Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth routine, how long before a change

Originally Posted by M8ter
With BBQ sauce.! My favorite.! No.. Haha At least in my case, I feel cell separation beneath the skin like there’s a fine texture…

As walter pointed out, you are probably feeling penis ribs
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You can’t feel or see ‘cell separation’, cells are too minuscule.

Originally Posted by Titleist
It doesn’t take pain to get girth. Pain should be avoided for any method of PE you select. Pain proceeds injury. Clamping until the point of pain can permanently break your dick.

You obviously didn’t read what I said or it just went right over your head bro. If you’re in the gym on incline bench and you put on some light ass weights and do your 3 sets of 10 with out a physical expression of pain like every other guy in the gym who thinks they’re “all that” then you might as well not even go. Your body adapts to stress. Lifting light weights or doing light girth work is not stress. You know your weight and reps for each set is perfect when by your final rep you’re not 100% if you’ll be able to do it. It’s called stress. However you don’t go all out 100% every single time because guess what? You won’t be able to keep up the heavy volume that’s needed to grow. Sure your peak stress is high but you’re lacking in time.

Think stress like this: stress can be defined as the function S(t) with t on the horizontal axis. The total stress on your muscles (or dick in the case of PE) is expressed as the integral of S(t) with respect to t over the range of t=0 to t=y where y is your end time. If you go all out from the start you won’t be able to get y to a high value. If you hardly stress your muscles or dick at all you won’t get a high enough S(t) value so the integral will produce a low result. It’s about maximizing the result.

In PE when doing girth the physical feeling pain should come from internal pressure build up. The pain is the result of your tissue telling your brain: “hey look brain you should probably stop because your stressing me”. The only way to grow is through stress and because of this it’s important to ensure your session is working. I’ve seen way too many guys in the gym gain literally nothing in 1 year+ while I gained 20 lbs in the same year (even with a 300 to 400 ng/dL testosterone level). You know why? I busted my ass to the point where I was in pain. Did I cross the line to injury? No because I’m not stupid.

I did the same with PE back a few years ago. I was getting mediocre results at best following what guys say here so I decided to go at it on my own. I starting doing manual stretching across a fulcrum and made sure I could feel the pain constantly. You have to be smart to due this and listen to your dick because there’s differently kinds of pain. Good pain is the feeling of stress and bad pain is the feeling of injury. Beyond that it’s impossible to describe so if you don’t’ know the difference then you have a lot to learn. Just increase the intensity slowly and you’ll see what I mean with different kinds of pain.

Ok I think we just have a problem of vocabulary here, mostly centered around what pain is.

I understand the idea. It is expressed here : Work Hard, Gain Hard

PE is not working muscles and the collagen adaptive process is very different to stimulating muscle growth. And Titleist knows exactly what he’s saying. Nothing went over his head.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

No pain, no gain.Amen, brother.! Marinera, I was refering to the rough feeling the collagen gets when stressed. It has a rough bumpy feeling beneath the skin, at least for me.

I started PE again after many years with 7.5”x 5.5” approximately 6 months ago. My explosive gains (.75” in length and girth) in 6+ months are due to what I call repeatable HPE’s. HPE’s are High Pressure Events. High Pressure Events are the cause of the huge size of those suffering from sickle cell and blood clotting disorders. They have sporadic episodes of intense high pressure erections (priapism) that damage and expand the collagen in the tissues, healing permanently larger. I was reading the medical history of one patient, with a 9.5x7.5 inch penis that would experience .25” gain in length and girth after EVERY HPE he had. If you want to gain girth, simply clamp every 3rd day or once a week with an intense multiple set (3-5) session and then sit back and let it heal. To gain length, do the girth routine, and wear an ADS to force the healing to take place in the direction you want it to. You will see gains begin to show fairly quickly. Definitely working for me. Read my story/routine and see the results.. Hard to argue with my size creeping towards 9” with the techniques I posted. Years ago, with this same routine, I previously went from 5.5 x 4.25 to 8x6 in 18+ months. Just take it slow and only add only enough pressure to feel like the whole thing is being stressed to the lmit. The gains seem to come the fastest when there is a significant healing period in between each HPE session, just like with priapism patients.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Last edited by M8ter : 09-18-2015 at .

