Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hard vs Big

When I am fully hard, my wife always comments on it positively. She knows she is being fucked by someone who wants her and that makes her happy. Thus, hardness equals more positive thoughts and comments on her part than my increased size.

On the other hand… she does not like it hard from a cock ring. That makes it too hard for her and she says it feels more like a plastic dildo than my nice meaty, fleshy dick (her words).

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

Originally Posted by onenekkidguy
When I am fully hard, my wife always comments on it positively. She knows she is being fucked by someone who wants her and that makes her happy. Thus, hardness equals more positive thoughts and comments on her part than my increased size.

On the other hand… she does not like it hard from a cock ring. That makes it too hard for her and she says it feels more like a plastic dildo than my nice meaty, fleshy dick (her words).

That is very interesting about the cock ring.

I took some cinammon got the fakest erection of all time, my gf hated it she said my penis was too hard, wierd

Originally Posted by jelking1
I took some cinammon got the fakest erection of all time, my gf hated it she said my penis was too hard, wierd

Where did you buy the cinammon and what kind did you use? I want to try that. Just for fun.

Originally Posted by TaurusMale

PS. I applied some Rogaine to my dick last night and I woke up with hair all over it. It looked like one of those plastic noses with a big moustache underneath it!

Did it look like the photo on the right?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Yeah.. Just to nail the same point everyone is making, my wife also always talks about hardness instead of size. I’ve lived in Japan for a long time and girls there also rarely talk about size. They talk about hardness.

Starting point (15 May 2011) BPE = 7.55", EG = 5.75" (biggest part at middle), EG = 5.55" (at base) EQ = Bad/low

Interim goal (ie. I would be highly satisfied with the following) BPE = 8.5", EG = 6.5" (at base), EQ = High

Long term goal (ie. It would be nice but I wouldn't be disappointed if I didnt get there and I wouldn't want to go beyond this)BPE = 9",EG = 7"

Love the picture Mr. Happy!

Before PE I was very soft but now it’s like rock hard.I think I can even break something with it.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
Good point. I read quite a lot of erotica/factual sex accounts online, and hardness (as opposed to and in conjunction with) dick size is a very noticeable theme when women are describing favorably. Seems like it gets them off almost as much if not as much as a nice big dick.

So much so in fact that like you I have started to make more of an effort to maximise hardness as opposed to just size.

I think it effects them like a wet and red pussy effects us! The more turned on the woman is, the more exciting it is to me. For a woman, and very hard cock lets them know we are very excited, and its exciting for them.

I can’t believe how hard my dick is now with PE. Sometimes it’s too hard it hurts me (no, I don’t use it on myself LOL).

I’d prefer to have dick just a little big bigger than normal with hard rock erection rather than a huge but spongy dick like Jack Napier or John Holmes anyday.

Last edited by Drako93 : 01-13-2015 at .

the harder you are the harder she’ll cum!

[QUOTE=Vincent Van Cock]
I think we focus way to much on size as men and push aside the issue of cock hardness. I know I did the first 2 years of PE. I worked out vigorously, making my cock as huge as I could get it, and the most of the compliments I got from Wifey were about hardness. “Wow, that thing was hard tonight!”. She would say this because my dick was no longer consistently rock hard as it was before I started PE and also as a younger man.

I say we focus too much on size because of all the charts, surveys, graphs, interviews are all about size. I have not met a woman yet that would NOT prefer hardness over size. I talked to an old gal a few years back and she said, “Yeah, big dicks are nice but they sure don’t get hard!” And this was a bar fly that had seen her share, for sure.

As my dick has gotten bigger over the years of PE, It is STILL the hardness issue that makes Wifey comment a lot more than size. So, I think we should be working more in finding out what makes your dick hard. Is it vitamins? Bathmates? Squats? I honestly believe this should be more of our focus. I think we will have much happier women. Since I backed off the hard workouts and just doing some BM work in the shower, my dick has been rock hard again. I am happier and so is she.

What is BM work mate? I agree my wife also comments/ complaints me when my dick is at its hardest.

Originally Posted by somastylo
The harder you are the harder she’ll cum!

Yep agreed !


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