Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

I get mine nice & tight to the base however I can’t stay erect more than about 2 minutes. I don’t understand that. I can gain an erection out of the blue & could be erect for 10 minutes then think I’ll clamp real quick. Put the clamp on & I’m going soft within a minute or two.

I think going flaccid is pretty normal. Does your limp penis remain thicker in diameter than it usually would be? Jump back to the first page of this thread, starting at post #12.

When erect it is thick very much so. As it becomes flaccid thickness reduces. Only way to keep it erect is to continue tightening the clamp. Even with doing this once I reach the tightest setting it will go limp. Thinking of going shorter sessions than 10 min. I just can’t seem to get the hang of it if you will. Reading this thread I hope will change that.

Originally Posted by raybbaby
I think going flaccid is pretty normal. Does your limp penis remain thicker in diameter than it usually would be? Jump back to the first page of this thread, starting at post #12.

What I have found is that the way I was clamping before I would go completely limp and floppy, this resulted in only fluid retention.

Now when I push it deep into base and clamp even if I don’t edge it stays very full and firm. If I do edge it does get harder.

The clamp should make it tend harder than normal. If it goes limp quickly it is most likely too tight to the point where even the arteries are constricted (deep inside). The function of the clamp is to pinch the veins (near the skin) while allowing the arteries inside to flow normally.

Trouble staying hard is also a side effect of over-training and/or low testosterone (such as when you are on a diet), but even in those cases the clamp should help not hinder erection when properly adjusted.

2014: 8.4 x 5.5

2022: 9 x 6.2

I can’t keep an erection while clamping for more than 20-30 seconds. What could I be doing wrong. It seems as though you get a boner, kegal, clamp down and then your full maxed out boner is called out and creating internal pressure. But I do it all and the boner subsides after 30 sec max. On this thread you’ve Eve n mentioned leaving the clamp on and forgetting about it. If anyone who knows a lot about clamping could help me out that would be amazing.

Darshawn. Once you loose the erection how does your penis respond for the rest of the day? Can you easily get another erection within a short period of time? Or does it turtle up and feel weaker after the short duration clamping?

Originally Posted by Tommybuckles
Darshawn. Once you loose the erection how does your penis respond for the rest of the day? Can you easily get another erection within a short period of time? Or does it turtle up and feel weaker after the short duration clamping?

Yea I can easily get an erection after and throughout the day

Usually after three sets I’d have a little trouble getting fully erect immediately after but I’ve had sex with in a couple hours and haven’t had issues. This still in the range of over training?

Over-training is completely relative. No one but you knows how intense your clamping is, and every body is different (not to mention sleep and nutrition). You just need to learn yourself and pay attention to the signs.

If you have no trouble outside the clamp, it’s not likely an over-training issue. Personally, I always have to clamp down most of the way while soft because the clamp will never go tight enough when I’m already hard. Maybe your issue is you think it’s tight enough because you are too hard before the clamp goes on. Also, make sure you are stimulating the whole time. Clamping makes the tip more sensitive, but it doesn’t stroke itself…

Try this way: lube up a little (coconut oil is perfect), close the clamp a couple clicks, and pull it as close to your body/balls as possible with one hand while stretching mr member with the other hand. While it’s held tight in, click down as much as you reasonably can in that position, and hold it there with free hand while edging up your hard on with the stroke hand. When it gets fully stimulated it is properly “ballooned”, and the effect will be that it is not as /stiff/ as a natural hardon, but the skin and veins will be tight and poppin’. The clamp must be sufficiently smaller than your erection is normally, creating that pinched-off “balloon” state.

As i know, usual spot to apply clamp is near base. Sometimes people do 2 or even 3 clamps. One under glans, one at the middle. But is there reason for that? Why not to apply 1 clamp under glans?

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

How to determine clamping frequency?

A lot of people push every other day, some push 5 days and some no rest unless necessary.

If I wake up with morning wood and have erections throughout the day at work, should I clamp more than every other day? Should I clamp everyday until I don’t or stick to 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off. (5 days a week)

When I was clamping faithfully I did it daily as often as I could. This meaning if I got an erection & the ability was there I clamped. Your only looking at 10 minutes of your time for a quick routine. I didn’t get fatigue doing this so I do not feel I was over training however each person is different. Had I felt any discomfort of any kind I would had taken a day off.

Originally Posted by Titleist
Your inability to edge without aids is precisely the reason why a porn detox is in order. I was deep into porn and it took more and more to even get excited. Now without it, if I see an attractive fully clothed woman on the streets, I will get an erection. Before porn detox it would have taken some very raunchy material to even get a semi. You’ll see rewards in just a few weeks.

This describes me perfectly right now

Originally Posted by Smallblkguy
This describes me perfectly right now

Same. I’m hoping that with clamping and a porn detox I can get a heavier hang in general. But my real goal is to put on about a half inch in length and girth, which would put me at 8 BPEL x 6.5 EG


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