Maybe it’s not only about the vocabulary then, as I read on your log:

I put all my efforts into the journey, gaining quick initial gains to about the 7x5 inch size by jelqing for about 6-9 months until I had a serious injury by tearing one of my shaft veins which to this day has resulted in EQ issues.

There are 2 types of pain, good and bad. Jelqing caused my initial gains and led to my tearing the vein and the EQ issues. Hence why I steer people towards clamping vs jelqing. Clamping and ADS were the contributors to my final increase to 8x6 way back in 1997 I believe. Hard to remember the details almost 20 years later, but I remember the pain alright. Stress pain is good, and emulates the effect of repeating priapism. What was your routine Walter and what gains did you experience?

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by firegoat
PE is not working muscles and the collagen adaptive process is very different to stimulating muscle growth. And Titleist knows exactly what he’s saying. Nothing went over his head.

Firegoat: Hell yeah!

Number one rule of PE:

If it hurts, don't do it.

If you feel PAIN while PE’ing, FUCKING STOP PE’ing before you damage your cock.

Yes we push the erectile tissue beyond its limits. Yes we feel soreness after a good workout. That is not pain.

Last edited by sta-kool : 09-18-2015 at .

I suppose you are referring to megalophallus as a consequence of priapism; no way the growth is a consequence of the high stress, but of mild, prolonged stress, and probably some specificity in the tissue of those who get enlargement (since not all the people who gets priapism gains a bigger penis); prolonged priapism is pretty much at the same level of intensity of edging with a cock ring.

Adaptive response is triggered by anything that has higher intensity than the body is accustomed to; going near the extreme can actually block adaptations.

‘No pain no gain is wrong in the gym’, but retarded in PE. The real pain is being consistent and doing a lot of work. If it was a matter to apply crazy pressures to get there quicker, there wouldn’t be any hard gainer, because each of us (confess that guys) thought when started ‘I’ll pull with the max force for double the time is recommended and I’ll gain 1” in 3 months instead than 2 years’. But most of us got that they were wrong; the others go on hitting walls.

We don’t necessarily think that people who have been here for many years know everything; but really, most of them do know something, so show more respect.

Well put marinera. It’s probably worth adding that many people who experience megalophallus as a consequence of priapism, even from the relatively low force levels involved (compared to the methods advocated by the ‘pain’ brigade) of extremely extended priapism, end up with severe ED or a non-functioning penis. Google it.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


‘Surgery for non-acute sequelae after ischaemic priapism

Structural changes may occur after ischaemic priapism

: They include penile scarring, megalophallic deformities,

penile shortening, and possible penile loss, which result after cavernosal tissue necrosis and fibrosis

(32,56,59,60). Erectile function impairment is also often observed after ischaemic priapism (1,61). Unfortunately,

these outcomes may still occur despite the successful resolution of priapism following an effective first-line or

second-line treatment. ‘

Guys, I’m referring to stress related pressure/pain, not actual real pain. The point is to stress the tissues, if I come across as extreme I don’t mean to. I’m an old veteran and for us it can take alot more than the average guy can take to see gains. I speak in that perspective often out of habit. Need to pick my words more carefully.. Just excited to finally be able to share my secrets and tips with like minded others. The fact is, its people like you guys that made me decide to join this website. The problem with PE is that its really a trial and error art form due to each individual’s responses, and not remotely s true science yet. As such, there’s um growing pains along the way.haha. Seriously though, I don’t advocate anyone intentionally hurt themselves for gains, just gentle to moderate (veterans) stress is all that’s needed to see gains.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.

Originally Posted by firegoat
PE is not working muscles and the collagen adaptive process is very different to stimulating muscle growth. And Titleist knows exactly what he’s saying. Nothing went over his head.

Let me guess you guys also believe you shouldn’t feel any pain while stretching either?…..

