Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Originally Posted by alterdst8
Juif, how big is your girth? My long term goal is also 5 in girth. I started at 4 in MSEG. I only ask your size because alot of guys believe they have a small penis when they actually don’t. I believe 4.5in. Is closer to average and 5 in. Girth is bigger than average.

I’m glad you understand the importance of taking your time. Guys who have smaller girth are more prone to injury from doing PE with a desperate attitude. I caused nerve damage years ago clamping without proper conditioning.

Try not to get depressed about your size. Remember, most women care how much you make them laugh more than they care about your penis size. I didn’t learn about PE until after I was married so all the pre marriage sex I had was with my little 4” girth.

If a girl likes you, she likes you. If she likes you enough to have sex with you, she most likely won’t quit having sex with you because of your size

I am exactly 14 x 10.5cm / 5.5” x 4.1” fully erect, maximum blood flow.
I care about this so much because of 2 reasons and I learnt it the hard way, idk if it’s the place to say this but :
- my only two relationships I’ve had, they clearly said my penis was small and thin, and I think the reason they broke up is partially because of this
- I’m half black (stereotypes etc.)

And no matter where I ask, even in anonymous polls, I never see anyone with a girth that starts with 4, it’s like 1 in 50, and I really doubt the “average penis size” of 5.5” x 4.5”, even people who claim 5” girth are told “haha nice pencil”.

Plus the thing taht absolutely kills me, is whenever someone says, trying to be nice, “don’t worry it’s more about girth than lenght hihi ;) ” it’s the worst thing i could even hear or read

You started at 4 MSEG, how big are you now ? After how long of doing PE?

Originally Posted by alterdst8
ApexPython, I’m sure you’re already aware of the danger of waning sensitivity and possible nerve damage clamping, but I hope you are as careful as you can be doing that. What if the sensation leaves and doesn’t come back bro?

It happend to me a couple years ago and I couldn’t feel my glans for about 2 months and the sensation slowly returned after that. It definitely sucked.

Anyways, I wish you good gains with no injuries

Thanks for looking out! Yeah, I’ve read some horror stories like what you described. I’m going be much more careful from now on. After massaging fresh blood back into my penis, it was sort of pins and needles at first and I got a really warm sensation. I was scared as Hell. Thankfully feeling returned within only a minute or two and my guy got more pink than I have ever seen it. I think I crossed the line a little bit yesterday, but I just finished another 15 minute session with some added bends and gentle squeezes and feel a lot better about this one. Over time, I might add a minute or two, but I’m trying to find a balance between intensity and duration. Also, I don’t usually group my sessions close together. I do one in the morning and the others in afternoon and evening (quarantine privacy/wife doesn’t know). Does anyone know if grouping these sessions closer would yield better gains? I think since I’m fairly thick already my gains are going to take some time, so I need to get other feedback from my body instead of measuring once a month. I think the pink glans and post-session fluff are good signs. I don’t see any spotting, so maybe I need to throw a few more shields on for added intensity. I’m also wondering if some post-session jelqs and manual stretches wouldn’t hurt.

Originally Posted by juifjuifjuif
I am exactly 14 x 10.5cm / 5.5” x 4.1” fully erect, maximum blood flow.
I care about this so much because of 2 reasons and I learnt it the hard way, idk if it’s the place to say this but :
- my only two relationships I’ve had, they clearly said my penis was small and thin, and I think the reason they broke up is partially because of this
- I’m half black (stereotypes etc.)

And no matter where I ask, even in anonymous polls, I never see anyone with a girth that starts with 4, it’s like 1 in 50, and I really doubt the “average penis size” of 5.5” x 4.5”, even people who claim 5” girth are told “haha nice pencil”.

Plus the thing taht absolutely kills me, is whenever someone says, trying to be nice, “don’t worry it’s more about girth than lenght hihi ;) ” it’s the worst thing I could even hear or read

You started at 4 MSEG, how big are you now ? After how long of doing PE?

Juif, I can relate. I know it can be destructive to see yourself as inadequate for a part of your body that is so resilient to change. You can manipulate the tissues and make it bigger, but it is a journey that needs to be started in the right place. Have you looked at the newbie routine yet? I recommend doing that for at least 12 weeks before thinking about touching a clamp. You’ve got a perfectly fine dick, bro. No, it probably won’t be the biggest your partners have had, but 5.5” is perfectly normal for any race regardless of what other people say. Breaking it would be a serious set back, so start slow and feel things out. Also, to put things it perspective, 5 inches of girth on a 5.5” long penis would make your dick look short and fat whereas now it probably looks normal. In the same way, someone with 8 inches of length would look much thinner with 5 inches of girth than they would if they were 6 or 7 inches long. I just hope that you can get in the mindset that you are working on your dick because it is worth working on, not that it needs to be worked on. Similarly, take care not to hurt it because it deserves to be taken care of.

Juif, I started at 6” BPEL and 4” MSEG.

After 3 years of off and on PE, I am currently 4⅜” and 6⅞” long. After a good pump session I measure 4½” MSEG with no fluid buildup so it’s actually my dick meat expanding to that size.

