Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experimental new type of clamping: journal of development


Try this variation;

jelq just long enough to get it warm and plump…then use the cloth to just get 50-70% erection for a couple hours.

If you do it right, you should get some good inflation.

Next, heat your unit for 15 minutes (your choice of methods) then go into 1-3 sets of 5 minutes of full pressure clamping, light jelquing inbetween sets (2-3 minutes…LIGHT!!!)

Follow THAT with the cock ring or t-shirt material and try and maintain a partial erection for at least an hour….more would be better.

The trick is to get max expansion with the least tissue irritation.

Its the tissue trauma or irritation that causes contraction and inflammation which is the enemy of growth.

By PRE-INFLATING with lower pressure constriction, it takes less force to reach new limits…less force means you will have less contraction and irritation.

Less contraction and irritation means you can heal and grow quicker.

I think its best to do this daily.

That means if your PI’s turn negative (especially if your shrinking) cut down on all the times and forces, especially the full pressure clamping….until you are getting daily improvement in all the PI’s…especially size.

I’ll give that a try tonight, very good topic you have going here. Was re-reading over some of the previous posts and I like the idea of light ADS used in conjunction with this. I may pick up some golf weights and give that a try. Summer is rapidly approaching and that means I am working 12-14 hours a day, most of that I will be on my feet.

My Goal...To Look good NAKED


I had an idea. Since warming the penis is good. Wouldn’t it be good to keep the penis a little warmer while doing the extended clamp/wrap? I had a thought I’ll try in a few days. What if you took some space/survival blanket (that shiny mylar heat thin heat resistant material) cut it in pieces, taped it into a small sock shape and put it on your penis while it is in the clamp/wrap? This would be easy to wear and flexible. Just a thought. I’ll try it when I get time to go to a sporting goods store. Its a crazy idea, but so is putting a clamp on your penis;)

Originally Posted by figaro
I had an idea. Since warming the penis is good. Wouldn’t it be good to keep the penis a little warmer while doing the extended clamp/wrap? I had a thought I’ll try in a few days. What if you took some space/survival blanket (that shiny mylar heat thin heat resistant material) cut it in pieces, taped it into a small sock shape and put it on your penis while it is in the clamp/wrap? This would be easy to wear and flexible. Just a thought. I’ll try it when I get time to go to a sporting goods store. Its a crazy idea, but so is putting a clamp on your penis;)

Funny, I was thinking the same thing…but dismissed it because I’m lazy.

I DO think if you keep it warmer during ADS or ADC it would be beneficial.

Let us know how it goes.

I’ve even considered those hunter socks that stay hot for like 12 hours at a time.

I just bet it would accelerate cell repair and grow.

Just try not to heat your testicles too much if you are trying to conceive a baby…heat kills sperm.

Heating will worsen fluid buildup. If bloat is an issue for you, skip the heat.

Some ponderings.

A couple of things I’ve been pondering.

1)Is clamping of any type necessary? The study indicated the volunteers had low level erections, up to 80%. I would define 80% as just enough rigidity for penetration. I’m in my first hour of this routine today and so far have maintained between 40-100% erection just by reaching down and occassionally providing minimal stimulation. Cialis helps. I’m pretty sure, since I working at a desk today, this could be maintained for hours. Zero clamping would also mean zero fluid build.

2) Doghound and I have both mentioned expansion at or exceeding normal clamped expansion, but again the question is, is that necessary or even possible, if trying to match the study and maintain a 40-80% boner?

3) In another thread someone plotted the times and gains the volunteers made, citing the fact that those exceeding 4 hrs a day had the best gains. It was also stated that it was unfortunate the best gains were made beyond the danger zone (meaning a 4 hour priapsim). I’m not sure 4 hours of a 40-80% erection qualifies as priapism or puts one into the danger zone. The point being, although it’s not practical on a daily basis, perhaps a one or two time, all day boner (40-80%) might really jump start gains.

Any feedback or countering viewpoint are welcomed.


Goal = 5" x 5" flaccid;]

Last edited by feolds : 04-21-2006 at . Reason: spelling

This thread coincided with my first use of liquid cialis (generic tadalafil). Thanks to that, I get my morning wood very early — about 3 a.m. — and it lasts for two/three hours. So I’ve been putting on an adjustable cock ring before going to bed. It’s loose, initially, set up to be mildly tight during an erection. When I wake up, I have major girth, and a very warm, healthy looking appendage. It’s a very nice feeling. I was worried about not being warmed up enough, but I sleep hot (high metabolism, I suppose) and find this much less stressful than clamping during the day. So far, the most painless and care-free PE method I’ve tried :-)

Also, I wake up hard, so I’ll tighten the ring and do 10-20 min. of kegeling before getting up, if I have time.

