Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Guys, Guys, Guys..Lets all take a deep breath!
OK Wad and Cappy, I certainly did not take offense at what either of you posted. Not one little bit.
I thought (maybe I’m much dumber that I first thought) you were both simply warning the other guys here at Thunders that maybe not every S/O would take it in the same understanding was that my and Pahncrd’s wives did.
I have a “feel” for what both of you are saying…I’ve seen too many of my buddies marriages go up in smoke because the wife decided it was time to move on.
As I saw some of these events unfold, I believed (as I still do) that MY marriage is different.

Cappy said “Just because you tell your wife you PE doesn’t mean that she understand you.” I agree whole heartedly with this, but I’m not trying to make her understand me, just understand why I PE.
For me Cappy this was virtually the same situation reversed when my wife began talking about getting a boob job (which she got BTW). I was there during the consultations and even though I don’t really understand her any more after this process, I do understand why she elected for the procedure.

Wad, I agree when you say that the 50%+ of couples that walk down the aisle do not expect to get divorced. But lets face it, SO many people get married for the wrong reasons. I’m sure that I will get called “Old Fashioned” when I say I think my marriage is stronger for the fact that we were both virgins when we met. Why would you stray when you don’t know what your missing?
It is a sad (I think) fact of life that not all marriages are perfect and so not all wives need to know about PE.
Indeed, not all wives could handle knowing about PE.

I only ever wanted to share my experience with my brothers at Thunder’s Place. I hope you all had a good laugh at my (mis)fortunate little event.I know I did!

I agree that not all marriages are equipped to deal with PE. It is all about how both parties feel about it.

I have had time to calm down, and I really don’t think it is a good idea for everyone to tell their wives. It is just what I wanted. I had the possibility of having the idea rejected, and a lot of women would have.

I just want to be friends. I have a lot of respect for the veterans on this board, and what they have to say. Any sort of slight was merely unintentional and rude. I am sorry I came off as smug, that was not what was in my heart, I apologize.

Originally Posted by pahncrd

I have had time to calm down, and I really don’t think it is a good idea for everyone to tell their wives. It is just what I wanted. I had the possibility of having the idea rejected, and a lot of women would have.

I agree mate. I never planned to tell my wife. I had an idea of how she would react, but I was not sure.

I’m not over the moon because I told her. I was cornered by my stupidity and I felt that her trust in me was more important than anything at that point. If I felt I could have got out of the situation I would have. However, having said that, now that she knows, we are both happier for it.

I didn’t mention it before Andrew, but you are really kicking ass on length gains, kudos.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
It is a sad (I think) fact of life that not all marriages are perfect and so not all wives need to know about PE.

Indeed, not all wives could handle knowing about PE.

Andrew, there goes the same condescension: “not all marriages are perfect, so not all wives need to know about PE.”

i.e., ….in perfect marriages, the wives are told - in all of the other (flawed) marriages, the wives “could not handle knowing.”

I’m finished with this stupid thread. Honestly, I don’t care if you tell your wives, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, neighbors, friends - or even take out a personal ad in the newspaper (to show how really perfect your relationships are).

Originally Posted by Andrew69
It is a sad (I think) fact of life that not all marriages are perfect and so not all wives need to know about PE.
Indeed, not all wives could handle knowing about PE.

Seriously…I hope you are kidding.
Not all marriages are perfect? Please name one that is. This statement makes absolutely no sense.
And what does that mean “not all wives could handle knowing about PE”? What does “handle” mean? Does it mean they would be upset if they knew you pulled on your cock? Does it mean they would punish you somehow if they disapproved?

If anybody has told their wife about PE and they couldn’t “handle it” please chime in, because I would love to know what that means.

Once again you guys are putting the onus on the wife; as if this is the wife’s party and you are the guest. Notice that if the marriage is good and trusting it is because the wife can handle PE - and vice versa. Notice that it is the wife who makes or breaks the PE career or even the marriage itself through her approval or disapproval of what you do on your time.

Where the hell did Wad go…….

Now I feel bad. I meant not to offend anyone. :( I hope nobody feels that I feel superior. I know that different marriages have different dynamics.

It takes a strong bond to go 18 years with the same person. I have a lot of respect for that. and you must be doing something right Wad.

BTW, I wasn’t really looking for approval, I was just telling her what I was doing, and that I would continue doing it. It was her choice as to how to react to it. Regardless, I would have continued, I don’t need permission.

I was not offended - I pray that you know that. Same goes for Andrew. Just having some fun with this thread. I am asking questions that we all know the answer to: Some wives would run out of the house screaming as if their ass was on fire if they saw their Hubby with 15lbs hanging BTC from his cock. Some wives simply couldn’t “handle it”. And I guess therefor some relationships couldn’t handle it. But I am still very interested in what that really means; what happens when a woman can’t handle PE? I don’t recall ever coming across any posts that describe this scenario but would love to know.

I think Andrew sums things up nicely when he draws a parallel between his wife’s boob-job and his PE.
Tit for tat, no? :D

Bigger boobs=bigger dick, seems fair to me.

Shit Guys, I’ve really put the cat amongst the pigeons this time!!
I never meant to imply that me or my marriage is better than any one else here.
I was not trying to offend anyone.
I regret my choice of words, and deeply regret if I have offended either Wad or Cappy.
I have learned some much from both these men about PE and have been lucky enough to translate that knowledge into solid gains. Without either/ both of your advise and words of encouragement I sincerely believe that my gains would have been much smaller.

