Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experimental new type of clamping: journal of development

Did I mention that I love the synergy of this forum? Ideas trigger more ideas and variations, and the body of knowledge and the mutual support are amazing. I’ve learned tons in the few months I’ve been here. Thanks, everyone.

Great work here. I thought this might help:


Megalophallus has been previously reported,[2] but it is not generally recognized as a sequela of priapism. In our patient, this complication developed immediately after a prolonged and intense episode of priapism 9 years before the patient presented to us. This sequela did not interfere with subsequent erections. Fibrosis of the corpora cavernosa, as previously hypothesized, [2] should result in low flow by Doppler imaging. The reverse was true in our patient.

We propose an alternative mechanism for this sequela. The increase in penile circumference follows a sudden and permanent loss of elasticity of the tunica albuginea, brought about by a particularly intense priapism and a very engorged organ. The loss of elasticity of the tunica albuginea releases constraints on the corpora cavernosa, which then expand like a sponge. This expansion, helped by some subtunical venous impairment that is secondary to the remaining elasticity of the stretched tunica, results in pooled, deoxygenated blood in the corpora cavernosa consistent with our BOLD-MRI findings. BOLD-MRI defines the presence of deoxygenated blood, eliminating the need for an invasive procedure.

The plausibility of this mechanism for megalophallus is supported by the lack of increase in the circumference of the glans in our patient and the one previously described. The glans penis sinusoids are larger and the tunica albuginea is absent, and thus do not provide the bases for the pathologic features observed. The decreased elastic compression of the tunica explains the lack of pain despite the enlargement of the penis. The residual elastic restraint to expansion produces moderate blood stasis, explaining our BOLD-MRI findings. Finally, conservation of the capacity for full erection is due to the intactness of the corpora cavernosa and the infratunica venule system."

http://www.ncbi … l=pubmed_docsum

To all clampers:

For clamping I´ve discovered the use of a piece of elastic bandage to tie it to the base of the penis, instead of a clamp or any other device. I prefer this type of bandage to any other thing.

If you try it and you approve it please tell me by mail.


The article describes loss of elasticity of the tunica. I wonder what the mechanism for that would be.

Horny Bastard

I am not sure if the low erection level works alone, but I have worn an ADC and then clamped or pumped and it increase the expansion while decreasing the time needed. I cannot imagine an ADC alone adding any real size.

Do any of you use a cock ring while pumping? I think it is the best of both worlds (internal pressure without having to constantly maintain an erection), but I do not have a metal ring yet.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
It would be hysterically funny if this works…all the work, time, suffering, injuries to get a bigger dick, and it turns out that a good nite sleep (with mild constriction) will do it! :)


an observation from an old post on how skin tissue repairs itself: mgus - Wrapping for passive PE

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I tried this type of clamping today. The only way for me to maintain an erection for that long is to focus on it and not do anything else. I think it is too time consuming for me to do too much of this.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I tried this type of clamping today. The only way for me to maintain an erection for that long is to focus on it and not do anything else.

I have used a different clamp for the last couple of weeks that
will keep your erection without stimulation or focus.
I wrote a review here. Peter Dick - If your thinking of Clamping or are a clamper look here

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

That is interesting info Mr. Dick. Why do you think that the air clamp helps to maintain an erection better than other clamps? It seems that it would be related to tightness, rather than the type of clamp. And if it is tight enough to maintain an erection, wouldn’t that be too tight for a long duration clamp?

Horny Bastard

It’s not the tightness of the Air Clamp that helps you keep your erection, but rather the fact

that a penis is not round or shaped like a Cable Clamp and therefore the old style clamps can’t keep the blood in your penis no matter how hard you clamp. The Air Clamp forms around your penis shape perfectly. You don’t have to clamp it hard at all.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

Ok I tried this technique, I wraped some ace wrap around the base and use some fabric to tie it off but I tied it real tight to the point where I started to here the fabric tear. I had to jerk off to keep my erection so I finally got into all that downloaded porn in my archives(I download it and never watch it it’s like a compulsion) my dick ballooned up by and inch!! Her I am jerking off to “big booty whores” and I look down to a shaft a full 7” around with a head the size of my fist(ok maybe thats an exaggeration, but you get the idea it was huge). I’ve been doing this every other day along with 3 sets of 5 min of clamping with 100 jelqs in between. Then after 3 sessions I do 300, 400, 500, 400, 300 jelqs for the next five days before I resume the aforementioned new clamping routine. A nice side effect immmmmmmmmmm supppppeeeerrrr horny every time I cum it’s like the first time (remember that when you discovered the male orgasm ahhhh memories) anyway give it a try or some variation of it if nothing else you can look at your balloon animal sized cock in the mirror, and isn’t that what it’s all about. Lol


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