Thunder's Place

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Clamping has to be the most rewarding PE ever


Clamping has to be the most rewarding PE ever

I’ve quit Length to focus solely on Girth.. Found out my NBPEL is now at 6.5” and I’m happy with it.. I did find that my girth had reduced a bit to 4.9”… I am not happy with that..

For the past three days I just focused on clamping and Jelqing.. Today is day 4, and my girth is at 5.2”… I know it has to be temporary, but still so freakin rewarding that the gains last the next day (and it has been over 20 hours since my sessions).

My routine the past 3 days have been simple:

1) Heat for 10 mins
2) Using extender, extend for 5 mins normally and 5 mins with V-stretch. (Applying heat the whole time)
3) Clamp for 10 mins (Applying heat the whole time)
4) Wet Jelq (strong Kegels) at 70% erection for 5 - 7 mins.

Repeat steps 3 and 4 two more times (for a total of 3 sets) through out the day.

I’m positive that all Girth is, is basically getting as much blood into your penis through kegels, forcing internal pressure, making your penis get used to the increased blood… and trying as much as possible to get that absorbed into your penile tissue… Rest is just nature…

Mileage may vary however.. I’m only on day 4 and contemplating resting today.. but I don’t want to… Should I rest?… as in 3 days on 1 day off?.. can I do 4 days on 1 day off?

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth

Last edited by NewbieToPE : 05-18-2012 at .

I think girth from clamping is edema in the short term, but eventually becomes more permanent over time.

I have to say that I became infatuated with my clamped dick at 110% erection level for a while.

I get a similar effect with jelq squeezes now, the only difference is that the squeezes are much more controllable.

And to answer your question, you can probably go 5 on 2 off if your EQ doesn’t suffer.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Do you think you can get any length gains from clamping.

Do you know what you`re doing?

Be very, very careful.

Quite a few of us have become overly enthusiastic during early days of clamping only to experience that our EQ have totally crashed and quite a few have been injured as well.

Clamping is an advanced exercise and should be eased into slowly. Have long-term expectations for your growth. Short-term expectations lead you to do things that are stupid.

Not being an asshole here, but since this is the newbie forum, a warning seemed appropriate. :)

I can’t say that I’ve seen any growth from clamping personally.

And, clamping can injure and take your PE.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

NewbietoPE, what the hell are you doing posting about clamping in the newbie forum. Clamping is not for newbies. Even more, you have to be a seasoned veteran to PE if you want to get the benefits and avoid the risks.

Not only can it lead to injury if you are not conditioned, but it can over condition your dick. Meaning that you start to get expansion, you get some nice gains in the start, but then your dick toughens up to soon, making future constant gains impossible.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Originally Posted by Chicken
NewbietoPE, what the hell are you doing posting about clamping in the newbie forum.

Originally Posted by NewbieToPE
Join Date: Aug 2003

Posts: 45


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by 8incyclops
Do you think you can get any length gains from clamping.

No, I don’t think so. But I stretch using an extender for 10 mins before…

Originally Posted by Chicken
NewbietoPE, what the hell are you doing posting about clamping in the newbie forum. Clamping is not for newbies. Even more, you have to be a seasoned veteran to PE if you want to get the benefits and avoid the risks

Sorry about that, I have been a lurker on this board for a long time, I guess my penis has toughened over the years already… I wasn’t aware that newbies aren’t supposed to be clamping… But I’m new to clamping so I’m going to listen to the warnings here and go slower…

Is it still dangerous if I never clamp over 10 mins, and I only clamp 3 sets per day? I always follow each clamp session with Jelq..

Anyhow, where should my post be? I just need advice, I don’t want to cause people to cause harm to their penis.

PS. I’ve been hearing about EQ, but when I search, I can’t really find a good post that indoctrinates me into EQ and how to increase it… if it is about erection quality, I feel that clamping has helped my EQ, not hurt it…

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth

Thanks a fair bit for the links iamaru! I’ll pay attention to my EQ a fair bit more closely.

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth

Just moved your thread out of newbie.

Clamping works for some guys, maybe not for others.

I’ve tried it three or four times, several different protocols. All I get is shit EQ.

Still recovering from the last attempt, this was more or less flaccid clamping. I’m actually a bit afraid I did some real damage with that.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Just moved your thread out of newbie.

Clamping works for some guys, maybe not for others.

I’ve tried it three or four times, several different protocols. All I get is shit EQ.

Still recovering from the last attempt, this was more or less flaccid clamping. I’m actually a bit afraid I did some real damage with that.

What is the general consensus appear to be on Thunder’s these days for girth? Jelqing and clamping? I haven’t seen too much on pumping since most think it is just temporary.

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

Clamping has proven to be mostly temporary as well.

OP, using a stretcher for 10 minutes is like doing nothing at all. Your routine doesn’t make any sense.

Originally Posted by WetMayo
I haven’t seen too much on pumping since most think it is just temporary.

I attribute the 1/2 inch of girth I have gained

I’ve stopped pumping and PE for long periods of time. My girth does not go away. So to me that is permanent.

I think there is a confusion because the gains you get immediately after pumping is mostly temporary fluid build-up.

Or I think some people picture the extreme pumpers. Their end goal is that temporary fluid build-up, they try to get as much of it as possible. They do that at pretty high pressure. 7HG, 10hg, etc etc

However over time if you pump the thunders place way it appears you can get permanent enlargement.

Thundersplace way is multiple sets at low pressure. Typically between 3 to 5HG.

I do think clamping works for a lot of people. I do think pumping is a lot gentler exercise, and very safe if you follow the guidelines in the pumping forum.

Marinera, I stated that I used the stretcher simply to suggest that I stretched as part of the warmup… I know it does nothing for length, but my theory is that it would help with clamping as the shaft is more stretched before beginning the clamping session.

Either way, I’m going to see if it gives me any benefit…

Start --- NBEL 6" length 5" girth

Current --- NBEL 6.5 length 4.9" girth --- BPEL 7.2 <--- WTF? I hate this fat pad.. I'm not even fat!?

Goal --- 8" length 6" girth

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