Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deconditioning (decon) Breaks: How and Why?

This makes me worry/wonder…. All of last year I was pretty much doing the same routine looking for gains but getting none. I changed my grips and intensity and sometimes alter the time I would heat, stretch, jelq but nothing improved. I took some time off, about 3 months since last September and about 1 or 2 months off before that. No gains when I was having off seasons or when I started again.

Right now on this break my penis isn’t up to it’s maximum extended erect length anymore, at least not the last few days of measurements.

So… now that I’m on a break but want to come back and have a different approach with 2 hour Hanging sessions and ADS and other alterations, I wonder if my penis can create a length increase, or have I overworked my penis for so long that it will be harder for it to create length extensions? I wonder if I’ve hindered my progress by banging my penis against the wall too much by doing the same thing over and over again and not becoming longer?

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

Last edited by Jay Flash : 02-11-2017 at .

I recommend deconditioning breaks highly also. This is when I have made most significant gains.

In the past, after being consistent with PE for several months, I would take several months off, not as a deconditioning break, but just because I became too busy for PE. And when I resumed PE I would find that I had gained. This happened twice at least. But still I didn’t take the hint, because the natural intuition is to think that long breaks from PE would be counter-productive.

Anyway, I took my first intentional decon break for about 7 weeks from December to January. So far the results look good, but I haven’t measured yet. I will report back here when I do.

I toughened the septum of my penis due to stretching, and I plateaued. After a long break the toughness went away and I started getting growth again.

I say: take decon breaks when you plateau. While you are still gaining it doesn’t make sense to take a decon break.

Another thing to consider when you plateau is to change your routine. To properly evaluate the effectiveness of any routine a decon break is necessary also. Just switching routines after plateauing will probably make it look like the new routine isn’t working, when what you really should have done is take a break.

I think, based purely on my experiences, that a decon break needs to be long, in the order of months - just as thoughtfulgold said. In my experience, a week off does not have the same results. You need to give your penis ample time to forget about the trauma of PE and start to relax again, before you abuse it some more.

I work my PE in an 8 week cycle. After every 6 weeks, I take 2 weeks off. That makes the 8 weeks.
Very early in my PE, I started clamping. I toughened my penis so much that my gains stopped dead, and as clamping is the most intense thing you can do, I had nowhere to go from there. I took 6 months off, then started again, but built my routine up way too quickly to take advntage of the ‘newbie gains’ again. Tissue has ‘tissue memory’ - so my penis just toughened up super fast again, to protect itself from damage.
I had to take a full year off to ‘reset’, and then start again very gently and slowly in order to start gaining again. That was a steep learning curve. By doing too much too soon I lost the best part of 2 years, taking into account the 18 months of enforced decon break and the times of no gains from toughening.

Slow and steady wins the race. Tissue adapts in response to a stimulus. Encourage it to stretch and it will do so. Batter the heck out of it and don’t give it time to adapt, and it will just get stronger to resist the abuse.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Has anyone here ever experienced a DECREASE in penis length, erect or flaccid? As I wonder if hitting the penis too hard with consistent intense PE over and over again can not only stop gains but weaken the penis so that it loses length.

As I’ve noticed the odd decrease in erect length on some measurements some weeks back, and am getting it with every erection I’ve had over the last 2 days.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

Originally Posted by firegoat
I work my PE in an 8 week cycle. After every 6 weeks, I take 2 weeks off. That makes the 8 weeks.
Very early in my PE, I started clamping. I toughened my penis so much that my gains stopped dead, and as clamping is the most intense thing you can do, I had nowhere to go from there. I took 6 months off, then started again, but built my routine up way too quickly to take advntage of the ‘newbie gains’ again. Tissue has ‘tissue memory’ - so my penis just toughened up super fast again, to protect itself from damage.
I had to take a full year off to ‘reset’, and then start again very gently and slowly in order to start gaining again. That was a steep learning curve. By doing too much too soon I lost the best part of 2 years, taking into account the 18 months of enforced decon break and the times of no gains from toughening.

Slow and steady wins the race. Tissue adapts in response to a stimulus. Encourage it to stretch and it will do so. Batter the heck out of it and don’t give it time to adapt, and it will just get stronger to resist the abuse.


I’m going more brutal but for only a few weeks, then a month or more off.

Big Al always had his people do 5 weeks on and 1 week off even though he had most only working out 3 days a week at the most.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by Rahman810
Big Al always had his people do 5 weeks on and 1 week off even though he had most only working out 3 days a week at the most.

