Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by Dino9X7

She is just afraid you will get big and find a new chick that will treat you better. When your dick gets bigger so does your balls and you start acting more like a man and she starts losing control over you.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Bit of an update.

Today while the kids were getting babysat, we took a shower together. After a little lathering, she grabs my cock and says “Hows the growing going? Its definitely thicker. I can’t believe that I didn’t notice, because now that you told me it is SO obvious that your cock is much bigger than before!”

Holy shit! My wife has never been backward in coming forward, but hell, never like that!!

Fuck 8 x 6, I’m going for 9 x 7 LOL!!

Way to be man, my original goal was 8np, but I am thinking I won’t stop until 10”bpel. The reactions is what keeps me going.


If she happy and able to take a 8x6 easily (of course I’m guessing at this stage), and is happy for me to go for 9x7 then why stop?

Everything aside I thank you all.

This has been by far one of the most entertaining/hilarious threads in the history of Thunder’s Place. Between Wadzilla’s baby powder and Andrew’s wench I almost lost my lunch…

And good for telling your wife bro. Me, I don’t know if I would share like that…but I’m not married, so what the fuck do I know………

Congrats on the gains as well.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Bit of an update.
Today while the kids were getting babysat, we took a shower together. After a little lathering, she grabs my cock and says “Hows the growing going? Its definitely thicker. I can’t believe that I didn’t notice, because now that you told me it is SO obvious that your cock is much bigger than before!”
Holy shit! My wife has never been backward in coming forward, but hell, never like that!!
Fuck 8 x 6, I’m going for 9 x 7 LOL!!

Dont you just love when the wife makes such great fucking comments? That in itself, is enough to give me wood. Good going Andrew.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Thanks Guys, I really appreciate all the support.

I can assure you BBS that I wasn’t laughing when I got busted!

OK, So here’s another little update.

What is the biggest advantage of telling your S/O you hang?

Simple, you hang when you want with no fear!

The kids have just gone to bed and we were sitting watching some TV and I just got up and said “I going to do some hanging”

And she says “OK. Do you want me to call you when the movie starts?”

How cool is that!

I should have told her ages ago!!

Welcome to the “My spouse actually understands me, club”. For the some of us in stable and loving relationships, it is a great place to be.

No I don’t tally farts, although… :D

Thanks Pahncrd,

It was pretty cool!

She actually walked in on me (she couldn’t see anything because I was behind my desk) because somebody rang for me!

Yep, I’m glad I joined the “My spouse actually understands me club”!

>>I’ve become totaly disoriented in this thread because I’m still thinking about Rakishly’s horny drunk ex.>>

Fuck yeah!!!
Rakishly, We’d love to hear the rest of the stoy!!

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

>>And she says “OK. Do you want me to call you when the movie starts?”
How cool is that!
I should have told her ages ago!!>>

Isn’t that a great fucking feeling?

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Originally Posted by pahncrd
Welcome to the “My spouse actually understands me, club”. For the some of us in stable and loving relationships, it is a great place to be.

I responded to this thread without a condescending attitude or any (intentional) disprespect, but your comment is really patronizing. I wish you no ill will in your marriage, but I’ve often found that the most idealistic, smug guys turn out to be the biggest suckers in divorce court.

Let me ask you a question: Do you believe that 50% of all couples walking down the aisle anticipate being among the 50%+ of all couples that get divorced? I’m sorry that I’m not at your advanced level of sucha a mature relationship - but my marriage has lasted, through ups and downs, for nearly 18 years now. I wonder if yours will (or if she’ll be telling her attorney how much “bullshit” she put up with - including the hours you spent tugging & squeezing your dick).

- w a d

I think I’m understanding now. There are some guys that have taken offense at what other guys like Wad and myself have been saying here. Well, color me a fucked up shade of shit-green! It was never my intention to offend or create a rift - and I think Wad is saying the same thing. And I wasn’t directing my comments at anyone specifically - especially Andrew, who I think has balls for what he did.

I’ll be the first to admit that my wife doesn’t understand me anymore than I do her. That’s what makes our relationship so goddamn good - same goes for any relationship with legs. It should be that every time you take a look you notice something different - something you hadn’t caught before.
Twenty years we’ve been together - twelve of them married and we both happily belong to the “We Don’t Know Shit About Each Other” club.

Just because you tell your wife that you PE doesn’t mean she understands you. At least I hope not. If that were the case it would make you, her, and your relationship awfully one dimensional.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Thanks Guys, I really appreciate all the support.
I can assure you BBS that I wasn’t laughing when I got busted!
OK, So here’s another little update.
What is the biggest advantage of telling your S/O you hang?
Simple, you hang when you want with no fear!
The kids have just gone to bed and we were sitting watching some TV and I just got up and said “I going to do some hanging”
And she says “OK. Do you want me to call you when the movie starts?”
How cool is that!
I should have told her ages ago!!

That’s the way it was for me as well.

Now I have a new stress.

I have about 3/4 more girth for an hour or two after my routine so when my girl friend is horny, she winks and nods and asks, “have you taken care of your man business yet.” Sometimes I am tired and don’t feel like doing a couple sets with the Uli thing, but when she is happy, I am happy :inlove:

Now PE has become a chore like taking out the fucking trash.

Well, not really a chore but you guys know what I mean.


Originally Posted by wadzilla
I responded to this thread without a condescending attitude or any (intentional) disprespect, but your comment is really patronizing. I wish you no ill will in your marriage, but I’ve often found that the most idealistic, smug guys turn out to be the biggest suckers in divorce court.

Let me ask you a question: Do you believe that 50% of all couples walking down the aisle anticipate being among the 50%+ of all couples that get divorced? I’m sorry that I’m not at your advanced level of sucha a mature relationship - but my marriage has lasted, through ups and downs, for nearly 18 years now. I wonder if yours will (or if she’ll be telling her attorney how much “bullshit” she put up with - including the hours you spent tugging & squeezing your dick).

- w a d

Only time will tell I suppose. There may be a price to pay in the end, but I pay it gladly. Even if things don’t turn out for the best in my life, at least I am happy now. I can’t focus on the possibility of bad things happening in my life. Maybe I will get hit by a car and die tomorrow, I guess I shouldn’t leave the house then?

I think the fact that I shared it with her, and that she supported me in it, would go a lot farther than if I got caught and they acted like it was my dirty little secret in court.

We have not been married for 18 years, but we are not newlyweds at 8years together.

I believe in communicating the things that are important to me, if she uses it against me, so be it. But I will not live in fear, I will live proud of myself and my actions.

I am sorry you felt I was being condescending, it is just how I feel, and no matter what happens, it doesn’t invalidate what I feel now.

Please, can we stop the acrimony, I hadn’t meant to offend, I just have different beliefs. you inferred more from my statement then I actually said.


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