Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

3D printer prototype

Originally Posted by capernicus1
It looks better without one but you might find it tricky to operate the ratchet release without a small handle to hook your finger under, same applies to getting a good grip when squeezing it shut, something to test out ?
Maybe some grooves on the outside surface for grip ?

We will make some with a new 3D printer we’re purchasing. We will definitely be doing a lot of testing before we settle on a final design.

Attached Files
Rev 2 clamp components.pdf
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Originally Posted by firegoat

We have discussed having a clamping forum. There is so little to clamping: everyone agrees that a medium cable clamp is the best option of clamp. You put it on for no more than 15 minutes. You experiment to see if high or low erection levels work best for you. You can wrap with anything that is comfortable between your penis and the clamp. If you are not gaining you add sets.

That’s all there is to clamping. :shrug:

This one thread contains everything that could be written about clamping already. It doesn’t need a whole forum to itself.

So, I’ve read the whole damn thread. It was practice for reading through Titleist’s 240 page progress report lol! I think Firegoat summed it up nicely, and for anyone who wants more info, you can stop reading after about page 20. Posting this just so I have a mark to start reading again later. :)


Originally Posted by Ambi
So, I’ve read the whole damn thread. It was practice for reading through Titleist’s 240 page progress report lol! I think Firegoat summed it up nicely, and for anyone who wants more info, you can stop reading after about page 20. Posting this just so I have a mark to start reading again later. :)

I respectfully disagree…. things are evolving as we learn more about the penis anatomy.
Everyone thought the book was closed on weight hanging with the 101 weight hanging doctrine that was designed for compression clamp’ers. That is now very antiquated advice and much of it is completely un-applicable when it comes to hanging with a vacuum based system.

LG, how’s the clamp prototype coming along?

Clamp prototype

Originally Posted by alterdst8
LG, how’s the clamp prototype coming along?

I’ve made one a 3D printer, and I’ve been testing and it really works very well.
However I want to ultimately manufacture out of aluminum. There are three components that make up the assembly. The internal piece is rather intricate and will be difficult to manufacture on a machining center. So I’m looking at getting that piece wire EDM’ed. I’ve got a shop I’ve worked with in the past that has 5 axis wire EDM capabilities. I’ve sent them an electronic part file and I’m waiting to get a quote from them on a variety of production quantities.

Once I can calculate the costs of manufacturing in production quantities (50, 100, 250, 500) I will make a decision as to whether I want to invest in making them.
I don’t want to sink a bunch of money into something that guys won’t buy because they feel the price is too high.

I’ve actually got a couple more PE devices on the drawing board (one that’s a pump cylinder that isolates the glans), but hesitate to do anything with them due to the down turn in the economy at this time. Plus the thought of someone taking my design to China and having it duplicated at a fraction of the cost is a huge deterrent.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
Plus the thought of someone taking my design to China and having it duplicated at a fraction of the cost is a huge deterrent.

I would spend all reasonable moneys for a clamp that I can’t break, since I’ve gone through a dozen of the plastic ones and that means not only annoyance, but constant costs. I would expect I’m not alone.

As for Chinese production, my instinct is that the volume we are talking about is far too low for it to be snatched up quickly. Pumps are common enough in pop culture that opportunistic businesses will think they can ease on in to the market, but clamping is obscure enough that I wouldn’t be too worried.

LGH clamp

Originally Posted by jhtownsend
I would spend all reasonable moneys for a clamp that I can’t break, since I’ve gone through a dozen of the plastic ones and that means not only annoyance, but constant costs. I would expect I’m not alone.

As for Chinese production, my instinct is that the volume we are talking about is far too low for it to be snatched up quickly. Pumps are common enough in pop culture that opportunistic businesses will think they can ease on in to the market, but clamping is obscure enough that I wouldn’t be too worried.

I’m working on a couple different designs and doing my best to find the most cost effective ways to manufacture. This will probably take several months since it’s something I work on as time permits.
The 3D printer version I made works great… but it’s just not a cost effective way to manufacture in production quantities. Be patient guys… I will succeed and provide a high quality 1” wide clamp that won’t break the bank!

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Originally Posted by jhtownsend
I would spend all reasonable moneys for a clamp that I can’t break, since I’ve gone through a dozen of the plastic ones and that means not only annoyance, but constant costs. I would expect I’m not alone.

As for Chinese production, my instinct is that the volume we are talking about is far too low for it to be snatched up quickly. Pumps are common enough in pop culture that opportunistic businesses will think they can ease on in to the market, but clamping is obscure enough that I wouldn’t be too worried.

Odd that you are breaking them so frequently. In all of my years of clamping I only broke two.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I have broken two and have only been clamping for a few months. I don’t believe I Clamp excessively, but I clamp hard enough to make sure my head is at max expansion.

I myself have broken clamps I believe if my count is correct 4 of them. Not from being over aggressive but from gains.

The issues I’m having now with clamping is I can’t seem to have enough pressure whole being able to push blood into my member. If I tighten the pro clamp is have to the 6th click its to tight for me to push blood, but if I’m at the 5th click then its still to loose for me to trap the blood. Does anyone have any advice? I’ve been clamping now for 2 years.

Oh before I forget I’ve started this new mystery, well its a mystery to me that is. Called foreskin restoration, I want to still do that and clamp but I haven’t figured out if I should do it before or after my sessions.

Originally Posted by Bondagelifestyl
Does anyone have any advice?

Cock ring(shaft ring), clamp on top of the cock ring.

Maybe add another clamp?

Love thy neighbor.

Can someone tell me where to purchase a good clamp?

Someone from UK discusses it here:

Clamping 101 - The clamping guide (p. 29)

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I’m interested in the air clamp that Monty used to sell at From comments, it was a modified neonatal blood pressure cuff. Does anyone have some good pictures of one, or may be a detailed description? I found a snapshot of the web site at, but the picture of the air clamp doesn’t show much.

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I’m interested in the air clamp that Monty used to sell at From comments, it was a modified neonatal blood pressure cuff. Does anyone have some good pictures of one, or may be a detailed description? I found a snapshot of the web site at, but the picture of the air clamp doesn’t show much.

Try this thread.

If you’re thinking of clamping or are a clamper, look here


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