You can gain what I did faster than I did. I had 2 setbacks due to injuries. I refused to go slow and I had to have a bigger dick now. I did swell up to 4⅝” MSEG when clamping a long time ago but thats what led me to my 1st injury.

Slow is the way to go. If you do it right you can gain quite a bit of size your first year.

By the way bro, whatever girl who calls 5” girth a pencil dick is crazy. 5 is not small.

The average porno dick is around 5 girth. Porno dicks set an unrealistic standard of cock size or it at least skews our perception of average size. Its the monsters that are bigger than that. Trust me bro, not too many guys walking around with monster dicks in their pants.

Play your cards right and maybe gain 1” or more in girth and a few years. Just don’t do what I did and keep pushing for more and more. There’s always a limit to what your dick can take and it never ends well when you exceed it. Feel free to PM me if you ever feel like it bro

It is amazing how the right videographer can make a big dick look gigantic. By the way, do you think the gains made from clamping are from hypoxia, expansion, or both? I’ve been doing some reading on megalophallus and priapasm. I am curious how to maximize my gains, but I don’t want to break my dick.

Last edited by ApexPython : 05-13-2020 at . Reason: Removing an acronym for easier readability

Porn star circumference

Originally Posted by alterdst8
Juif, I started at 6” BPEL and 4” MSEG.

After 3 years of off and on PE, I am currently 4⅜” and 6⅞” long. After a good pump session I measure 4½” MSEG with no fluid buildup so it’s actually my dick meat expanding to that size.

You can gain what I did faster than I did. I had 2 setbacks due to injuries. I refused to go slow and I had to have a bigger dick now. I did swell up to 4⅝” MSEG when clamping a long time ago but thats what led me to my 1st injury.

Slow is the way to go. If you do it right you can gain quite a bit of size your first year.

By the way bro, whatever girl who calls 5” girth a pencil dick is crazy. 5 is not small.

The average porno dick is around 5 girth. Porno dicks set an unrealistic standard of cock size or it at least skews our perception of average size. Its the monsters that are bigger than that. Trust me bro, not too many guys walking around with monster dicks in their pants.

Play your cards right and maybe gain 1” or more in girth and a few years. Just don’t do what I did and keep pushing for more and more. There’s always a limit to what your dick can take and it never ends well when you exceed it. Feel free to PM me if you ever feel like it bro

I’d have to disagree with your “average porno dick” of 5” girth. When you use the term “girth” it’s synonymous with circumference, or the distance around a diameter. I’m not into porn… but I know for certain the average porn guy is well over 5” in circumference! You can Google “Falcon Super Cocks”. These are replica dildos of porn actors past and present with dimensions for insertable length, along with girth.

We get customer measurements for weight hanging systems daily, and the vast majority of customers measure in at 4.5” - 5”
I personally started out at 4 7/8” mid shaft erect girth. After many years of PE training, I’m currently 6 1/4” mid shaft erect girth, 6” below glans and 7 3/8” at base, you can add 1/4” to all those numbers if I have a pump session prior to measuring. This training was traditional hand stretches, weight hanging with LGH (advanced exercises like Fulcrum and Bundle after one year), Pumping and clamping. Eventually I worked into double clamping and gained another 1/4” in erect girth.

There’s a saying in major league baseball that pitchers ask…. “Where do you live”? Meaning lot’s of guys can throw a 95 mph fastball once or twice during a game, but what’s your average? This is applicable to erect penis measurements too!


Originally Posted by ApexPython
It is amazing how the right videographer can make a big dick look gigantic. By the way, do you think the gains made from clamping are from hypoxia, expansion, or both? I’ve been doing some reading on megalophallus and priapasm. I am curious how to maximize my gains, but I don’t want to break my dick.

Hypoxia is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply at the tissue level. Hypoxia may be classified as either generalized, affecting the whole body, or local, affecting a region of the body.

Based on the definition above, Hypoxia would be extremely detrimental to making PE girth gains.
I personally wouldn’t recommend anyone do any clamping until they have a minimum of 6 months to a full year of dedicated PE training and have gained 1/2” - 1” in erect length. You simply cannot develop an adequate amount of tissue or vascular maturity to engage in an advanced PE exercise like clamping until you have properly trained for it. Not a novice PE exercise!

When I incorporate clamping into a PE routine, I do three five minute sessions, with 5 minute breaks in between each set. I also use a double clamp method. After I achieve an erection I will install a Girth Band at the base and then the clamp. I will ratchet up the desired amount of pressure and allow my penis to fully expand. Then put a second Girth Band mid shaft and install the second clamp while I ratchet the clamp to desired tension. This method has helped produce a more uniform thickness throughout my shaft along with increasing glans size.

Originally Posted by Titleist

We don’t know. He hasn’t been around in about six years.

Hope he’s ok. Guy’s a legend.

My Journey

My Vision 9*6

To LG Hanger. I had an idea for an all day stretcher I would like your opinion. Glue a magnet on a penis sleeve. Roll the sleeve on with the magnet at the head of penis. Make a belt for your waist or leg with a magnet to hold your penis in the stretch.

