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Do you think guys having a big upward curve are hard gainers

Do you think guys having a big upward curve are hard gainers

I’ve heard on the board that guys that have a big upward curvature, will mostly not gain in length, or it will be most difficult for them.

Actually, when I’m thinking about it, I haven’t seen any body who really has a big upward curve and managed to gain more then 0.5”, plus I never saw a pic of someone with an upward curve who claims he gained something, and I’m saying really banana shape penis, not a slight upward curve.

Most of the big gainers don’t really have a curve, maybe a very little one, but most of them are straight, not 100%, but they look straight, and they gain more.

Maybe having a decent upward curve indicates about having a stronger tunica?

Am I wrong?

Conquering my goals.

Originally Posted by OS_q
I’ve heard on the board that guys that have a big upward curvature, will mostly not gain in length, or it will be most difficult for them.

I hope that’s not the case or I’m royally fooked.

What’s the definition of a ‘big curve’? I’d say mine is certainly prominent but not something I’d classify big, even though I’ve never seen any other curved penises…

02-08-2007: 7"BP-4.7"EG "Starting Length"

I think a downward curve is preferable to a upward curve mainly because the tissues on the underside of the penis is not as tough to stretch as the tissues on the upper penis. You don’t have to deal with the dorsal thickening for instance.

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Originally Posted by OS_q
I’ve heard on the board that guys that have a big upward curvature, will mostly not gain in length, or it will be most difficult for them.

Actually, when I’m thinking about it, I haven’t seen any body who really has a big upward curve and managed to gain more then 0.5”, plus I never saw a pic of someone with an upward curve who claims he gained something, and I’m saying really banana shape penis, not a slight upward curve.

Most of the big gainers don’t really have a curve, maybe a very little one, but most of them are straight, not 100%, but they look straight, and they gain more.

Maybe having a decent upward curve indicates about having a stronger tunica?

Am I wrong?


I’ve never heard this. I have no reason to believe it.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

My more prominent upward curve was somewhat straightened to yield measurable length.

I do believe the topside of the penis is tought tissues than the bottom side as well.

I’m just asking, It seems logical.

What about the dorsal vein? Mine is leaking.

Conquering my goals.

The septum is the toughest tissue in the penis. In a penis with a big upward curve, it is shorter than average, however, this does not mean it is tougher than anyone else’s. Hard gainers will usually have a very thick and tough septum (whatever their curve), and will need to always use heat to get any results. So it’s not really the curve, more whether you have a thick septum.

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All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

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