Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


I ride the fence on this issue.

Although I like to be honest with my wife, I do NOT share every fucking thought with her. I dont ever sit back and wonder if I should be telling her more than I already do. I have an enormous amount of respect for her but some things just belong in a man’s mind or to be shared ONLY among men. PERIOD.

The ONLY reason I have told her about my Penismaster was because I needed more time to wear the thing and I was going to do it at home. There are many days I wish I hadnt gone that far. She is after all a woman and this might come back to bite me in the ass. She is really getting into the longer and thicker dick thing, but she doesnt ask how I got where I got and I dont tell.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Good going Andrew!! your the man

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Andrew69
I know Cappy may think that I have surrendered to the fairer sex, and in some ways I guess that to be true, but I still believe that honesty is the best policy

Congratulations on your “coming out” to the wife. That is a great story.

Don’t get me wrong - I don’t condone anyone lying to their wife. What I’m saying is that all too often guys fall into the trap of thinking that unless they share every single feature and facet of their existence with their woman this somehow makes them dishonest. I think that is silly.
How one makes the leap from simple discretion to dishonesty is beyond me - but it has always impressed me as a feminine thing. Women are the ones who tend to subscribe to this line of thinking: Tell me your every thought or you don’t love me. Frankly, I don’t want to know every thing my wife does, has done, or will do - and that applies to what goes on in her pretty little head. To her credit, Mrs. Hook shares this sensibility, though like all women if I didn’t occasionally put up the “out of bounds” sign she would unconsciously take apart my essence and reshape it to her liking. She is a woman after-all.

Granted, in the case of PE there are many advantages to letting the wife in on the fun (as you have so far demonstrated) but no one should be lulled into thinking that by sharing this with their wife the result will always be more blowjobs and freakier sex for the rest of their life.
Life is long, marriage is even longer.

Some of you guys must have really understanding wives. I, for one, would never tell my wife. If she would know about it she would send me to the funny-house and then divorce me for being a freak. My beleif is that every woman, even if she does not not tell you so, will think that you are a freak and a man with little or no self esteem. I mean, we are pulling our dicks to get them longer, for Christ sake. That, if nothing else, indicates a man who is not secure with himself. We all know that this is true but you have to remember that on the other side of the table sits a “woman”. They do not think or react as a you (which is fortunate in many cases) but you can bet your ass that when you tell them about you wanting a bigger dick (for whatever fucking reason you can come up with) they will think “Jesus Christ, I married a lowlife, insecure little man”. I some cases they will tell you differently and in other (e.g. my case) they will simply run you out of the house. I bet that most of you guys telling your wives/gf have not been with them for too long. I have have been married for 21 years so I think I have had enough time to “learn”.

Anyway, good luck to you all, whatever you decide to do.


Tell em the truth if you can stand the pressure.

“Hunnie. My sex drive is currently higher than yours. There are credible biological reasons that a larger penis will bring you more pleasure. Potentially so much more pleasure that it will be YOU that will be begging ME for sex. You just don’t know better because you have only been fucked by a dick that’s too short to reach these spots up til now. I don’t feel inadequate about it just excited about you wanting to be fucked as much and as often as I want to fuck you.

The exercises are no more strange, extreme or dangerous than lifting weights or running to get better shaped arms or legs. And the motivation is no more different than buying a snazzier car, watching a video on eating pussy, or even taking a degree course so I make more money.”

If you come across like that, you better not quit and better grow that bigger dick and learn to use it effectively or she might just let her curiosity get the better of her and go find one. Isn’t that the worry?

I’ve told every woman I’ve fucked more than once in the past year all about it. My ex gets so curious when I tell her I’ve gained that she jumps me. (Grown from 6.75x6.2 to nearly 8.25x6.3ish over almost two lazy years) She recently started fucking some dipshit, so last week I told her after our second drink together that I gained another half inch since last time we fucked in October and proceeded to give her an anatomical discourse on the CDS, which I ocaissionally hit in the past depending on position and cycle. She said (obviously referring to her new boyfriend) “Well you know I don’t look for ‘that kind of thing’ ” After our third drink she looks me in the eye and says “I want to suck your big dick” (Abso-fucking-lutely shocking for her) I said “If you call it a COCK I’ll let you.” I had to take advantage of her unusual forwardness and oneup her, kinda why we’re not still together. So she says “Your big COCK!” Check please……


that was fucking beautiful man.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

They were pretty stiff drinks, lol.

It is good to hear that some dudes wifes are cool about PE. My wife is pretty nosey, always asking where I am going or where I have been and tries to peek at what I’m doing on the net. She, however is allowed full privacy in whatever she wants and if I were to pry then I would be some sort of bastard for doing so.

When she confronted me on why I have been taking to long in the bathroom I told her about PE. To this day she hates it and that fact actually distracts me while doing PE.

She should have though about that before she told me the guy that she fucked around on me with had a thicker dick than I did.


She is just afraid you will get big and find a new chick that will treat you better. When your dick gets bigger so does your balls and you start acting more like a man and she starts losing control over you.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by myangelzrod
It is good to hear that some dudes wives are cool about PE. My wife is pretty nosey, always asking where I am going or where I have been and tries to peek at what I’m doing on the net. She, however is allowed full privacy in whatever she wants and if I were to pry then I would be some sort of bastard for doing so.

