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Do you put any kind of cream on your penis after PE


Do you put any kind of cream on your penis after PE

I noticed today I have like stretch marks going across mine looks like it went thru the war. I guess stretch marks are a good sign but I don’t want a 60 year looking penis at 22. ( No offense)

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

First off, cleanliness before and after PE self-treatment would, I think be advisable. So after finishing up, I apply a small amount of Argan Oil to Mr. P. It is a favored skin treatment in many Middle Eastern cultures. It’s just what I do. Read up on it. Perhaps you will find it of use also.

I clean up after PE I don’t think that’s whats causing the stretch marks.

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

Palmer’s cocoa butter. Helps eliminate scar tissue and stretch marks, and smells unbelievably good.

:_pump: :donatecar

Meh, chicks dig scars. Don’t worry about it.

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

I swear by Coconut oil. Easy to find, cheap and also great to cook with.

I use a generic cream with vitamin e and aloe vera. My routine would normally cause discoloration at the very least and it’s looking pretty healthy. I’d take a stretch marked 9 over a 6 inch anything though.

After a rough workout, bio-oil. Skin enhancing, anti stretch mark product. Only need a couple drops. At Walgreens, etc.

Otherwise, I wet-jelq and Jack off with Albolene, which is a facial moisturizer and make-up remover. Keeps dick skin in great condition, as is the KING of masturbation lubes. At Walgreens, etc

Albolene - Makeup Remover for Sensitive Skin

Originally Posted by sta-kool
After a rough workout, bio-oil. Skin enhancing, anti stretch mark product. Only need a couple drops. At Walgreens, etc.

Otherwise, I wet-jelq and Jack off with Albolene, which is a facial moisturizer and make-up remover. Keeps dick skin in great condition, as is the KING of masturbation lubes. At Walgreens, etc

Albolene - Makeup Remover for Sensitive Skin

As of like two weeks ago I am getting INSANE stretch marks near the base of my shaft. Like two inches of shaft is now a bunch of circumferential stretch marks with several 1.5"-2" long longitudinal stretch marks crossing them. It looks crazy and happened extremely fast. I am of Italian/Sicilian descent so I have pretty oily skin, I figured I was immune to stretch marks, how wrong I was!

Do you think bio oil would help with this? I have considered just using baby oil with vitamin E, but I don’t know if that is enough. I don’t want to resort to DMSO due to the garlic breath. Really, because of my thick, oily skin I am pretty ignorant about moisturizers and skin treatments.

The bio oil has minimized stretch marks on my skin, yes. Again, only need a couple drops for your penis, so bottle lasts a good long time.

That’s excellent, I’ll try it out.

I use cocoa butter while exercising and apply vitamin E oil after a hard workout. My 70 year old dick looks like a 22 year old dick.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by sta-kool

The bio oil has minimized stretch marks on my skin, yes. Again, only need a couple drops for your penis, so bottle lasts a good long time.

This has been a God send for me. I also have recently been using coconut oil as well. Both really help keep the skin supple and the bio oil helps with stretch marks and sine of the discoloration, though I don’t have much discoloration to begin with.

My MaxVac Setup Longerstretch's Golf Weight and HTW setup My Log

Starting Size: circa 2003: 5 BPEL x 5.0 MSEG August 2007: 6 2/3 BPEL x 5.5 MSEG 04/22/08: 7.5 BPEL x 5.6 MSEG... On and Off again for a while... 11/25/13: 7.75 BPEL x 5.75 MSEG 08/01/19 BPEL 8.03 x 5.6 10/01/19 BPEL 8.19 x 5.6

Have you bio oil users noticed a reduction in existing stretch marks, or has it worked primarily for prevention?

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