Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth routine, how long before a change

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
Let me guess you guys also believe you shouldn’t feel any pain while stretching either?…..

Without stress there is zero possibility of growth. It’s important to feel pain because your body is telling your brain to not do whatever it’s doing. If you do not believe the prior sentence then I don’t know what to say to you. Penis enlargement is not natural and obviously your body does not want it to happen that’s why you should feel pain. If you do not feel pain during girth (from engorgement) exercises or length (pulling) exercises then nothing will happen. For instance if you’re trying to stretch skin (I need to start because hair goes 1.5 inches up my shaft due to my extreme length gains) then if you don’t feel some pain from the skin stretching then it’s probably not doing much. Your body does not want to growth new tissue.

Fundamentally I don’t think either of you read what I wrote because you both fail to understand what I said. There’s a huge difference between the pain I’m taking about and the pain you guys have in your minds. I even said there’s a difference between good pain and bad pain so if I assume you read what I said then I guess you don’t believe there is in fact a difference? Hmm? Also originally I said there’s a fine when you risk crossing over into injury and it’s best to ride as close as possible to this line. This completely went over Titleist head and that’s why he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he did not read what I said (more likely). Pain is a measure of how much you’re stressing your tissue. More stress also means more growth but at some point the risk of getting injured increases dramatically. As I said originally before Titleist and you ignored what I said everyone should aim for as much pain as possible while not crossing the line into injury. To simply write off all pain as “bad” is pretty ignorant. As I said in the preceding paragraph it’s important to feel pain while stretching because it means you’re stretching your ligaments and tendons. Can you stretch too far and hurt yourself? Yes. Is it obvious when the good pain from stretching transitions into bad pain? Yes. Are you guys completely ignoring / not understanding / typing before you read? Yes.

Sir, I read your post before I responded. Please think of all of the beginners reading “you have to experience pain” in order to grow. That’s simply foolish. I’ve not experienced pain but yet I’ve grown quite well. Nothing has gone over my head.

You simply can’t compare skeletal muscle to the smooth muscle that’s in the penis. Taking that approach you’ll likely damage your penis to the point where you cannot be fixed.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Last edited by Titleist : 09-19-2015 at .

Originally Posted by Titleist
Sir, I read your post before I responded. Please think of all of the beginners reading “you have to experience pain” in order to grow. That’s simply foolish. I’ve not experienced pain but yet I’ve grown quite well. Nothing has gone over my head.

You simply can’t compare skeletal muscle to the smooth muscle that’s in the penis. Taking that approach you’ll likely damage your penis to the point where you cannot be fixed.

Ohhhh so you just don’t want other people reading it and messing themselves up. Alright well no one try whatever I said before developing a connection with your dick that will make people think you have a mental disorder when you talk about it.

TM, what site(s) were you on before you came here? And are you still active on them or have you left them?

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

See, this is why I enjoy this site. I treat PE as a hobby (or a club) and I try not to take it too seriously since at this point any gains I make just add to the fun. I definitely didn’t come to argue, belittle, or be holier than thou. I came to help others avoid my mistakes. I certainly don’t know everything. Just ask my wife.! As one of the oldest vets (started in 96) I came back to share MY experiences as best I can, and let the readers decide what will work for them best. They read every post, see every update photo. They’re informed more than I ever was. They are ( I would hope) adults making their own adult decisions. The point is, research as much as you can, select the approach that will do the least harm and experiment like I did until something works. To each his own. Alright, enough of this technique and advice stuff.. I want to post some fun stuff now.( :

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

I fully get that M8ter; I started around 1985/6 with a pump bought from the advert at the back of a copy of Mayfair, but it broke pretty quickly (crap quality!) and ‘forgot’ about PE until I accidentally stumbled on this place in 2003. If only I’d had the interweb back then!:)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I loved those old ADS with the paper thin plastic pumps they sold in the back of the porn mags back then. I remember seeing them as a teen sneaking a peek and wondering in awe at the possibilities. Ah, to be young and ignorant again.! Had I known then what I know These kids have it easy.haha.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by firegoat
TM, what site(s) were you on before you came here? And are you still active on them or have you left them?

