Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping: Advanced Empirical Discussion

Originally Posted by The Man
I haven’t been doing anything like a clamping marathon. I will try to keep my sets consistent from here on out to follow your views and hypothesis on clamping. I also upped my TUC a few days ago as well after reading this thread. I went from 8-10 minute sets up to 12 minutes. I think that is the longest I am conditioned to handle at this time. I believe the max I can do per day is 4x12 without carrying fatigue over. This is just a guess as I am not 100% positive. I did 4 sets on Friday, 6 on Saturday, 5 Sunday, 4 Monday, 5 Tuesday. I was going to take a couple days off in there, but when I saw the conflicting opinions on this I decided to keep clamping and carrying fatigue. I was thinking about trying for 5x12 for the next couple of weeks or maybe bump it up to 6x12 if possible. Hopefully continuing this will show big gains.

How would you like me to continue LV? I think I have been close enough to your proposed routine that I can continue to do something along these lines and track it in the experiment thread? I’ve been at or over my estimated fatigue threshold, there has been no chance for me to recover so far. Let me know what you’d like to see. After a couple cycles of your routine I will see how it goes with marinera’s proposed routine, and anyone else who can help me gain some girth ;)

I don’t think there is that much difference between marinera’s and my views. You are probably not going to be lucky enough to find a set frequency that will perfectly carry the exact amount of daily fatigue for 2 weeks (assuming consistent frequency), so that you max out at 2 weeks. Rather, you’ll have to move about in sets (as you described). You could do 4 sets one day, 5 sets for a few days until it is too heavy (maybe it’s carrying a bit too much fatigue), 4 sets for a day or two to lower the fatigue amount, etc. This is just because of the discrete nature of adding sets, 5 might be too many for 2 weeks and 4 might be too little.

I think the only difference between marinera’s and my views are off days and TUC. Correct?

And go ahead and follow marinera’s advice on where to post your routine and experience as you go along.

The Man & marinera,

Why don’t we just set the method you’re going to use generally, and then clearly state the variables that you want to test. For example, in your opening post you can state that you want to try (I’m guessing) shorter cycles and shorter TUC’s with marinera’s ideas, and longer TUC’s with two week cycles with mine. The point is, structure the method under the same fatigue and recovery principles. The exact TUC and cycle lengths are just variables that you could try out as time goes, the most important point is the structure of how you are analyzing the workouts over fatigue and recovery IMO.

Also, if marinera does believe in shorter TUC’s, try his ideas first. Once you go to very long TUC’s I expect shorter ones will be less productive as you will adapt to them.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Ah Beretta, I love reading your enthusiastic posts.

I got my Cialis yesterday actually. I started on a low dose of 10 mg. Despite being on my debilitating accelerant, I still achieved slightly more erectile function than I would normally have without the accelerant. This is a big deal. Problem solved, and more.

I realize your starting statistics are different length-wise, but I should note that I started thinner than you, at 4.25. To me, this is a very serious matter (girth), which is why I consider it so thoroughly. I am trying to fool my penis into growing thicker, because it decided to be so damn thin.

BG is an excellent PE’er. He is very creative and laid the groundwork for what we are doing now.

As for an ADS, I honestly don’t think that is a good idea, personally. After reading some of marinera’s research reports, I’ve decided against it. Instead, EVO allows me to maintain an engorged yet unconstrained penis all day (and night) long. For example, the last time I saw mine (an hour ago) it was approximately 6x5 - flaccid. This is not my normal flaccid, it’s my EVO flaccid.

Interestingly, I failed to note something before: I think I’ve gained length from clamping. I never really payed attention until today, but I’m quite sure that I’ve gained a significant amount of length. I really don’t like measuring, but I suspect it’s about a half inch. I think if I lost the fat pad I might have an 8 BPEL, or close.

Conclusion: clamping is amazing. More efficient (hands-free, get work done while doing it), less time per day (to achieve major results), stealthier (hang, pump require large and odd tools - even jelqing requires total privacy, while you can clamp and then proceed to walk into a shopping mall if you felt like it), etc. And as for discoloration, the vascular [appearing] penis we get from this far surpasses the side-effect of discoloration, in my opinion.

LV- Glad you got the Cialis and are pleased with it. Give it a little time, you will see better benefits from it once you get used to it, and it builds in your system. Keep it well sealed in plastic and in a cool dark place. It does get a little stale if not, in my experience. Also, cut it up into smaller packages so you are not continually opening your “mother load” package. It will last for years this way, assuming you got at least a few grams.

