Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hard vs Big

This reminds me of the times when former girlfriends and my ex-wife has commented on me being “really hard” while doing it. They have commented on my hardness and not my length or size although they have also noted when I hit their cervix’s while taking them from behind doggy style. That is usually more pain-full than enjoyable so I gather they prefer the hardness and girth to being banged in the cervix. What do you think?

Wouldn’t it be safe to say that hardness coincides with getting bigger?? Some people are saying they will start focusing on hardness rather than growing. I believe you will be growing with your PE if you’re rock hard. In other words if you focus your PE efforts on being rock hard, you’ll just be doing PE effectively and therefore growing.

Originally Posted by Vincent Van Cock
I think we focus way to much on size as men and push aside the issue of cock hardness. I know I did the first 2 years of PE. I worked out vigorously, making my cock as huge as I could get it, and the most of the compliments I got from Wifey were about hardness. “Wow, that thing was hard tonight!”. She would say this because my dick was no longer consistently rock hard as it was before I started PE and also as a younger man.

I say we focus too much on size because of all the charts, surveys, graphs, interviews are all about size. I have not met a woman yet that would NOT prefer hardness over size. I talked to an old gal a few years back and she said, “Yeah, big dicks are nice but they sure don’t get hard!” And this was a bar fly that had seen her share, for sure.

As my dick has gotten bigger over the years of PE, It is STILL the hardness issue that makes Wifey comment a lot more than size. So, I think we should be working more in finding out what makes your dick hard. Is it vitamins? Bathmates? Squats? I honestly believe this should be more of our focus. I think we will have much happier women. Since I backed off the hard workouts and just doing some BM work in the shower, my dick has been rock hard again. I am happier and so is she.

Super morning wood…. It was at lest 150%* EQ :) (* vs normal EQ at the time.)
It awesome the few times it happened. The hardness is so hard it hurt…..

Now if I could get them more regularly.
My penis actually felt full. I am sure other guys that get 100% EQ get that same feeling of fullness.

length and girth was amazing though I was too busy enjoying it too measure it.

Girth much have been at lest 7 to 7.25”, since my hand would not wrap around it….
Length must have been in the 8” range.

Last edited by fat_cock : 05-24-2011 at .

Originally Posted by hung21

Wouldn’t it be safe to say that hardness coincides with getting bigger?? Some people are saying they will start focusing on hardness rather than growing. I believe you will be growing with your PE if you’re rock hard. In other words if you focus your PE efforts on being rock hard, you’ll just be doing PE effectively and therefore growing.

PEing for girth tends to give harder erections, not so for lenght, generally speaking.

I’ve been thinking hardness is why Extenze seems to make people think they’ve grown. The erections and morning wood I had while using it was amazing. It could definitely make one think they’ve grown. Time for me to get back on my supplements.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Does this have more than one meaning?

Wifey found my BM


Originally Posted by firegoat
I rate hardness and penis health as much more important than sheer size.

Yes, quite.

I, and a number of women I know would agree

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
This reminds me of the times when former girlfriends and my ex-wife has commented on me being "really hard" while doing it. They have commented on my hardness and not my length or size although they have also noted when I hit their cervix’s while taking them from behind doggy style. That is usually more pain-full than enjoyable so I gather they prefer the hardness and girth to being banged in the cervix. What do you think?

I’d agree. I think that length is overrated.

The painful cervix/ovary knocking has dimmed more than one woman’s mood for me.

Originally Posted by TheStallion
I’d assume they all prefer big AND hard.

Thus your participation on this Web site.

But, as TaurusMale has observed "big" is more desirable with regard to girth. The length thing is more about a visual and, as such, is more important to men than it seems to be to women overall.

Not that women don’t get turned on by the sight of a big dick, but beyond a certain point… it’s just not all that to them (notable exceptions, of course).

Originally Posted by hung21
Wouldn’t it be safe to say that hardness coincides with getting bigger??

Uh, no.

Er, well, safe in the sense of very far from life threatening, but about equally as far from accuracy too, in my observation.

There are those who swear by ‘ballooning’, but as a means of increasing size it seems that only a very few have had much success with it.
And there are certainly those who have gotten into clamping who have gained size, but lost firmness.

I think it’s right to assume that it’s all connected, but it’s not as useful to make generalizations about how it’s all connected.

All fish live in water; all mackerel are fish does not equal all fish are mackerel…or that trout live in trees.. never-mind.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
The Hardness Factor (TM): How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age
http://www.amaz … /dp/0061235202/

Good link. :up:

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Here is what I am remembering

- nutrition
- overall fitness, cardio vascular fitness (there was an exercise program)
- kegels
- supps including L-arginine

Is what I remember.

If there is a single exercise that can reliably enable firmer erections I would say Kegels are the most universally successful for this aspect. 25 -50 a day will change a lot for you.

But overall cardio fitness will definitely be a factor. Smoking and, to a lesser extent, drinking are both enemies of the diamond hard erection - although youth and excellent fitness can countermand these to a large degree

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Can anyone recommend a topical vasodilator that induces a harder erection when applied? I read that Minoxidil (Rogaine) is a vasodilator and that it has been used for this purpose. Has anyone used it consistently and if so at what % concentration does it seem to work best at e.g 2%, 5% or more?

