help me jumpstart gains plz!
I have been doing PE for about 8 months now. I have been stuck on the same length for about 5 months now :( . I jelq and stretch. Doing some of the more advanced stuff is difficult because i am uncut and i have a hard time managing with my skin. especially with stretches. Could somebody please give me an idea on how to start getting gain. I only do dry jelqs because when i do wet jelqs i have to hold the skin at the base down, so when i slide my hand forward even though i use lube it streches my skin and starts to hurt. So i just do full length dry jelqs with alittle lube so my skin doesn’t get irritated around the head. I am getting girth gains but am really looking for length. Ive decided to try hanging but my skin slides over my head and it will put alot of pressure on my head and i don’t wanna risk killing my penis. But when it doesn’t slide over, the skin bundles up under my head and it gets really sore. Ill keep trying to hang but can someone help me get some length? thanks.