Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth routine, how long before a change

M8t, keep adding input. Discussions will work out the details.

More, I have been lifting a while and built fairly well and have added over an inch to my length so I understand what pain is. My point was not to compare the two exercises but how the definition of a word is used differently.

FGoat, I could not agree with you more. Being in the military I see people all the time confuse discomfort with pain. I wish I could count the number of times I’ve said “Suck it up Cupcake” on a ruck march.

I think I’m sensitive to the whole pain thing for 2 big reasons. The first is my injury years ago and the second is my very high tolerance for pain due to my genetic disease. It causes degenerative nerve damage in my family, so badly that my mother who used to work for a pizzeria could remove the hot pizza pies from the oven with her bare hands. I have had several serious injuries (car crashes, broken bones, etc) over the years and hardly felt them. When I went in for tonsil/adnoid removal surgery, I sat in the recovery room eating ice cream and only some minor pain without any pain meds. The nurses were stunned, as the guy in the next room was wailing in pain from the same surgery. Yeah, it can be bad at times because I can do serious damage and don’t realize it. By the time I feel warning signs, it can be too late. I have improved much in the last 2 years due to diet changes, but I know the past damage will eventually take my life in my 50’s/60’s. Crippled my mom in her 50’s (died at 67) and killed my grandfather before he hit the pavement when he was 45. Hence my sunny personality and laid back attitude.. Like the well known cartoon character.. Life is too short (and so am I) to care what others think of me. I will continue to post to advise, entertain, and be there for people who have questions. If I can reach my final dream goal of 10” with my techniques, I know it will help other average guys like I was go all the way to their limits safely. Knowledge should be shared.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

I think the real reason why you guys fail to see my point (like the guy who just says “false”, Drugs are bad. M’kay?) is that you don’t have enough experience with pain. You see I have an issue with my ankles where after 5 minutes of walking they start to hurt. This isn’t some pussy shit where they “hurt”. It eventually gets to the point where I can’t walk anymore even if I wanted to so I have to sit down for 10+ minutes. I’ve had an intestinal blockage due to an allergy to soy protein (tough way to find out) and even the pain from a knotted up digestive track for 48 hours (morphine did almost nothing) doesn’t compare to my ankle pain. I read what you guys said I you know what? You guys need to toughen up. Seriously. If 10 is max pain and 0 is no pain my ankles hurt anywhere from a 6 to a 10 after walking up hill for 30 minutes. If you understand what I’m saying (clearly you guys don’t) then you know I’m advocating for using enough force to generate a pain response that’s less than the amount of pain that means injury will happen. You guys are very ignorantly stating that all pain is bad with zero proof then acting like what I’m talking about is “just wrong”. I mean based on your responses it’s like I’m on a religious forum and I’m questioning the scripture.

As I said before pain is a tool to gauge the amount of stress you’re putting tissue through. You guys are right about weightlifting though. Real weightlifters are much more hardcore than anything I’m suggesting (opposite of what you think). Injury in bodybuilding, powerlifting and strongman training is very prevalent due to the amount of stress these guys put their body through. Guys even rip their pectoral muscles during training. Now if you were going to compare that to PE that would be where you pull so hard you partially rip your dick off. If you really believe by advocating for pain I think you should almost rip your dick off then you did not read what I said or you did not understand what I said. But at the same time if you’re starting at 5 inches long and you want 9+ then you’re not going to get there without feeling pain. Drastic changes in your body requires stress. I’m sure you guys have read about the cases of priaprism which have induced megalophallus. Now this is probably far beyond the level of pain that I’d recommend. But if you already get maximum expansion from erections (they’re already super hard) then doing some light jelqs with a pain level of 0 for a few days a week for a year probably won’t do anything because you’re basically *cough* masturbating. If you could masturbate and get a big dick then this site would be redundant. Also I’d like to reference my idea of maximizing the area under the curve of S(t) again (stated it originally a few posts back for those who didn’t read). If you don’t feel pain the value of S(t) will be very low and hence low stress. If the value of S(t) is too high then you won’t be able to maximize the value of t (won’t be able to work out as long). If you get injured then the area under the curve of S(t) is functionally zero. I’m advocating for the maximization of the area under the curve of S(t) by maximizing stress (pain) as well as t (time) under stress. By keeping pain high enough so that tissue stress can be maximized while at the same time making sure you don’t cross the line into “bad pain” (takes a while to figure out the difference which might also be your problem) will ensure you’re maximizing the adaptive potential of your tissue.