Are you unable to tolerate AAKG? Because that is an excellent supplement.

I get 500g for about $25.00. I take around 6g a day.

http://www.vita … lutarate-Powder

Mr. Happy - great to see you around!

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Does this have more than one meaning?
Wifey found my BM

LOL, gross!

Are you unable to tolerate AAKG? Because that is an excellent supplement.

I get 500g for about $25.00. I take around 6g a day.

http://www.vita … lutarate-Powder

Thank’s for the recommendation on AAKG - I haven’t tried it yet just standard L-Arginine HCI - what is the difference?

But what I am really looking for is a topical vasodilator that can be rubbed on the penis vs taken internally. I understand there are pharma preparations but I haven’t heard of a natural formula. My thought is some combination of L-Arginine, Yohimbine, Ginko and maybe Minoxidil. I’ve prepared a batch and will test it tonight. I doubt that it will penetrate the skin well enought without DMSO to be absorbed in the blood stream.

Originally Posted by redworm
LOL, gross!

I’m with you, man. It freaked me out a little too.

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
Originally Posted by sta-kool
Are you unable to tolerate AAKG? Because that is an excellent supplement.

I get 500g for about $25.00. I take around 6g a day.

http://www.vita … lutarate-Powder

That’s a decent deal.

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
I haven’t tried it yet just standard L-Arginine HCI - what is the difference?


You have to take a boat-load more of L-Arginine HCI to get the same level of effects.

The bonded forms of AAKG and, alternatively, Arginine Ethyl Ester have the net effect of being more powerful by weight by virtue of being more easily absorb-able; a dose is between 2-3 grams instead of 6-10 grams.

Plain Arginine’s absorption through the intestines is limited, causing Arginine to be rapidly degraded, leaving only small quantities to produce the desired effects. You need to consume quite a bit more base Arginine to see any results.

Ester-fication (Arginine Ethyl Ester ) or bonding with alpha ketoglutarate (Arginine Alpha Keto-Glutarate or AAKG) overcomes typical Arginine limitations, ensuring that the Arginine absorbs optimally and is available for its ergogenic properties. So, you basically need less of Arginine Ethyl Ester (about 2.5g per dose) or AAKG, (about 3g per dose) compared to base Arginine to produce similar results.

In my opinion, all Arginine supplements taste nasty, for that reason I like to take them either in gel-cap or tablet form or, if powder, flavored in some way.( Jack 3D is pretty good, like grape and watermelon - watch out though: massive caffeine, creatine, and alanine in that formula).

This is a cheap bulk site for various raw powders: Pure Bulk .

Straight Arginine can cause upset stomach/nausea at workable dosage and for some folks it triggers attacks of diarrhea as well (Whoo-hoo!).

Personally I prefer Arginine Ethyl Ester. It seems to absorb a little faster for me. Click here to see the brand I take: SNI's Arginine Ethyl Ester

That bottle lasts about a month and half if I take two servings a day; a month if I do three a day.

Arginine of most types will irritate people with herpes or who are prone to rashes and skin ailments, like eczema or psoriasis. Look forward to more out breaks.

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
But what I am really looking for is a topical vasodilator that can be rubbed on the penis vs taken internally.

Maxoderm type products?

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
I understand there are pharma preparations but I haven’t heard of a natural formula.


Originally Posted by TaurusMale
My thought is some combination of L-Arginine, Yohimbine, Ginko and maybe Minoxidil. I’ve prepared a batch and will test it tonight. I doubt that it will penetrate the skin well enought without DMSO to be absorbed in the blood stream.

Uh, Minoxidil? Hmm… That idea and the Rogaine idea creep me out. It just sounds… icky, I gotta be honest.

We aren’t going to see a "HELP! I have a big, hairy penis!" thread are we?

It strikes me that those products are pretty far from a ‘natural’ approach.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

The “Happ” is back!! After many months, ( or so it seems ), :) good to see your well thought out posts. I haven’t been around as much either, but it’s nice to have another “thinker” around here ….

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by TaurusMale
Thank’s for the recommendation on AAKG - I haven’t tried it yet just standard L-Arginine HCI - what is the difference?

What Mr. Happy said is the perfect explanation.

Been looking into Doctor Lamm’s The Hardness Factor a bit more (internet reviews etc)

His Hardness supps are a combo of heart health/blood flow enhancers, libido enhancer, and anti-oxidents.

Ex Horny Goat Weed, Vitamin E. Pycnogenol, L-Arginine, etc.

This in addition to heart healthy mediterranean-type diet and exercise for strengthening the cardiovascular system and “sex muscles” such as your legs, etc.

I think I am going to get the book just to have as a reference.

Thank you for the detailed reply Mr. Happy.

PS. I applied some Rogaine to my dick last night and I woke up with hair all over it. It looked like one of those plastic noses with a big moustache underneath it!

Just kidding!


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