Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CLAMPING Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Originally Posted by capernicus1
If you’re having trouble getting hard for a second set maybe you’ve done enough ?
You could also try shorter sets and see if that makes a difference.

That’s what I thought at first. But, it’s gone on for a while. It’s more like I get bored lol. Sometimes I’m aroused and can get 2 sets, sometimes one and a half sets, and sometimes just one. It’s all good while I’m warming up and jelqing, sometimes I’m really ready and don’t get much jelq time in. Then it’s hard and ready to go, I clamp 4 ten minutes, unclamp, jelq again, and then I feel bored, like I’m forcing it to get hard. Once it does, I clamp again and lose the erection almost instant. It’s really like it becomes boring to set and wait. I’ve tried edging, but, it isn’t comfortable to do after the first set. I’ve tried porn, photos of my wife, and mental imaging. But, nothing has worked. Could I try a longer first set if trying a shorter first set doesn’t work?

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

I don’t mean a longer first set to get to second set. I meant like one 20 minute set instead of 2 or 3, 10 minute sets.

Also, could clamping too tight influence the problem? It doesn’t feel like I get a good clamp unless it’s all the way. If I clamp any less than all the way, I lose the erection fast unless I edge at the same time. It doesn’t get good engorgement. If I don’t play with it at all while clamped, the engorgement and erection doesn’t even last through the first 3-4 minutes.

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

Originally Posted by soonerbomb
I don’t mean a longer first set to get to second set. I meant like one 20 minute set instead of 2 or 3, 10 minute sets.

Also, could clamping too tight influence the problem? It doesn’t feel like I get a good clamp unless it’s all the way. If I clamp any less than all the way, I lose the erection fast unless I edge at the same time. It doesn’t get good engorgement. If I don’t play with it at all while clamped, the engorgement and erection doesn’t even last through the first 3-4 minutes.

I’d be wary of going over 10mins if you’re clamping tight.
Keep in mind there are guys who gained ok with just one 10min set every few days, quality not quantity.

Originally Posted by capernicus1
I’d be wary of going over 10mins if you’re clamping tight.
Keep in mind there are guys who gained ok with just one 10min set every few days, quality not quantity.

That’s great, I haven’t read of anyone gaining significantly from doing 1, 10 minute set. But, that makes me feel better.

Starting 10/09/17: BPEL 7” & MSEG 4.75”

Current 12/18/17: 7 1/2" BPEL & 5" MSEG

Goal: BPEL 9” & MSEG 6”

Black Rubber Strapping

I don’t like the clamping devices . I get a much better clamp by lubricating a piece of black rubber strapping and then tying it of at the base of the penis . Because it’s lubricated you can then slide it down so that your penis is clamped even below were your shaft usually begins .

I’ve had 100 percent better results with this method , it is a fine art. I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t be reccomened but if you want great results sometimes you have to push the boundaries .

I want girth but I still want length should I be clamping?

Also I need a small cuff pro. The medium I get to the last notch before I see anything.

Replacement for the no longer available TheraP wristband? I’m hoping I’m spare having to read 170 pages of posts to find an answer ;)

Starting stats 02/13/2013: BPEL 6-3/4" and EG 4-1/4"

Now: BPEL 7-1/8" MSEG 5-1/2" (permanent gains)

Great Gains Short Time

Hi Guys,

I added Clamping to my routine using a cable clamp and wrapping the base of my penis with BDSM silicone restraint tape. I got my cable clamps as a kit off of amazon and the tape there too. I gained about 3/4 of an inch in girth in about 6 weeks Clamping every other day in conjunction with Pumping.

I use clamping as a warm up to pumping and WOW what a difference. I used to get quite a bit of Edema from pumping. Not so much now with clamping then pumping. My cock gets massive once I get to my third set of 7 minutes. I do not have trouble keeping erect. I hope this does not change.

At any rate I clamp and pump every other day. Once I am done with my clamping sets I do 5/5/10 minutes at 6inches HG and Boom!! My cock is awesome now. My wife even bought me a shirt to wear around with “e aho laula” Hawaiian for “Thicker/wider/broader is better” on the front and “Your Welcome” on the back! She just surprised me one day! We have 4 kids and she used to say it was like a hot dog in a hall way!

Worst side effects are I get transient bruising, my cock skin is quite a bit darker not just after clamping and pumping, the skin gets a bit tender every so often, oh and you can hardly tell I was ever circumcised only the very tip shows when I am soft . All in all It is stupid awesome!!

I was having marginal results just pumping.. Adding clamping freaking took it to the next level!

Thanks Guys!

Last edited by mrdlku : 04-23-2018 at . Reason: forgot to add on the front to the part about the shirt.

Newbie Girth

So I’m very naturally long. I have about a 7.6 length, but only a 4.9 girth. I want my girth to be at least 5.5. I’m not sure how to start though. How do I get to the level of clamping?

Originally Posted by Smokey11
So I’m very naturally long. I have about a 7.6 length, but only a 4.9 girth. I want my girth to be at least 5.5. I’m not sure how to start though. How do I get to the level of clamping?

Follow the newbie routine for at least 6 months, get to know your dick, what it can handle, what it can’t, how much, what is an indicator that you are pushing too hard, etc, and then you can begin incorporating some more advanced exercises like clamping.

Trying to do that too early is a recipe for getting injured.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Is there someone here from Brazil? I don’t even know how this equipment is called in portuguese (clamp).

I am a newbie and I am following the newbie routine. I’m not doing clamping right now (maybe ins 4 months I’ll do it). But my primal objective is girth, because my length is higher then average.

Do any of you guys have a picture of the type magnetic wrap to use? Dimensions of wrap. Width mainly?

Threads been around a while. Gonna take time to read through but I’m happy I crossed paths with this one. Been clamping about 8 months with zero results so perhaps something here will help crack a gain.

Originally Posted by LittleT
Threads been around a while. Gonna take time to read through but I’m happy I crossed paths with this one. Been clamping about 8 months with zero results so perhaps something here will help crack a gain.

I’m in the same boat as you. In the last month I think I discovered I was clamping incorrectly, it wasn’t close enough to the base I don’t think. I remember having to jerk off ferociously to stay hard whereas now with a different wrap and ensuring it’s pushed right down I can stay hard with little to no effort.

I’m not sure why there’s such a difference, I remember breaking clamps before it was so tight but it never felt like this.

A lot of people recommend 1 on 1 off and I’m thinking about going back to it In case it was from my poor method I wasn’t gaining.

I’m also tempted to go strong like drilla and Houston, today was a rest day and I had solid night wood when I woke up in the bought, and solid morning wood that was definitely still thicker in my hand from previous days workout.


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