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Clamping: Advanced Empirical Discussion

It could be that you have caused some damage in your vessels overdoing it, Pith. It could be that adding even a little extra stress could cause a major injury. It happened to somebody in the past, it could happen to you. Better safe than sorry, agree?

Originally Posted by marinera
Nope. The word ‘conditioned’ doesn’t change anything, in your post. If he’s not conditioned for that pressure or time, he’s using too much pressure and/or time.

I don’t want to get involved in this catfight, but this is clearly false marinera. You cannot adapt to new levels of pressure/time unless you use a pressure/time that you are not conditioned for, in order to stimulate “conditioning.”

The question you two are really discussing is: should you push pressure/time far enough past what you are currently conditioned for, in an attempt for new levels of pressure and time, to the extent that you endure spotting?

Originally Posted by marinera
It could be that you have caused some damage in your vessels overdoing it, Pith. It could be that adding even a little extra stress could cause a major injury. It happened to somebody in the past, it could happen to you. Better safe than sorry, agree?

True. This could happen and marinera is on track - be careful.

Pith: If you do not know what to do when you get spotting then you are not advanced enough to benefit from our discussion honestly; you should be reading Big Girtha’s general CLAMPING thread. You need a bit of background before attempting the sort of things we discuss here, and you are completely off topic.

Thick Cock: although I do agree that pressure should be full and TUC & frequency should be variable, one could also use marinera’s method of slowly adapting to higher pressure. I intuitively believe it to be less efficient and unnecessary, but it is still valid and could even be a better method. It is just an intuitive belief, one could vary TUC or pressure in reality, or both. Our personal opinions shouldn’t be set in stone unless we really have some empirical evidence to back it up, which is what you’re working on ;) .

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

I don’t want to get involved in this catfight, but this is clearly false marinera. You cannot adapt to new levels of pressure/time unless you use a pressure/time that you are not conditioned for, in order to stimulate “conditioning.”


Hey, LV, never heard the word ‘context’? Or ‘ambit’.

Originally Posted by marinera
Hey, LV, never heard the word ‘context’? Or ‘ambit’.

I assume context is limited to each individual post, as I expect you to be aware that many viewers don’t read the entire thread. Either way, my post was written to make the statement in question clear so readers could better understand your two opinions :) .

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

I assume context is limited to each individual post…

You assume wrong. A thread is a set of interrelated posts. Each post should be read in the context of the thread, or could make no sense.

Originally Posted by marinera
You assume wrong. A thread is a set of interrelated posts. Each post should be read in the context of the thread, or could make no sense.

Okay marinera.


Yesterday I decided to change up my short-term routine. For the past couple of weeks I’d been doing a short cycle OLF/OLR routine, using about 4-5 sets at TUC = 18 per day. I decided, since I will be traveling for a bit in a week, I can’t enter into a proper 2 week OLF. So, yesterday I did 3x18 of clamping, following by 1x90 minutes and 1x150 minutes of pumping at a pressure of about 2-4. I had a massive turtleneck for the first time in my life afterward.

I think I’m going to continue this, but I’m going to constrain pressure at 2, and time at 60 minutes, and perform it after 3-4 sets of clamping per day for a week. I still have a feeling that there might be some benefit here.

I would cut that pumping time down if I were you.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
I would cut that pumping time down if I were you.

Unnecessary. It was experimental, and marinera was right, it seems heavy clamping over conditions the dick to pumping. Anyway, the result was a decision on a pressure of 2 for 1 hour post clamping for the next week.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
The Man & marinera,

Why don’t we just set the method you’re going to use generally, and then clearly state the variables that you want to test. For example, in your opening post you can state that you want to try (I’m guessing) shorter cycles and shorter TUC’s with marinera’s ideas, and longer TUC’s with two week cycles with mine. The point is, structure the method under the same fatigue and recovery principles. The exact TUC and cycle lengths are just variables that you could try out as time goes, the most important point is the structure of how you are analyzing the workouts over fatigue and recovery IMO.

Also, if marinera does believe in shorter TUC’s, try his ideas first. Once you go to very long TUC’s I expect shorter ones will be less productive as you will adapt to them.

This sounds good LV. I will definitely be using shorter TUC’s and increasing them later on if I reach a plateau. I’ve been continuing to carry fatigue and today is the 8th day of that I believe. How about I start a thread similar to the one you just did, outlining the principles I’m trying to test and link them to this thread for some background information. I can keep it ongoing and change many variables throughout the next few months.

Then: 5.63"x4.25" ---> Now: 6.50"x4.44"

Originally Posted by LongVehicle


I think the only difference between marinera’s and my views are off days and TUC. Correct?


I don’t think it exists a universal optimum TUC; I think X minutes could be the optimum for one guy and too much for another.

The other difference is that I preach for higher differences in volume work, both daily and weekly. This in the hope of causing a more pronounced rebound -see the article I posted before, or the excerpt posted here:

Periodization in PE?

In this perspective, having rest days make undoubtly sense, IMHO.

Originally Posted by marinera
I don’t think it exists a universal optimum TUC; I think X minutes could be the optimum for one guy and too much for another.

The other difference is that I preach for higher differences in volume work, both daily and weekly. This in the hope of causing a more pronounced rebound -see the article I posted before, or the excerpt posted here:
Periodization in PE?

In this perspective, having rest days make undoubtly sense, IMHO.


I don’t think there is an optimal TUC either. What I think (so far, I have no evidence of course) is that higher > lower, constrained that tissue death isn’t caused.

I’ll check out the article. I’m not so sure about cycling by the way, the 2 weeks straight cycle was just a basic thing to figure out if OLF/OLR works in the first place. I suspect that some mini cycles would be involved in the unreachable optimal routine, but my idea was to check out something we had a hunch worked, and additionally to see if overloading fatigue in general was a good thing.

By the way, why don’t you experiment with us, in a nonrigorous fashion? We have sta-kool, the man, and then you and beretta. The more the merrier, right? :D

I’ve observed that increased TUC is not necessary for me. I’m still at the point where more 10-minute sets are better than fewer sets with longer TUC. I go 12-minutes max, usually right around 10 minutes. I also do my kegel sets at the tail end of each clamp set, right before the clamp(s) come(s) off. Talk about power-kegels…

Marinera is right, it depends on the person. I’d add it also depends on the person’s level of conditioning. Oh yes, and those rest days! Every other week I get two rest days in a row with 5 days straight of PE preceeding them. The next week I’m 2-on, 1-off, 3-on, 1-off. It seems that after the two consecutive rest days is when I have most often observed the slight gains. God damn, I’m praying these little gains I have been experiencing steadily continue…

So let me get this straight. At exactly what % erection level do you guys apply the clamp? I usually go for 50-75 % now, I used to apply it 90-100%

I am getting mixed answers.


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