Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I actually did it.

Jesus. What have you guys done to your already enormous dicks?!

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Mick, is it really a big deal to lose 1/16 of an inch in order to have a normal colored dick? I took it easy again last night and just did some light bends and clamping for about 40 minutes. My dick is actually that bronze color that I like again and would totally pass as normal, and I didn’t use the hydroquinone cream last night. I just used the cream we’ve been using. The reason why my discoloration is going away so quickly is because I took it easy and the discoloration is fairly new. I really don’t think it matters how old the discoloration is, and I think if you were to go light for a week you would see some dramatic improvements. So far I haven’t lost any size since the swelling went down and my dick looks way more attractive with the bronze color.

I am actually going to my normal routine tonight, but I am going to change the way I pump to 3 10 minute sets of moderate pressures. I may just lower the intensity for everything I do a little for tonight because I don’t want to wake up the discoloration too much. I am going to do 30 minutes of clamping, bending and pumping, for a total of 90 minutes of PE activity.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Try 3 10 minute sets at very light pressure, just enough to keep the cylinder attached to your body. There are many threads talking extremely positively about this kind of pumping.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by Thick Cock
Try 3 10 minute sets at very light pressure, just enough to keep the cylinder attached to your body. There are many threads talking extremely positively about this kind of pumping.

Just one example:

gprent - Soft when I exit pump

Originally Posted by gprent
I have been staying in the 3”hg range for quite a while now and my results are the best ever. Seems I really wasted a lot of time, like years, trying to make pumping at high pressure work. If you want to skip all the hassle and go right to getting consistent excellent results, just try pumping at low pressure for a week. I do three 12 to 15 minute sets every work out with a massage to full erection between each set. Finish off your routine with a full erection for at least 5 minutes. You will be impressed with you flaccid size and EQ.

Originally Posted by G_want7
G, you are a genius. I’ve tried just exactly as you said, and all I can say is that I’ve got the best erection quality (and size) ever!

Gprent gave me that idea about a few days ago on the pumpers forum.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Clubber
Mick, is it really a big deal to lose 1/16 of an inch in order to have a normal colored dick? I took it easy again last night and just did some light bends and clamping for about 40 minutes. My dick is actually that bronze color that I like again and would totally pass as normal, and I didn’t use the hydroquinone cream last night. I just used the cream we’ve been using. The reason why my discoloration is going away so quickly is because I took it easy and the discoloration is fairly new. I really don’t think it matters how old the discoloration is, and I think if you were to go light for a week you would see some dramatic improvements. So far I haven’t lost any size since the swelling went down and my dick looks way more attractive with the bronze color.

I am actually going to my normal routine tonight, but I am going to change the way I pump to 3 10 minute sets of moderate pressures. I may just lower the intensity for everything I do a little for tonight because I don’t want to wake up the discoloration too much. I am going to do 30 minutes of clamping, bending and pumping, for a total of 90 minutes of PE activity.

I think you’re lucky cause your discolouration hasn’t set in yet, which is why I guess it’s gone away mostly. I’ve taken over a week off before with no improvement whatsoever… mine’s definitely set for good until I find some other solution.

Whether it’s worth it or not really depends on exactly how much girth you’d lose and how much your discolouration would go away. I guess from what you said it would be worth it for you to take a break.

I also wanted to ask something with regards to pumping cause I think I was doing the same as you pump-wise (pumping at high pressures so it was actually really hurting the area where the pump attached to my body). So are you really finding this light pumping better? I can’t imagine it doing much with pressure that just keep the pump attached to your body, I think I’d barely be keeping my erection. How are you finding it pumping at these pressures?

It actually is easier to maintain a decent erection at lower pressures and it just feels better from what I’ve experienced so far. I just finished 3 sets of 10 minutes of pumping with five minutes of bends in between sets, and 20 minutes of clamping afterwords. I woke up a little discoloration, but nothing to bad, and it looks like it will go away easily overnight. Also, I got no donut or any edema from pumping at these new pressures. I got .35EG of 95% swole free expansion after I pumped. My “Skin Bright” also arrived in the mail; hopefully it works.