I’ve gained half an inch in a month going from 7.25 to 8 with a starting of 6.5 once I used my techniques. So based on my experiences I really thing the difference between those who gain a lot and those who don’t is simply due to how much stress they’re experiencing. In this thread and others I recommend only using manual exercises because you can’t get as close to the “red line” when clamping or hanging. Trying to maximize stress (pain) while at the same time having a 99% guarantee that you won’t get injured with hanging or clamping is impossible. I’ve injured myself hanging and clamping too many times which is why I stopped years ago. Also it’s kind of funny because I experience much more pain with manual exercises than with hanging but for some reason I never became injured with manual exercises. Like I said it’s about feel and getting to know your dick. If you’re doing it right you’ll be able to feel the pain from stretching or expansion from girth exercises while at the same time gauge how far away you are from risky territory. It takes time and practice to begin to get used to the method which is why I had my best gains later into my PE career rather than at first. Funny huh? I suppose it had nothing to do with drastically increasing stress (pain) on my tissue. The truth is 7.25 to 8 occurred very fast and I was actually quite surprised. My flaccid went from 3.5 inches up to 6.5 inches as well (note: I’ve shrunk since then due to giving up on PE due to school but I plan to start again soon. My routine just takes a lot of time and effort as you can imagine as well as mental fortitude to deal with and control the pain. It’s also stressful to maximize each session and I need 100% concentration.) But hey if you still 100% with no doubts believe pain is bad and you feel like you have to respond with “no” or how you disagree but that’s all you say because you don’t believe in evidence then that’s cool. I’m just trying to help guys out who are having trouble gaining because I was one of them and was lurking on this forum years ago looking for “best” exercises and well guess what? The only thing that works is hard work and pain. In a strange way the pain eventually becomes addictive and pleasurable because I can feel (or at least I mentally know) my dick is growing or will grow. Discomfort is a sign of change.

Dude… Thanks for clarifying. Gentlemen I’ll say it one last time. You do not need to experience pain to grow. If you choose his route you’ve been warned. Just remember it’s the only dick you’ll ever get.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by TungstenMan

I think the real reason why you guys fail to see my point (like the guy who just says “false”, Drugs are bad. M’kay?) is that you don’t have enough experience with pain…. You guys need to toughen up.

Erm yes, right. I make my living out of ‘pain’, specifically muscle, tendon and ligament pain - yes, the same tissues the penis is constructed of.

I’ve been dealing with peoples torn pecs, ripped off calcaneal tendons, shoulder separations, torn cruciate ligaments, chronic arthritis etc., literally since before you were born (as you are 21).

Does that mean I only know about other people’s pain? Last year I had my shin shattered. It’s the single most painful injury you can have, and I spent the first 17 hours without any form of pain relief, 3 months on my back, and 7 months on crutches. And there’s more surgery to look forward to on it in the next few months. The second most painful injury you can have is a severe corneal abrasion, which I have also had, from boxing. Add a fractured skull, multiple broken noses and ribs (they sting a bit), broken fingers, dislocated joints and a host of muscle tears from competing in fighting sports between the ages of 11 and 38… I think I have enough experience of pain.

You need to think a bit more before you make your ‘you guys don’t know anything’ statements. At 21 most of us probably thought we knew everything. Wait until you get into your 30’s, 40’s and 50’s then look back at yourself. We all have to do it, and cringe. Sorry if that seems a bit harsh, but one day you will understand where I’m coming from.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Enough force needs to applied over an adequate amount of time. Enough force does not correlate to pain in any way. Coming from somebody who’s done 10+ Hg pumping and hung for 28 consecutive sets. Discomfort, sure. Pain, never.

Also; Weightlifting has a very low percentage of injuries.

Alright bro you’ve convinced me to restart my old routine tomorrow. Guess I’ve had enough dicking around and procrastinating. My old routine was length 3x and girth 3x a week with 1 day off and alternate. I gained way more length last time than girth because I could tolerate the pain from stretching more than girth exercises so yea. I’ll start at an hour a day and go up from there to maybe 3 hours max. I’ll use my hands only as I did before except for a wooden dowel rod so I can lessen my upward curve and my cockring to help with girth. I’ll see how it goes. I don’t want to measure before I start because I’ve shrunk some (depressing to lose size as you guys know) but as I said at my peak I was 8.5 in BPEL and 5.5 in girth. Mostly I just want to get my flaccid back because it’s like 5.5 in max now which is quite a bit smaller than before. I’m on the TRT now but it’ll take 2 to 4 weeks to fully feel it with improved libido and erections so I think I won’t really make any solid girth gains until that happens. I’m also hoping the TRT helps out with the gym because I couldn’t drop under 15% with the 300 to 400 testosterone level. Didn’t matter what I did I just lost muscle and my ab flab stayed the same :/ it’s like this 0.25 in layer of fat that never goes away. Also hoping I’ll be able to get my 16.25 in arms up to 18.5 on the TRT by using my training program. Will be awesome to make some good gains in PE and the gym before I graduate college.