All I was trying to achieve by beginning this thread was to share what happened to me so everyone here can have a laugh and perhaps have a think about how they would react if it happened to them.

I am REALLY starting to doubt why I started this “stupid” thread and believe that it may well be time for me to go back to lurking. I thought that I may have something to add here that may be of value to someone. I guess not.


Originally Posted by Andrew69
Shit Guys, I’ve really put the cat amongst the pigeons this time!!
I never meant to imply that me or my marriage is better than any one else here.
I was not trying to offend anyone.
I regret my choice of words, and deeply regret if I have offended either Wad or Cappy.
I have learned some much from both these men about PE and have been lucky enough to translate that knowledge into solid gains. Without either/ both of your advise and words of encouragement I sincerely believe that my gains would have been much smaller.

All I was trying to achieve by beginning this thread was to share what happened to me so everyone here can have a laugh and perhaps have a think about how they would react if it happened to them.

I am REALLY starting to doubt why I started this “stupid” thread and believe that it may well be time for me to go back to lurking. I thought that I may have something to add here that may be of value to someone. I guess not.


At least keep posting in my progress thread. I would miss your banter.

Originally Posted by Andrew69

I am REALLY starting to doubt why I started this “stupid” thread and believe that it may well be time for me to go back to lurking. I thought that I may have something to add here that may be of value to someone. I guess not.

Now I really do believe you’ve lost your mind Andrew. This is an excellent thread. A classic. Yours is one of the finest PE stories I have ever heard.
To be honest though, a little more about the breast job and a little less of the mushy stuff wouldn’t meet with much resistance ;)

Originally Posted by luvdadus
>>I’ve become totaly disoriented in this thread because I’m still thinking about Rakishly’s horny drunk ex.>>

Fuck yeah!!!
Rakishly, We’d love to hear the rest of the stoy!!

Well the details aren’t that interesting except this woman never masturbated in her life (Still don’t know how I stayed with her for a dozen years being a strident sexual maniac since the age of 18….maybe it was SATAN, er, I mean LOVE…) So she confesses that her friend bought her a “Rabbit” dildo when we broke up and she never used it. So out of the drawer it came and I used it. She loved it. Then lots of sucking and fucking ensued.

However, when she confessed about the dildo I confessed that “I bought a gadget that lets me hang weights from my dick” “YOU WHAT!?” lmfao. Fast forward ten days to this Sunday. I went to her place to hang out, brought my notebook case, and threw my Bib in to it, in case I could work a demo into the conversation, hehe.

sidebar…Scratch the surface of even the prudest woman and she is fascinated by dicks. Fascinated even if she can’t admit it. You just have to “be the man” and THRUST her past her inhibitions sometimes. If you show even the slightest hint of weakness her “Funny” feelings against which she is socially conditioned, will get the better and she will resist to the death. BUT if you show her you’re going there and there is not a shame/guilt/threat that will phase you in the least the inner thought process will change. She will actually be confronted by the inevitability of those “funny” feelings and will see them as a block to something she is really secretly turned on about but could NEVER admit it. So she’ll go along. Yes it’s like pulling fucking teeth. But the wins are dynamite fun. Takes a lot of balls, and you could really fuck up. But like I said, she’s my ex, so if she runs away. So fucking what. But I know she will not. She has the inner slut, and I often know how to free her, which earns me mucho gratitude. And the truth is that it would have worked while we were together, but I was a pussy then. She would have fought harder for sure, but the inner slut would have come out. They just don’t or can’t let it be their responsibility. So I’m sympathetic to pussy whoopped guys in relationships but encourage them to get unpussy whipped. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Back to our story.

So I open my computer bag and am reminded by the Bib. I say “Hey here’s that weight thing. Check it out.” Trying to hand it to her. Her reaction is “Ewwwww….was that on your THING?” And she wouldn’t touch it. I said “What?! You’ve had my penis in your mouth…Recently! And you wont touch this thing? How fucked up is THAT?” And I tossed it to her…she caught it and looked it over. She asked “How does it go on?” Well, out comes my dick (in her kitchen)…on goes the Bib, but not completely since I was getting a half chub. “Interesting. That looks like it could hurt.” End of chapter 1.

We go to dinner.

We get back from dinner and two of the strongest Margaritas I ever had at this place I’ve been frequenting for years. I mention that I’m gettng near my length goals and will start to work on girth. She says “You don’t need any more girth”. I grunt. She says “What do you do to get thicker.” I said “Do you want to see the exercises?” She gets a little quiet. So I leave the kitchen and go sit in front of the TV. She comes in to the living room and says “What? No demo?” So she gets a mini Jelq demo. I sit back down on the couch, pants still down, dick hard and watch TV. Then I start casually stroking it while watching the tube. She can’t take her eyes off of it. She says “Do you want to fool around?” Begin one more three hour session of fucking and sucking…

So techincally I was being an asshole in that I was honoring my moral judgements and walking all over hers. But I was the one what was right…about HER. I honored my truth. no amount of ewwwwing or any other shit test would make me apologize for it. She had to deal with it or eject me, forever. She chose to deal with it because her truth is that she loves dicks, my dick and me. She just can’t admit it. It’s like a program that runs, like when she wouldn’t touch the Bib because it was on my “THING”, which of course has been in every orifice in her body. But I broke that program (pattern interrupt) and she got to have fun sex. She loves/likes/appreciates me for that.

Wow, all I can say is.. You da Man! I think I’m becoming unpussy whupped! :D

I hereby promise to use the spell checker. Sorry.


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