Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experimental new type of clamping: journal of development

Interesting thread. Have you ever tried a regular, 10-20 min clamping routine, or just this new long kind? If so, how have the two differed in all aspects (esp. gains)? A purple dick would scare the bijesus out of me and I’d hurl the clamps to the floor if such a thing happened. You don’t think this is pretty freakin dangerous? However, as long as there was no damage as there doesn’t appear to be, its all good I guess. Those are some great gains, I look forward to your next measurement day :) .

Sparky: I wish I knew about those weights 10 mins ago, because I just ordered golf weights online! :-(

Mick: You have to feel your way around this a bit. You should tie it off with approximately medium tightness. As you progress into the workout, you may want to use less tightness, as your dick expands. Try to stay as erect as possible, but it’s not necessary to be 100% erect - 75% or greater should be ok. The idea is to stretch the penis in the first hour and keep it from shrinking by mainting an erection for another extended period of time. That way, you break down the tissue, keep it stretched, and force it to start healing in the stretched state. That’s the whole premise of this experiment. So, even though you’re not applying super intense clamping pressure, the blood flow that’s engorged in your dick kind of builds up over an hour or two. Your dick should get really engorged by this point and any kegeling just engorges it even more, producing an intense pressure, I’ve discovered. Try it out, find your “sweet spot” in terms of tightness, stay engorged for an extended period, then start kegeling hard. You’ll see what I’m talking about. It feels like your dick pretty much gets pushed to the limit in terms of inflation. Just be careful not clamp too hard and cut off the oxygenated blood flow completely.

feolds: I still recommend using a strip cloth as the actual clamp for the reasons I stated earlier. I’m thinking that the loss of morning wood is a sign that your penis is busy healing. I think this is probably a good sign - it means you really worked it. Take the day off, try this again tomorrow. Let me know how it goes.

Originally Posted by RonJeremy789
Interesting thread. Have you ever tried a regular, 10-20 min clamping routine, or just this new long kind? If so, how have the two differed in all aspects (esp. gains)? A purple dick would scare the bijesus out of me and I’d hurl the clamps to the floor if such a thing happened. You don’t think this is pretty freakin dangerous? However, as long as there was no damage as there doesn’t appear to be, its all good I guess. Those are some great gains, I look forward to your next measurement day :) .

Hey Ron,

I used to do regular clamping routinely. This new kind fatigues my dick a lot more - if you read my 2nd update you’ll see I describe it as feeling tender afterwards, kind of like your muscles feel after a hard weight lifting session. On the other hand, it hurts less while I’m doing it. I get a good pump, and incredible engorgement (read my first two updates on this thread for details of that). My gut feel is that this will be way more effective than regular clamping. I think regular clamping is too harsh and when it is done repeatedly might trigger the survival reflex that SparkyX has written about (i.e. your dick gets tougher, but doesn’t grow).

Originally Posted by feolds

I will try the 2 x 45 routine tomorrow. It appears that based on those studies, a minimum of 15 hrs erect time per week is needed to get results. You agree? That would mean consecutive work days. Any thoughts?

BTW - as far as discoloration, my unit was much less darker yesterday versus my normal heavily clamped coloration.

15 hours erect time, yes - but we’re adding more pressure from clamping, so we shouldn’t need that much time, I think. I’ve average only about 8 hours a week for the last two week (4 days x 2 hours per session).

Doghound question on 15 hrs...


By regular clamping, do you mean doing 1 set of regular clamping prior to the extended, less pressurized sets?

Also where are you at w/regard to progress, how many hours of extended sets have you logged and your measurements still exceeding prior highs?


Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

Originally Posted by feolds

By regular clamping, do you mean doing 1 set of regular clamping prior to the extended, less pressurized sets?

Also where are you at w/regard to progress, how many hours of extended sets have you logged and your measurements still exceeding prior highs?


Regular clamping = using a hard clamp (e.g. a cable clamp) at maximum pressure for 10-20 minutes. I tried doing them before my extended sets at first, but I dropped it because it didn’t seem to have much of an effect. So now it’s purely less pressurized sets but for much longer.

I’ve logged only about 17 hours over the last two weeks, mostly because I’ve been quite busy. As far as progress goes, please see my second update at the beginning of this thread, dated April 16. I give details of measurements and progress up to this point there. During extended sessions, I’m logging about in the same range that I first noticed, but it depends on how long I go for. Generally, if I stay clamped for 1-2 hours, I’m around 5.7 midshaft, 5.75 glans, 6.25 base. Anything over 2 hours and I’ve gone as girthy as 5.8 midshaft, 6 glans, 6.4 base. My length between 1-2 hours is around 6.5. Right around 2 hours or more I start to expand again and I’ve gotten as much as 6.7 before.

Originally Posted by doghound
Regular clamping = using a hard clamp (e.g. a cable clamp) at maximum pressure for 10-20 minutes. I tried doing them before my extended sets at first, but I dropped it because it didn’t seem to have much of an effect. So now it’s purely less pressurized sets but for much longer.

I think this is a better way to go anyway.

I think this will give the greatest potential for prolonged growth while minimizing tissue toughening…I actually did this for about a week and got about 1/4 inch gain in girth.

I stopped because I wanted to concentrate on length, then come back for girth.

Isn’t the cloth strip is a surprisingly good piece of equipment?

Hi Guys,
I have a few questions about the cloth clamping. I read the whole thread, but didn’t see answers to this.