Originally Posted by plustwo
This thread coincided with my first use of liquid cialis (generic tadalafil). Thanks to that, I get my morning wood very early — about 3 a.m. — and it lasts for two/three hours. So I’ve been putting on an adjustable cock ring before going to bed. It’s loose, initially, set up to be mildly tight during an erection. When I wake up, I have major girth, and a very warm, healthy looking appendage. It’s a very nice feeling. I was worried about not being warmed up enough, but I sleep hot (high metabolism, I suppose) and find this much less stressful than clamping during the day. So far, the most painless and care-free PE method I’ve tried :-)

Seems to fall within the parameters of what we are talking about… :-k

…. I like it! :cheerlead

Let us know what happens…measure daily, that is the only way to really gauge whats happening.

The mildly tight during an erection, that lasts for 2-3 hours…sounds just about right.

Plus I think that nite wood, being under the covers, tends to have a slightly elevated temperature than normal (just guessing) which should also be beneficial.

It would be hysterically funny if this works…all the work, time, suffering, injuries to get a bigger dick, and it turns out that a good nite sleep (with mild constriction) will do it! :)

Post updates here, so we can follow it…or pm me!


Interesting thread, keep it going guys!


Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS


You know, some guys have done something similar…like wearing the thera-p band to bed at nite…and found it helped increase their flaccid size.

It just occurred to me…what if the rest of their routines did enough damage that they didn’t get growth from the nite time thing…because they were mostly repairing at nite…and not growing?

Also, I remember when I was going through puberty…I would get wickly hard erections for hours at nite, couldn’t roll over on it…it would hurt.

Same thing in the daytime…but not for hours.

Plus…I would edge for hours.

I truly wonder if this contributed to my pre-pe size of 7.5X 5.5?

I really wonder if that IS part of the growth mechanism.

Further, some guys talked about having sex for hours and hours…and no increase in size (although some said the did get growth)…perhaps the sex itself was enough trauma to not have sufficient recovery time before the next session.

I know that there has been times after long sex sessions, that my dick did ache.

Maybe the key is prolonged hard erections…with little to no trauma to set back recovery?

We KNOW priapism causes megaphallus…now if we could just tone down the force/time so we get healthy growth and not tissue death and deformation.

I have come up with some theories on how to determine how much forces each individual should use for growth…but I need to work out some of details…I’m excited by the functionality of it.

I’m really curious to see how your experiment turns out…but like I said…measure daily.

Its great to have a group of guys trying different experiments…it can save a ton of time!

I can’t wait to see some of the long term results of these methods you guys are trying. If it works, when I go for girth this is what I will do. I have a feeling for me girth will be much harder than length has been and I bet this will be just what I need.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

I just read this whole thread and here are my questions/thoughts:

1. To do this light clamping for one or two hours, are you laying around masturbating with your pants down the whole time, or can you maintain enough of an erection while going about your business?

2. Why would anything less than 100% erection have any effect on size? If you are not 100%, there really is not significant internal pressure to expand the tissue, right?

3. I understand the goal of trying to achieve enough of a sustained engorgement for growth without damage. In my mind however, I see it much more likely to achieve damage without growth. For example, clamping at less than 100%, causes no stretching, yet still limits venous outflow enough to cause a state of hypoxia.

4. I have found that clamping produces significant “faux” gains caused by skin swelling and lymph build up, or whatever, and that taking a breeak for a week or two will be enough for these gains to disappear. So, I wonder how much of these impressive initial gains are real.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by mravg
I just read this whole thread and here are my questions/thoughts:
1. To do this light clamping for one or two hours, are you laying around masturbating with your pants down the whole time, or can you maintain enough of an erection while going about your business?
2. Why would anything less than 100% erection have any effect on size? If you are not 100%, there really is not significant internal pressure to expand the tissue, right?
3. I understand the goal of trying to achieve enough of a sustained engorgement for growth without damage. In my mind however, I see it much more likely to achieve damage without growth. For example, clamping at less than 100%, causes no stretching, yet still limits venous outflow enough to cause a state of hypoxia.
4. I have found that clamping produces significant “faux” gains caused by skin swelling and lymph build up, or whatever, and that taking a breeak for a week or two will be enough for these gains to disappear. So, I wonder how much of these impressive initial gains are real.