As long as you have a nice erection, you could get a much more productive pumping session with way less discoloration at moderate pressures. Pumping at the high pressures also caused me severe pain where the base of the tube met the fat pad, and it also sucked in my scrotum to the point where my balls would smash against the tube. During my “shock and awe” month I was so serious about my PE that I actually put up with that pain for thirty minutes at a time at times.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

The thing is, for me it’s the pumping that is maintaining my erection, and I think that if that’s the case then low pressures might not be ideal. I honestly just can’t keep a good erection for ten minutes if I’m not actually horny. I’ve watched so much damn porn that unless it’s something new that I really like it’s not gonna keep me hard for that long.

Trust me, I know exactly what you’re talking about with pumping pain… both with the tube pressing against your groin, and the balls squishing against the tube. Both at once… not pleasant. No way I did that for more than ten minutes a session though.

Mick, what I was doing was keeping the pressure strong enough to maintain erection, but low enough to keep it on the lower side. I know exactly what you mean about trying to keep an erection in the pump while watching the same stupid porn over and over again. Sometimes I even have trouble getting an erection before putting him in the tube while watching it. I am truly desensitized to pornography and it actually has effected my PE routine.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

There is some recent theorizing that you get a more effective tunica workout if you do not have a full erection in the cylinder. Idea is that if you are not "100%" hard, your tunica is more easily stretched.

There is a long thread discussing this, sparkyx gives a good summary here:

sparkyx - Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping

Originally Posted by sparkyx
As usual, I was thinking…

If an UNLOADED tunica is more easily stretched than a loaded one, then maybe we (pumpers) have it wrong. Perhaps it is better to pump without a max erection? It will allow distortional stress from the vacuum force, while not fully loading the tunica.

I think this concept (that its more effective fully erect) came mostly from observation that you get less edema. However, for post surgical guys, who’s doctors put them on the pump, I doubt that they are getting max erections in the tube. Many of these guys end up with gains that we not attributable to the surgery…hummmm.

Perhaps what we held as a "given" has been counterproductive?

For what it is worth I seem to get my best results if I go in about 70 to 80%. At least for me lower than that is not good. It doesn’t stay in that range though through the whole session, but I don’t worry about it. Occasional milking and kegeling seem to keep it in a "good enough" state. See also:

Soft when I exit pump

Anyway, that’s just me - Your Mileage May Vary

Originally Posted by sta-kool
There is some recent theorizing that you get a more effective tunica workout if you do not have a full erection in the cylinder. Idea is that if you are not "100%" hard, your tunica is more easily stretched.

There is a long thread discussing this, sparkyx gives a good summary here:

sparkyx - Girth theory: Pumping vs. clamping

For what it is worth I seem to get my best results if I go in about 70 to 80%. At least for me lower than that is not good. It doesn’t stay in that range though through the whole session, but I don’t worry about it. Occasional milking and kegeling seem to keep it in a "good enough" state. See also:

Soft when I exit pump

Anyway, that’s just me - Your Mileage May Vary

Sounds good.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Clubber, are you measuring your “gains” right after your pumping sessions? Even measurements taken the same day as your pumping session will give you measurements greater than your normal stats. I have been pumping for well over 5 years, sometimes in committed time frames, others sporadically, and have noticed that the “gains” are only temporary.

Moderate and smart pumping always gives a nice thick dick, but that effect lasts for, at best, a few days.

Alright, well always worth a try.

So far all I can say about this method is that my cock is very very warm when I exit the pump… that’s gotta be a good sign.

I think that Skin Bright cream I am using might be working, because my skin is getting brighter, more even looking, and healthier. The circumcision scar has even improved a little. I also have been using the Amalactin cream in the morning as well with the Skin Bright at night. Sometimes I will mix in the hydroquinone with the Amalactin in the morning as well, but I noticed a difference with the Skin Bright after the first few applications. Last night I did some pumping and my dick’s color was no where near as dark as it usually was before. I also contribute the improvement in discoloration to lower pressure pumping, but the Skin Bright would make improvements by itself I would think.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Thanks Clubber.

Alright well I don’t think this Amlactin is doing anything for me cause my discolouration is as bad as ever. I’m not even sure why this stuff is even supposed to work for discolouration since it’s just a moisturizer, lol.

What exactly is this skin bright stuff and who makes it? Can you let me know cause I think I gotta go get some like right now cause I’m getting tired of this discolouration.


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