Could you be specific about the cloth wrap? Dog and Sparkyx, you said it was tee shirt material, how wide and long was it? How many times did you wrap it around? How did you tie it off? Compared to clamping with a cable clamp how hard was your penis? Dog you said you cloth clamped for 8-15 hours during a week at 80-100% erection, maybe I’m getting old, but damn that’s a long time to be erect.( I guess I could have done that when I was younger, but work, kids and wife get in the way) Is that correct and is it a full hard erection or could it flop it down so you can put your pants on?

Would you consider this an advanced form of all day wrapping? I’m trying to figure out a way to use this technique but have to make it fit my lifestyle to make it work. Could you cloth wrap and go to work or at least do it on your commute or it is too cumbersome? Do you think a tight cloth wrap at 50%-70% for an hour or more would give you some benefits? I know this is alot of questions, but if you could answer a few I would appreciate it. Thanks

Dog, I was hoping you’d save me the effort…but here goes.

Any soft thing will do, the idea is to not have any hard edges that can cause any injury to blood vessels or nerves or any tissue.

Soft distributes the forces evenly and comfortably.

I found that a 1/2 inch wide x 12 inch long piece of t-shirt material works great, I like the sewn edge from the bottom best, its folded and sewn so its stronger.

The idea is to experiment with different levels of snug and observe what level of erection it produces.

The main idea is to maintain circulation while maintaining a level of erection that you decide and can do.

By maintaining circulation, I mean keeping normal or near normal color and temp.

So lets just say you want to maintain about 50% erection for 2 hours.

I recommend getting a partial erection if you can, then tie it snug, just a little smaller than your girth and wait and see what happens.

If its too tight, you will get harder, if too loose…softer.

Lets just say you nail it, but as a half hour goes by you start to get bigger, which in turn makes it snugger which leads to a very hard erection….then you would have to loosen it to bring it down a bit…get it?

Its really not difficult, it just takes some experimentation.

As with any constriction, do not sleep with it on, or walk around with it in your pants without supervision until you really get the hang of it.

You don’t want to go to work or bed, not look at it for 6 hours, then drop your pants to find a black dead dick because you weren’t paying attention…right?

So take the time to learn it, and I think this will be very productive for girth!

I just completed 3 x 1 hour sets. Clamped for an hour then loosened for 1-3 minutes. Erection levels ranged from 40-100%, but most likely averaged about 75-80%.

Took a half a Cialis after the first hour.

Clamp session was followed by 10 minutes jelquing, 20 minutes in hot bath. Edged a couple of times while in bath.

No discoloration, mild doughnut (gone after 2 hrs).

Post session hang is decent (neutral PI).

Max expansion was 5 1/16”, slightly above my typical clamping average of 5.5”. This level was not achieved until the last half hour.

Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

Thanks for the reply Sparkyx, I’ll get on it.

Bib’s explanation in the thread I linked before might help with understanding how to get the correct tightness. It isn’t easy. As the shaft foreward of the wrap engorges, so does the part directly under the wrap, which further restricts blood flow. After some practice you learn about how tight the wrap needs to be to begin with. You need to be able to fine tune the tightness. When using Theraband, unraveling the last few turns and then redoing them a little tighter or looser worked for me.

To build the initial engorgement a tiny bit of erection combined with pulling the wrap toward the base while kegeling works well. Kegel while pulling the wrap back. Repeat until you’ve captured enough blood ahead of the wrap so the shaft will continue engorging on its own.

I’ve never tried anything non-stretchy like t-shirt material as the main wrapping device. It might work, but if not go with something like Theraband.


I’m gonna PM you, check.

There’s something I want you to consider trying.

It seems the more expansion with the least force is the way to go.

This is because I believe it causes the least damage therefore the least contraction and toughening.

As I have said, I believe that this will allow the greatest total growth.

I think the soft clamping technique for prolonged times will, all by itself…lead to good girth growth.

What I propose is this;

try starting early in the day, soft clamping…allow it to expand for several hours…THEN…heat for about 15 minutes, then do a more intense full pressure clamping for about 10 minutes or less…then follow with partial pressure soft clamping for several hours.

What I think this will do is pre-stretch the tunica with little or no damage, then the heat and full pressure clamp session for 10 minutes will push the boundaries even further…again with minor stress.

By following with a few hours of partial pressure soft clamping, you allow the minor stress to “heal” in place, setting a new size.

I think the best is to find the ideal amount that allows you to do this cycle every day, not needing time off.

You can determine this by daily measuring and watching PIs…especially nite and morning wood.

If wood is excellent, but you aren’t progressing, try cutting down the pre and post partial pressure to 1-2 hours.

Also, you could try reducing the full pressure clamp time.

If that doesn’t do it…try going the other way and increasing all those times, but gradually.

I have been getting rather hard to believe results from a similar approach with hanging…but I don’t want to go public until I confirm it.

Very interesting stuff, I have been doing a variation of this myself for the past couple weeks. I do 30 mins of jelqs to warm up then do 2 or 3 very high intensity 10 minute clamps. After that I let the erection go down a little bit and slip on my homemade cock ring. Then I keep an erection going for anywhere from 1 hour to 5 hours. I find that I hang a lot larger all day and can get really good expansion with this.

Really good idea using the shirt material to tie it off, that way you do not need to wait for the post clamp erection to go down

My Goal...To Look good NAKED


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