This is where I got it from initially. My time with Big Al gave me this idea after I noticed I gained after the longer breaks I took.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by Jay Flash
Has anyone here ever experienced a DECREASE in penis length, erect or flaccid? As I wonder if hitting the penis too hard with consistent intense PE over and over again can not only stop gains but weaken the penis so that it loses length.

As I’ve noticed the odd decrease in erect length on some measurements some weeks back, and am getting it with every erection I’ve had over the last 2 days.

I’ve posted on this before but too much PE leads to losses in Erection Quality and Erect Size. I’ll be talking about all of this in the coming installments. As too much trauma is basically irritation that causes your penis to start resisting and retreating which will take away gains and cause losses.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I’m considering taking a decon break myself. I just finished my 12th week of the newbie routine, I did 6 weeks before I measured and I gained some length finished week 7 and had 10 days off over the holidays and started back up the day I got back. I measured again after weeks 8,10 and 12 but haven’t gained anything yet so not sure if to continue or take some time.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I’ve posted on this before but too much PE leads to losses in Erection Quality and Erect Size. I’ll be talking about all of this in the coming installments. As too much trauma is basically irritation that causes your penis to start resisting and retreating which will take away gains and cause losses.

Thanks for this. At least I have some confirmation on what I had been noticing. I should pay more attention to what feels like the slightest or smallest of PIs too.

I wonder if these decreases in size will be permanent if I end up on this break. I will try to keep a 24 hour masturbation break too see if that helps.

I just don’t want this decrease to stay this way or get even worse. Yesterday when I was measuring my penis length during masturbation I noticed that not only was it at it’s constant decrease size but the more I masturbated and kegelled, on my last measurement I had decreased in length even more. It’s a bit scary.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

Originally Posted by Jay Flash
Thanks for this. At least I have some confirmation on what I had been noticing. I should pay more attention to what feels like the slightest or smallest of PIs too.

I wonder if these decreases in size will be permanent if I end up on this break. I will try to keep a 24 hour masturbation break too see if that helps.

I just don’t want this decrease to stay this way or get even worse. Yesterday when I was measuring my penis length during masturbation I noticed that not only was it at it’s constant decrease size but the more I masturbated and kegelled, on my last measurement I had decreased in length even more. It’s a bit scary.

Don’t forget that size is relative to intensity, too. A firmer erection is often smaller, owing to the force-pull nature of the erection. It’s sort of a weird physics, but when you’re half-full and plump, you may measure thicker and longer. But then harden up and it thins out and shortens. I suppose there’s some bro-sci to explain the physicalolgicalizerationals behind why that happens, but I stick with good ol’ empirical observations and just make note of it.

No worries. It’d be pretty impossible to “lose mass” in your dick, as you might an atrophying muscle. Perhaps your PC might atrophy, but your pecker won’t.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

Originally Posted by Jay Flash
Thanks for this. At least I have some confirmation on what I had been noticing. I should pay more attention to what feels like the slightest or smallest of PIs too.

I wonder if these decreases in size will be permanent if I end up on this break. I will try to keep a 24 hour masturbation break too see if that helps.

I just don’t want this decrease to stay this way or get even worse. Yesterday when I was measuring my penis length during masturbation I noticed that not only was it at it’s constant decrease size but the more I masturbated and kegelled, on my last measurement I had decreased in length even more. It’s a bit scary.

Sounds like you just need to rest a while and let your penis recover. Over-training and anxiety are only going to make matters worse.

Don’t worry, I’m positive your decreased size is not permanent.

Thank you all for your comments and help, I appreciate being put in the right direction and reassurances. I’m not sure what break I’ll take, maybe 12 weeks as stated, I just wonder how long my penis will take to be ready to actually increase beyond my normal maximum length, as doing the same routine last year may have made it toughen up too much and be resistant to changes.

July 2014 BPEL - 5 1/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base)

December 2015 BPEL - 5 3/4" BPEG - 6 1/2" (Measured around base) September 2020 BPEL - 6"

As several noted, many of us are concerned (okay, paranoid) about losing gains during a decon break so for those that deconditioned for a couple months or more without losing gains, did you leave your pecker completely alone during that 2+ month period (i.e. no piss-pulls, helicopters or whatever for maintenance)?


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

Originally Posted by Quantum Leap
As several noted, many of us are concerned (okay, paranoid) about losing gains during a decon break so for those that deconditioned for a couple months or more without losing gains, did you leave your pecker completely alone during that 2+ month period (i.e. no piss-pulls, helicopters or whatever for maintenance)?


Nothing extreme. I’ve gone through spurts where it was masturbation only for most of a year with no issues. Your mileage can vary but I doubt it.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


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