When she confronted me on why I have been taking to long in the bathroom I told her about PE. To this day she hates it and that fact actually distracts me while doing PE.

She should have though about that before she told me the guy that she fucked around on me with had a thicker dick than I did.

I personally have a zero tolerance policy for cheating. It may seem harsh, but the policy is that she dies, and I spend life in prison. j/k :D

Though I would very quickly divorce her. I am afraid that the idea of another man plowing my wife, would prevent me from being in the same room with her, and I would be forced to drown my sorrow in hard liqueur and soft women.

I think that is one of the reason, I go for a preemptive PE strategy. If she ever does cheat on me, it’ll be difficult for the other guy to have a bigger dick. As long as the other man is smaller than me, I think it would be easier to cope in the long run.

Also, I am sorry, but in the VERY unlikely event I did take my wife back after cheating, she would have ZERO privacy.

Originally Posted by SS4Jelq

>” I just thought when I saw all that stuff and you had your pants down that you hang it off your dick or something!!”
I just laughed and Thank God, she just kept on walking!!<

Dude, she knows.


Beat me to it! Seconded. She knows!

Captn, Priapos,
I agree with your line of thinking. I’m not disrespecting other views here - to each his own - but it’s just my sincere opinion that it could prove to be a huge mistake. And, as Captn said, I do not believe that it’s “dishonest” not to tell her everything - including a daily tally of your farts.

Years ago, I once made the mistake of giving in to my wife’s relentless questioning about whether or not I fantasize while we’re screwing. She just kept asking me, pretending it to be an innocent question & acting like it’s perfectly normal. Like an idiot, I finally conceded. She asked me whom I thought about, I balked again. After more questioning I finally told her.

Lord Almighty! She beat me with that like a hammer for the longest time. Lesson learned. If a woman asks, “How do I look in this dress?” Trust me, she doesn’t want to hear, “Well, it makes your ass look really fat.”

None of this amounts to dishonesty, it’s simply “tact.” Dishonesty is spending your combined savings behind her back, striking up an intimate relationship with another woman, etc. The worst mistake any man can commit is allow himself to become pussy-whipped, to allow the wife to lay all the ground rules, set the tempo of the marriage, take the lead, etc. My dick doesn’t go anywhere near other women - that’s the extent of all she needs to know about my “man-dick relationship.”

There’s no other way around this fact: By admitting you PE, you are necessarily revealing dissatisfaction about your own manhood, revealing insecurity & vulnerability, and - in effect - conceding that you’re not quite “man enough” for her. You can couch these realities in any euphemisms you choose, it all amounts to the same thing.

I agree with what you are saying Wadzilla there needs to be boundaries. However, I think sharing something that is really important to you is all right. If for instance if you loved to paint and wanted to do hours a day, I don’t think that is something you should keep from your wife. Granted, there is always the thermonuclear divorce weapon, but without sounding like a jerk, how often do you really think you are going to get a divorce? If you are, isn’t there bigger problems then whether or not to tell about PE?

Although I do agree about not telling about personal fantasies about other people. We wouldn’t want to know about theirs especially if there was some other guy. Women can get very jealous, and that can work in and against your favor. I think it is kind of like playing the guitar, anyone can hit the strings, but not everyone can make music.

Actually kind of a funny story. My gf and I share a common friend and before her and I dated and I used to have a crush on her. The funny thing is that me and the friend are more like good pals now then anything else and she called me one night just to talk. (She is a big talker.) Well my girlfriend calls later after having a bachelorette party for another friend. When I told her that our friend called and asked if she was jealous, (which she was), she said “Yes. I guess I am just going to have to fuck you some more so you don’t like her.” :) Ah yes, the beauty of alcohol. Every man should have a wet bar in his house for this reason.

"Yeah, we don't need another smart ass ... we have our share already." - ThunderSS

Originally Posted by wadzilla
There’s no other way around this fact: By admitting you PE, you are necessarily revealing dissatisfaction about your own manhood, revealing insecurity & vulnerability, and - in effect - conceding that you’re not quite “man enough” for her.

With all due respect to you, I would have to disagree with you here.
I am NOT PEing because I’m not quite “man enough for her”, its because I’m not quite man enough for me.
I definitely don’t tell my wife what I’ve done every minute of the day, or give her a tally of farts for the 8 hours up to 5 pm. I got busted about to hang, she had a very good idea what was going on, and I came clean.

In this way, I’ve saved my PE “career”, AND made her happy by being honest. I think it was a win/win compromise for both of us.
No body got hurt and everybody is happy. How can that possibly be bad?

I understand where you are coming from and I agree SOME WOMEN SHOULD NEVER BE TOLD ABOUT PE.
My wife is simply not one of them.

Originally Posted by rakishly

After our third drink she looks me in the eye and says “I want to suck your big dick”

I’ve become totaly disoriented in this thread because I’m still thinking about Rakishly’s horny drunk ex.


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