I’m 21 years old and I joined this site back in April of this year because I thought I’d ask you guys about my low testosterone problem (on TRT now). Haven’t really been active because I’ve always found posting to be kind of useless. But in case you’re interested I started PE in my senior year of high school because I was kind of small at 6.25x4.5 inches (don’t know for sure but I know it was less than 6.5 and above 6 for length then under 5 for girth for sure and all measurements are BPEL (I mean I could easily fit inside a toilet paper roll and even put a finger inside while in it (USA)). I learned about PE browsing the internet and reading the popular forums. Got up to 7.25 to 7.5 long and 5 for girth in half a year but I lost interest due to having to focus on college. Started again a year later and got up to my peak at 8.5x5.5 I think (I didn’t keep records because it was kind of depressing when I started due to the 4.5 girth since I was browsing forums with guys at 6.5+ which made me sad). I eventually stopped again due to college (I was spending 15+ hours a week on a routine and I’m the kind of person who subscribes to the “all or nothing” mentality). I shrunk quite a bit because the intense stretching and girth work helped to maintain my size. If I had to guess I’m 7.75x5 now (just based on the feel) but I don’t really want to measure because it’s depressing. I plan to start again for a 3rd time and hopefully reach my goal of 9 NBEL and 6.75 girth. Just need to put in the time I guess. I have to say the best feeling along this journey was when I was at my peak and I realized my flaccid is bigger now than my started erect size so I’m hoping I’ll get that feeling again but this time I’ll try for a 7.5 in flaccid.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
Ohhhh so you just don’t want other people reading it and messing themselves up. Alright well no one try whatever I said before developing a connection with your dick that will make people think you have a mental disorder when you talk about it.

I don’t want seasoned and experienced people reading that it requires pain to grow. I’m all for conditioning and adding more time and force, but never ever to the point of pain.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Again it seems we disagree on vocabulary, some talk of good pain and bad pain, while around here pain is just what it is, bad. Pushing the limits, soreness and discomfort are ok, not necessarily recommended.

Also as much as we’d like everyone to grow the way we do, members benefit from different exercises, schedules and intensity.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
Let me guess you guys also believe you shouldn’t feel any pain while stretching either?…..


Originally Posted by TungstenMan
If you do not feel pain during girth (from engorgement) exercises or length (pulling) exercises then nothing will happen.


Originally Posted by TungstenMan
For instance if you’re trying to stretch skin (I need to start because hair goes 1.5 inches up my shaft due to my extreme length gains) then if you don’t feel some pain from the skin stretching then it’s probably not doing much….

False. When you gain bodyweight your skin is stretched a lot; sometimes you get stretch marks, meaning that the skin was stretched too much without having had the time to grow. Neverthless no pain is felt.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
This completely went over Titleist head and that’s why he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he did not read what I said (more likely). …. To simply write off all pain as “bad” is pretty ignorant
Are you guys completely ignoring / not understanding / typing before you read? Yes.

Calm down the attitude. Everybody understand what you are saying; they simply believe (me included) that you are wrong.

I think it is just a matter of semantics. I lift weights so we say “no pain no gain”. Pain in this is referred to the pump and muscle soreness of the body improving itself. Here it is more like “pain is pain, avoid it at all cost”. In PE terms, it seems words are used closer to their real definition’s.

Started: (NOV14) BPEL 5" MEG 4.75" BEG 4.75"

Current: BPEL 6.438 MEG 4.875" BEG 5.25"

I’d like to think it is just semantics mitch, but when folk define ‘pain’ in terms of suffering and being the thinnest of lines away from injury, I find it hard to think they are using ‘pain’ interchangeably with ‘discomfort’. Some guys may well be using ‘pain’ when they mean ‘discomfort’, and that is usually deducible from the rest of their post.

Originally Posted by TungstenMan

Only way to grow is to suffer through the pain. ….The trick is to ride as close as you can to injury without actually getting injured. This line is very fine…

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Regarding the bodybuilding analogy, you should at times feel intense burning and soreness in your muscles (due to the build-up of lactic acid, not because it’s a requisite of growth), and to really progress you need to push your body past where it wants to stop. But if you feel actual pain at the gym, stop your set immediately! Still, as others have said, it’s not an accurate analogy. Maybe for kegels, but PE exercises are very different from the stresses applied to biceps and quads to make them grow. Plus, at the gym you can go to failure or until your form breaks down, which doesn’t work for PE exercises (any that I’ve done at least).

06/15: 7.5" x 5.5"

06/17: 8.5" x 5.6"

Goal: 9" x 5.75"

Very true guys.. We know the difference and most don’t. I’ve modified my routines and advice to omit any mention of pain from my descriptions. I came here to help guys and not hurt them by giving poor advice.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.


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