I am a pro stretcher and pumper, and nothing else. I have read over 100+ pages of Titlist and Pumpbra personal thread. And believe it or not, sometimes I would close my eyes trying to visualize my penis inside a cylinder at low vacuum, guessing how it would behave, sort of a mental PE exercise. It’s like trying to solve a math problem in your head. I’ve come to the conclusion that investing a lot of time in the cylinder at low vacuum, 4-6hg, is the way to go.
I am currently pursuing this method now, with short 15-20 mins interval, trying to add heat to it. I would like to build it up to 1 hour eventually. So far, there are minor discomforts, but no pain. And the penis is looking quite well post-PE, unlike when I was using high vacuum in the past between 9-12hg.

We don’t need to promote PE’ers to live the adventurous life style of Rocky, Rambo or James Bond where pains are something they enjoy everyday.

Just don’t rush for results. If I can moderately grow 1/32” per month, in 8-10 years, I am adding an extra 3 inches to my penis; now that’s formidable!

Folks, don’t jump into PE and expect 0.5-1 inch in your first month. You’re asking for trouble/injury.

I’m sorry for the off topic post but I forgot to say something in my last post. I don’t want you guys to think I’m fat or anything so my waist measurement is 31 inches and 29 inches if I do a stomach vacuum. I’m 6’ 2” I’d that helps. That’s why I said I can’t really get under 15% body fat (based on visual since 7 site skin fold yields 9% to 10%). Really hoping the TRT allows me to shed my tiny abdominal fat.

Also Patrickj my plan is to gain at a rate that’s much higher than that. I will be careful because over the years I’ve become an expert at determining when there’s too much pain. I strongly believe in no pain no gain :) .

I think you never did any PE TungstenMan, and you are just blatering of things you don’t know at all.

Originally Posted by marinera
I think you never did any PE TungstenMan, and you are just blatering of things you don’t know at all.

Cool story bro. I don’t have any proof so if you don’t want to believe me then that’s fine. Up to you.

In case you’re wondering my reason for starting PE in high school was because I never had a girlfriend in high school. It was my senior semester and I wanted to get bigger so that I’ll feel more confident because honestly my confidence is very low. That’s also why I started working out. I mean yea I don’t have pictures of where I started because I didn’t think it would work and by the time I figured out it would work I thought there wasn’t a point in taking pictures then because I didn’t have starting pictures. But like I said I’m not even 100% sure about where I started due to never recording anything.

I know now that being tall, tan, muscular with a decent dick won’t help with confidence 100%. But the best thing I can do to feel better about myself is to try to improve. That’s probably why most guys here started. It’s a struggle because with every improvement I always find something else to be concerned about but hey that’s life. I just want other people who may be struggling to know what worked well for me.

Tungsten I get where your coming from. And I agree. I think you are just emphasizing the word pain instead of discomfort. and you’re a little hot headed. Lol.

Hi Tungsten, I came here without old photos of my progress as well but I posted as many pics as I could to back up my claims. Your lack of evidence is making the vets bullshit-o-meter go off the scale. You need to put your money where your mouth is, and as soon as you do, they will ease off. They deal with claims all the time and need proof. I can relate to the high school story. My girlfriend in high school was a 1969 Camaro, as I didn’t have the confidence or height/size to attract the girls. On the bright side, it never cheated or lied to me.LOL

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by M8ter
Hi Tungsten, I came here without old photos of my progress as well but I posted as many pics as I could to back up my claims. Your lack of evidence is making the vets bullshit-o-meter go off the scale. You need to put your money where your mouth is, and as soon as you do, they will ease off. They deal with claims all the time and need proof. I can relate to the high school story. My girlfriend in high school was a 1969 Camaro, as I didn’t have the confidence or height/size to attract the girls. On the bright side, it never cheated or lied to me.LOL

I don’t need pictures that substantiate his growth. My concern is with his assertion that pain is necessary for growth.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Ugh.I meant to add that.! Thanks Titleist. Hard to read what I’ve written on this little screen. Damn you, smartphone.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.


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