Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by Andrew69
Shit Guys, I’ve really put the cat amongst the pigeons this time!!
I never meant to imply that me or my marriage is better than any one else here.
I was not trying to offend anyone.
I regret my choice of words, and deeply regret if I have offended either Wad or Cappy.
I have learned some much from both these men about PE and have been lucky enough to translate that knowledge into solid gains. Without either/ both of your advise and words of encouragement I sincerely believe that my gains would have been much smaller.

All I was trying to achieve by beginning this thread was to share what happened to me so everyone here can have a laugh and perhaps have a think about how they would react if it happened to them.

I am REALLY starting to doubt why I started this “stupid” thread and believe that it may well be time for me to go back to lurking. I thought that I may have something to add here that may be of value to someone. I guess not.


It happens to a lot of us. I personally communicate a lot with by facial expressions and body language; I am somewhat primitive. :homer2:


OK Guys,

For all the new guys, have a read. I hope you get a laugh out of it. I certainly was NOT laughing at the time.

For everyone who has read this before, here is an update.

Now the wife know, I have got her to help. Kind of!

She organised the money order for the Bib hanger as well posting it off.

She also keeps the kids out of my study so I have plenty of time to hang.

It has actually worked out very, very well.

Originally Posted by Andrew69
She also keeps the kids out of my study so I have plenty of time to hang.
It has actually worked out very, very well.

Nice one, thats great, and I can tell from your sig that your dick is much bigger too! Everyones happy!


This thread has got to be the funniest shit I have read in a long long time, its not easy for me to have a good laugh (the latest Jim Carrey movie didn’t even get a smile.) I was doing some manual stretches while reading this thread, and it got so funny and I was laughing so damn hard that I fell on my side and was doing involuntary kegels.

If you guys can produce more funny shit like this, then it would make the 5 min kegel section (which I hate) of my routine a farrkin breeze!!!

great work, priceless.

i told 2 of my girl-friends that i PE

Hey Want_bigger,

What happens when you guys break up, and your girlfriend tells her new boyfriend:”Why cant you be like Want_Bigger, he PE’ed all the time, and made me cum many times a day? ” :)

Soon well have a lot of noobs here, thanks to you :)

John S.

And the statistical average size will increase by about +1 / +0.5 respectively…
I actually don’t want that, as ill minded that might sound!
Because then, big will be bigger and reaching bigger will take longer!

Funny thread!

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal


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