me up!
Well I told her last night and…she is totally cool with it!
She said that as I was her first lover, I always seem big to her (yeah right at 5 “). She has noticed that she is enjoying herself more lately, but as she never suspected anything till now, she simply put it down do the position or what ever.
When I told her it was probably due to the 1.75 inches I had gained in length, she was quite surprised. She said that she noticed that she could no longer take all of me in her mouth when she gives me a head job, but figured the sore throat I was giving her when she tried was probably due to a cold or something.

Melvin-Uk, you must have a degree in womens psychology or something as you were right on the money!
When she first walked in and saw my pants around my ankles, she thought that I was jacking off to porn on the net. She doesn’t have a problem with that, her concern is that I was hiding it from her and as such, keeping a secret. THATS what upset her.

When I told her what I was really doing and I told her that I was doing it for me, to be more confident in myself, she said that she totally understands and supports me 100%. Her only concern was that I might injure myself somehow while hanging. I then explained to her all about Thunder’s Place and how maybe she should join, or at least, have a look around.

Her next question was “How big do you want to get?”. By this time she had been rubbing my cock for a while and so I was nice and hard. Next thing I know, she pulls up her night dress and mounts me!! Next she says that now that I told her, she does notice a big difference and how I am hitting the end. So I said that I would like at least another 3/4 up to 1 and 1/4 inches provided I didn’t make it uncomfortable for her. After all, it would be pointless, to have a new dick that didn’t get used! I also told her that I wanted another inch of girth, again, as long as it was comfortable with it inside her. She agreed.

She also asked me if she could watch me hanging one day as she was curious. I said she could if she liked, but that she would probably be freaked out watching me hanging weights off my dick. She also asked if she could help!!! I told her that it was dangerous to hang with an erection and because she turned me on so much, there was probably not much she could do to help, but if I thought of something I would let her know.

So after all that my wife now knows I PE, will make sure I have privacy when I need it and is happy for me to shoot for 8x6 plus!

Once again, Thanks to everyone for their replies. I really appreciate them all.

Wad, Captn, you guys are, as usual right.

Some relationships could not handle the truth. I am lucky enough that mine can.

I think there needs to be borders for sure, and every relationship is different. You will always stay a man as long as you keep your own opinions and have the right to put your foot down.

On the flip side, I tell my wife everything that she would find important, because I would want the same. We are both very jealous people by nature, and that is just our dynamic.

We have been together near eight years, so I guess our relationship is till pretty new to some of you. I do know that she would have been bothered had I not told her, and also our sex life has gotten much much better. I can tell she excites more easily, and that her orgasms are more intense.

Each to their own I guess, personally I don’t care about the “thermonuclear” weapons I have given her, who doesn’t want a bigger dick? Besides that, who is gonna make fun of my 8”nbp cock? (okay, hopefully by this time next year)

Wow Andrew! Sounds like it went better than expected. nice one!

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Melvin-Uk, you must have a degree in womens psychology or something as you were right on the money!

Thanks for that! Everything I have learnt about women has either come from thundersplace, or from my (first/current) 6 month relationship with my girlfriend. I still have a lot to learn, one day I hope to know as much as Luvdadus!


Well done Andrew. Aussie honesty is the best policy! It was great to hear how you fared with you wife. Good on ya mate!


Originally Posted by pahncrd
I think there needs to be borders for sure, and every relationship is different. You will always stay a man as long as you keep your own opinions and have the right to put your foot down.

Before we got married we laid down some “foundations” for our relationship. We were both equal with equal say, BUT, if we were dead locked on a decision, then I would have the “casting vote”. That may well offend some people, but its what we came up with.

Originally Posted by pahncrd
On the flip side, I tell my wife everything that she would find important, because I would want the same.


Originally Posted by pahncrd
Each to their own I guess, personally I don’t care about the “thermonuclear” weapons I have given her, who doesn’t want a bigger dick? Besides that, who is gonna make fun of my 8”nbp cock? (okay, hopefully by this time next year)

This is simply not an issue for us. If I gave her a “thermonuclear” weapon last night, then I also have my finger on a weapon of my own (boob job).

What you said is EXACTLY what she was worried about.

Thanks Ant,

I appreciate your reply.

I know Cappy may think that I have surrendered to the fairer sex, and in some ways I guess that to be true, but I still believe that honesty is the best policy and nobody with give the dead set truth without all the bull shit ,like an Aussie.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
She also asked if she could help!!! I told her that it was dangerous to hang with an erection and because she turned me on so much, there was probably not much she could do to help, but if I thought of something I would let her know.

Dude!!! You really blew it here!! HUGELY!!!

You passed up the perfect opportunity for more sex. Tell her that an hour after hanging its best to masturbate because the hormone release stimulates growth…BUT studies show that hormone release is doubled by being stimulated by a partner versus masturbating…so could she suck, fuck, jerk you off at least half the time after you hang. In the interest of productivity of course. Since the fewer months you have to hang the less the chance of injuring little andy69, jr. .. and of course the sooner she gets fucked like a she-mare in heat.

I think all you guys with relationships/wives oughta practice a canned response/rationalization for if you ever get caught ahead of time, that leads where YOU want it to go.


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