Without stress there is zero possibility of growth. It’s important to feel pain because your body is telling your brain to not do whatever it’s doing. If you do not believe the prior sentence then I don’t know what to say to you. Penis enlargement is not natural and obviously your body does not want it to happen that’s why you should feel pain. If you do not feel pain during girth (from engorgement) exercises or length (pulling) exercises then nothing will happen. For instance if you’re trying to stretch skin (I need to start because hair goes 1.5 inches up my shaft due to my extreme length gains) then if you don’t feel some pain from the skin stretching then it’s probably not doing much. Your body does not want to growth new tissue.

Fundamentally I don’t think either of you read what I wrote because you both fail to understand what I said. There’s a huge difference between the pain I’m taking about and the pain you guys have in your minds. I even said there’s a difference between good pain and bad pain so if I assume you read what I said then I guess you don’t believe there is in fact a difference? Hmm? Also originally I said there’s a fine when you risk crossing over into injury and it’s best to ride as close as possible to this line. This completely went over Titleist head and that’s why he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he did not read what I said (more likely). Pain is a measure of how much you’re stressing your tissue. More stress also means more growth but at some point the risk of getting injured increases dramatically. As I said originally before Titleist and you ignored what I said everyone should aim for as much pain as possible while not crossing the line into injury. To simply write off all pain as “bad” is pretty ignorant. As I said in the preceding paragraph it’s important to feel pain while stretching because it means you’re stretching your ligaments and tendons. Can you stretch too far and hurt yourself? Yes. Is it obvious when the good pain from stretching transitions into bad pain? Yes. Are you guys completely ignoring / not understanding / typing before you read? Yes.

Originally Posted by M8ter
Guys, I’m referring to stress related pressure/pain, not actual real pain. The point is to stress the tissues, if I come across as extreme I don’t mean to. I’m an old veteran and for us it can take alot more than the average guy can take to see gains. I speak in that perspective often out of habit. Need to pick my words more carefully.. Just excited to finally be able to share my secrets and tips with like minded others. The fact is, its people like you guys that made me decide to join this website. The problem with PE is that its really a trial and error art form due to each individual’s responses, and not remotely s true science yet. As such, there’s um growing pains along the way.haha. Seriously though, I don’t advocate anyone intentionally hurt themselves for gains, just gentle to moderate (veterans) stress is all that’s needed to see gains.

Bro that’s what I’ve been saying too. Seems like you’re the only one here who gets it. It’s good pain vs bad pain. It’s not extreme at all bro it’s just how it works to grow. If you don’t feel an internal pressure that kind of hurts when you do girth exercises then guess what? You probably wont’ grow. Otherwise guys would just grow from having normal erections, masturbation and having sex. The result would be everyone would have super thick dicks. If anyone wants a thick dick then they have to work for it.

There are plenty of old veterans here. In this thread so far, HardHarry has been here since 2003, Titleist has been here since 2004, I’ve been here since 2005 as a member (and as a lurker since 2003), marinera has been here since 2006 (and has racked up over 27,500 posts!) sta-kool has been here since 2006; most of us have been here every day… it’s worth looking at the OP’s post and how long they have been here and whether they need or want the advice that would suit a veteran (whose penis may be highly adapted), or whether they need advice that answers the question they have, at their requirements.

One of the stages probably every vet has been through is pushing to injury - many of us have had quite bad ones, and most of them from clamping. The general consensus from all our experiences is that sensible (not painful, at the most the very mildest of discomfort) for longer periods of time, seems to yield the most consistent results, with maximum erection quality. Granted erection quality may suffer for a day after some exercises, but that is generally an indicator to back off a bit - a big penis that doesn’t work when it should is not what this place is about.

There are quite a few PE sites now. Most of them have grown out of Thunder’s Place. It’s questionable (to me at least) why someone would leave here unless they have a different agenda to ours - to build a larger and healthy penis. Some of them are indeed very good, no question. But some have a small percentage of ego-driven membership with members trying to out-do each other for bragging rights or to the ‘entertainment’ of others, which simply would not fit our ethos.

All opinions and approaches are valid for discussion, but if they are likely to cause more harm than benefit, they will be drawn attention to in that light.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


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