You could even make the sleeve with the magnet built into it.

I think this would be a way to stretch without removing it to pee and not worry about losing blood flow to penis head from constriction.

Penis Pride

Good idea!

Originally Posted by whacky76
To LG Hanger. I had an idea for an all day stretcher I would like your opinion. Glue a magnet on a penis sleeve. Roll the sleeve on with the magnet at the head of penis. Make a belt for your waist or leg with a magnet to hold your penis in the stretch.

You could even make the sleeve with the magnet built into it.

I think this would be a way to stretch without removing it to pee and not worry about losing blood flow to penis head from constriction.

We already have an ADS with leg strap for light all day stretching.
I like the idea of a weighted sleeve and have actually been brainstorming a similar idea. It would require that I make molds that allowed sleeves to hold weight. Not sure a magnetic attachment would work …. You’d have to have a pretty strong magnets to maintain contact.
How much weight it would be able to hold and not be noticeable under clothing would be the the main issue. I doubt much more than a single pound could be done without being obvious.

If you have some conceptual ideas and have a drawing you’d like to submit for review, please email it to us. If I can develop a working prototype we would compensate you for your idea.

Originally Posted by LGHanger
I’d have to disagree with your “average porno dick” of 5” girth. When you use the term “girth” it’s synonymous with circumference, or the distance around a diameter. I’m not into porn… but I know for certain the average porn guy is well over 5” in circumference! You can Google “Falcon Super Cocks”. These are replica dildos of porn actors past and present with dimensions for insertable length, along with girth.

We get customer measurements for weight hanging systems daily, and the vast majority of customers measure in at 4.5” - 5”
I personally started out at 4 7/8” mid shaft erect girth. After many years of PE training, I’m currently 6 1/4” mid shaft erect girth, 6” below glans and 7 3/8” at base, you can add 1/4” to all those numbers if I have a pump session prior to measuring. This training was traditional hand stretches, weight hanging with LGH (advanced exercises like Fulcrum and Bundle after one year), Pumping and clamping. Eventually I worked into double clamping and gained another 1/4” in erect girth.

There’s a saying in major league baseball that pitchers ask…. “Where do you live”? Meaning lot’s of guys can throw a 95 mph fastball once or twice during a game, but what’s your average? This is applicable to erect penis measurements too!

Sure LG, There are a lot of porno dicks bigger than 5” girth especially with more modern tastes for extremes. And of course I meant circumference when I said girth dude.The kid I was talking to is new and he used the term girth so I was using familiar terms for the new guy. Why you quoted me and shared the definition, I’m not sure but thanks I guess.

The porn I like has monster dicks but it really depends what porno you’re watching. There’s plenty of porno circulating with average to slightly larger than average size. I am aware of the market for huge porno dick replicas.

I’m not here to have a pissing contest with you tho, I was trying to ease the new guys anxiety and discontent with his penis size. My post was for him

Originally Posted by LGHanger
We already have an ADS with leg strap for light all day stretching.
I like the idea of a weighted sleeve and have actually been brainstorming a similar idea. It would require that I make molds that allowed sleeves to hold weight. Not sure a magnetic attachment would work …. You’d have to have a pretty strong magnets to maintain contact.
How much weight it would be able to hold and not be noticeable under clothing would be the the main issue. I doubt much more than a single pound could be done without being obvious.

If you have some conceptual ideas and have a drawing you’d like to submit for review, please email it to us. If I can develop a working prototype we would compensate you for your idea.

I recovered some magnets from old hard drives, they are super strong. Research magnets physical size and strength, so strong they can be dangerous.

Penis Pride

Best clamping routine for GIRTH!

For those interested in generating girth gains….
I only recommend this for guys who are experienced PE trainers. This is an advanced PE exercise that should not be done unless you have a minimum of 6 months to a full year of dedicated PE training and have gained 1/2” - a full 1”.

Use a section of silicon sleeve or Girth Bands under clamps for comfort and preventing skin pinch.
Three five minute sessions, one clamp at base with desired tension and another mid shaft. In between each five minute session jelq and hand stretch for a few minutes before moving onto next five minute set.

After this you can move onto a pump session if desired, or you can do your pump session first, just don’t create a bunch of edema!

Double clamping.webp
(11.0 KB, 182 views)

What’s your erection level and when you apply 2nd clamp?

Erection level

Originally Posted by alterdst8
What’s your erection level and when you apply 2nd clamp?

75% +
I can actually get 100% erect with both clamps compressed 50% and I’m still able to Kegel. The expansion and feeling of being completely engorged is incredible! The throb I get is hard to describe, my dick feels like the Hulk busting through clothing. Be sure to focus on fully relaxing the pelvic floor muscle prior to Kegel, then Kegel and hold 5 seconds, relax and squeeze your dick with both hands in between clamps while relaxing for another rep. Only five minutes, then remove the clamps and massage / dry jelq for a few minutes before starting your next 5 minute session. This will not only produce girth gains, it will help improve erection quality and control.

Wrap afterwards and stack a few Girth Bands or sections of silicon sleeve along length of shaft to prevent retraction while recovering.


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