Wow! I didn’t realize you started with as small of girth, similar to me. I guess I have become so used to being in the lower 5% of Thunder’s members as far as starting stats go. I automatically assume most people are starting somewhere in the range of what my long-term goal is! What have been your gains so far then? Sorry if I missed it earlier, I’m terrible about finding the time to read back through tons of pages…

Another thing I’m interested in is this “EVO” you have mentioned previously. I’ll trade you the Cialis tip for that one! :) Do you have a link to info on it you would be willing to post? Thanks man, and keep it up!

Originally Posted by Beretta92

Wow! I didn’t realize you started with as small of girth, similar to me. I guess I have become so used to being in the lower 5% of Thunder’s members as far as starting stats go. I automatically assume most people are starting somewhere in the range of what my long-term goal is! What have been your gains so far then? Sorry if I missed it earlier, I’m terrible about finding the time to read back through tons of pages…

Another thing I’m interested in is this "EVO" you have mentioned previously. I’ll trade you the Cialis tip for that one! :) Do you have a link to info on it you would be willing to post? Thanks man, and keep it up!


I didn’t mention my personal experience as much in this thread since it wasn’t the point of it - you didn’t miss anything. I started somewhere around 7 x 4.25, hence the username. I mentioned this in a thread for people who’ve gained an inch in EG. I haven’t measured properly but I expect I’ve gained between 1.25 to 1.5 inches of EG. Gains get harder as I adapt to the stimulus, which is why I’m really trying to figure out how to produce gains as I can’t settle for less than a truly large EG, after years of having a thin penis.

I mentioned the effects of EVO on this thread. Check out post #96 on page 7 of the thread. For the mixture, check out Eroset’s Vein Oil - for thrombosis and more

My additional tips from use are this (this is what I do personally):

1. I don’t use a clear measurement rubric. I focus on Lavender as it seems to be the most potent in this mix. If you add too much essential oil (in comparison to the base, olive oil is the best base in my experience so far) your penis will actually feel like it’s burning. Don’t worry, this is rare. You want to add the most essential oil for the amount of olive oil that you can while avoiding the burning sensation.

2. I put the EVO in a cup and use a spoon to apply it to my tool (oily hands get annoying if they occur every hour, my hands eventually started getting dry from how much I had to wash them).

3. Basically I re-apply EVO as often as is comfortable during the day (right after clamping sets obviously, but also every 2 hours while at home). I apply it to the tool and then immediately cover the tool with an ankle length sock, with the ball of the foot part of the sock covering the scrotum. This is very convenient, and if the sock is clean, can be used to keep EVO on during the day (while out). If the sock has too much EVO soaked into it, you’ll need to wear boxers to avoid staining your pants.

Read post #96 though to understand why I use this.

Originally Posted by marinera
The spotting is definitely a sign that you are tightening too much the clamp and maybe doing too long sets also.

I disagree. It is because you are not conditioned to the TUC and pressure you’re using. I used to get spotting all the time from clamping because I would start with an intense routine (3*10min). Now that I have restarted clamping with only 1 set per day while increasing TUC weekly, I no longer get spots and my penis is indeed growing. It looked bigger today but I don’t like measuring like LV.

Begin with one 10 minute set a day. Once conditioned after a month or so of this while increasing TUC weekly, add another set(s). I guarantee you won’t see spots if you take things slower and space out sets throughout the day.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by marinera

The spotting is definitely a sign that you are tightening too much the clamp and maybe doing too long sets also.

Originally Posted by Thick Cock

I disagree. It is because you are not conditioned to the TUC and pressure you’re using. …….

You disagree and you are saying the very same thing I said? :faint:

Originally Posted by Pith
So I should shoot for less force and more sets with less time?

Force should be indisputably the same for all clampers (in my opinion and LV’s). I don’t see how one clamper’s force varies from another unless you’re adding more than one clamp or bending your dick while in the clamp (both unnecessary).

Anyways, you should use more time and less sets IMO.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by marinera

You disagree and you are saying the very same thing I said? :faint:

Negative. Did you miss the use of the word condition(ed) in my post? :)

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Tigthening more or less the clamp, for example.

Pith, you should start with less force AND less time. You should increase time progressively, while the pressure applied should be raised only using the max cautiousness.

Originally Posted by Thick Cock

Negative. Did you miss the use of the word condition(ed) in my post? :)

Nope. The word ‘conditioned’ doesn’t change anything, in your post. If he’s not conditioned for that pressure or time, he’s using too much pressure and/or time.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, I’m going to lower my force and time to 1 set a day and see how it goes! Thanks :D

Great. But before that, take at least 1 week of rest. :)

To allow for some deconditioning and rest?

To be sure that there isn’t any vein that is going to burst.

A vein to burst? How is moving down in pressure and intensity going to cause a vein to burst?


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