I think I need a new routine...
I have been doing the same routine for about two years and change.
Basically one night I will to 20 minutes of modified btc stretches and rotary stretches. The next night I will do 20 minutes if jelqing, usually with olive oil. I do pe 4-6 nights a week.
I know I have gained because females comment on my size when they did not before, so anyone who says PE is bull shit is either ignorant or straight up lying. I just don’t really measure because I am kind of OCD and superstitious and just a fucking weirdo I guess.
Anyways, I feel like it’s time for a routine and I was wondering if you guys had any ideas. I am not looking to get lectured or argue with anyone, just hoping I could get some solid advice.
Starting size: 6.5 BPEL 5.1 MSEG
Goal size: 7.6 BPEL 5.6 MSEG