I think we have to divide our thinking into 2 camps.

One, using force to expand the tissues.

Two, stimulating some sort of growth.

Ideally, I think you need to find a force where it SLIGHTLY overlaps.

I’ve been reading on priapapism…it is usually described as “a painful erection”…this is most likely from a harder than normal erection.

The real damage occurs from lack of oxygen for prolonged periods and acidosis of the blood.

So, we know that this WILL cause a massive increase of size…but also massive tissue damage.

So, backing down that continuum…what would it take to get modest sustained gains with little to no damage?

I don’t know. Thats what were trying to determine.

As far as damage…I think its safe to say if you go towards discoloration and coldness…you should limit it to 10 minutes…the majority of clampers here tend to indicate this is a safe range.

However, I truly wonder if even this range doesn’t cause fibrosis due to the oxygen depletion.

I was reading some of Drillas stuff and pics…I don’t think he ever uses the “purple dick” method…he appears to be clamping at a pressure that allows normal color….hence normal oxygen…I may be wrong.

So, what if you maintain a 90% erection for an hour or two…do you think this will stress the tissues? I think it will…will it be enough to expand them?

Maybe…for some.

What if you add another 1-2 hours at 50-70% erection…will it expand the tissues? I don’t think so. Will it stimulate a growth mechanism? Maybe.

Is it enough to “hold” the tissues in an expanded state while it “heals”…maybe.

Some have reported that they believed times of prolonged sex over a period of months, led to some gains.

Others said they went through the same thing and saw no changes.

Is it possible the natural tissue toughness of the individual had an effect? Of course.

Is it possible the roughness of the sex had some effect too? Of course.

I know myself, there has been times where my dick was achy…like pe achy, after a wild weekend.

If I let it recover completely before repeating the process, could it have resulted in growth? Maybe.

Personally I think if we can use JUST enough forces to expand the tissue, but not enough to cause contraction…thats the key.

I think this is done with slightly more than your normal erection for a short time…then back off with a lesser force to MAINTAIN that expansion for at least 20 minutes.

I have been experimenting with a modest PRE EXPANSION force, like ADS or ADC first…THEN use the higher force to push the tissue boundaries….THEN back down to a lower force to fulfill the 20-30 minutes…and actually I found 2-3 hours best for the force level I use.

This allows me to use less expansive forces…therefore same stretch with LESS force/time…hence, less “healing” time needed…allowing more “growth” time.

Its like BG says…”never let it turtle”.

But what if the forces you use cause it to turtle for days?

I think that is like 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

What if it only contracts for a short period of time, and during that time you keep it in an extended state with a force that doesn’t further irritate the tissue.

If you do that, I believe recovery and growth can occur in the same day…not be pushed days down the line…and thus never really get a chance to occur.

I think this is ideal for sustained gains…daily mild to moderate forces, from which you cycle STIMULATE…RECOVER…GROW.

So, I think there are some possibilities here…we are looking to see what results from these experiments.

I’m glad were doing this…and time will tell whether it has potential…or just ANOTHER pe dead end.

Let me add:

1. This is experimental, and I’m not recommending it to anyone. It’s obviously risky, since you’re not in a position to monitor. Much has been written in this forum about the dangers of PE while sleeping.
2. I know my member well. In particular, I know how loose to make the cock ring so that’s it’s “just right” when erect. Too tight would be (very) harmful.
3. I’ve been pumping for almost four months and clamping for about two. I.e., I feel I’m conditioned enough that I can take a ranger of stress relatively safely.
4. I’ve only been doing this for a week, and didn’t measure girth before I started. But I can say that the 1.5” metal cock ring I bought a couple of weeks ago was too loose to use effectively (for sex). Yesterday, I couldn’t even get it on. (Flaccid hang was also noticably fatter all day.)
5. I use a gamut of techniques, based mostly on stretching, jelqing and pumping. I clamp a few times a week. So, it is impossible to isolate the effect of just this one method. However, since it’s essentially ‘free’ (doesn’t take any time out of my day), I’ll certainly continue.


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