Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm your DICK fairy and I'm here to grant you any sized dick you want!!!

If I could, more than anything I’d love my dick to be nine inches long and seven inches in girth.

Men and women are both much more attractive than buffalo.

I would like my dick to vibrate on command.

Thanks dick fairy!
Yes! How excellent would that be, right? And, her purr like a kitten.

14 x 6 though that dream seems impossible.

Just tryna hit 8x6 as I am having moderate gains all I really want is 8x6 for none else but me.

If I could snap my fingers and that’s all it took, I’d go for 8x6.5 flaccid, 10.5x7.5 erect, weighing in at a beefy 1.5 lbs, and (approx.) lemon-sized testicles with a 6” scrotal sack hang. And the vibrating on command thing would be super cool ;)

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

I would love my dick to be 10” in length and 6” in girth, go big or go home XL.

I’m willing to work my way up to a bigger dick. What I’d truly want is to just keep it healthy and functioning properly for the rest of my life. For good measure, you could also throw in a good harem of women to keep it satisfied. Would that be too much to ask for? :worthy:

Start 11/20/16 ====> 5.75" BPEL/ 4.5" EG. 1/19/17====> 6.625" BPEL/ 4.75" EG. 11/24/17====> 6.75" BPEL/ 4.75" EG.

Glad to be here.and making progress! :jelq: Check it out at: This is your life: My cock in pictures.

New Here? This is a great place to start.====>START HERE -----> NEWBIE ROUTINE <----- Important Newbie Info

I’m sure I would over do it and screw up my sex life. It’s probably a good thing that the Dick Fairy hasn’t paid me a visit.

If I could snap my fingers and have any size, I’d probably go with 8.5” bone-pressed flaccid by 5.25” girth, and 10.5” bone-pressed erect by 6.25” girth.

Part of my ego would actually like to go larger, but any bigger than that would be impossible to hide, and even at 10” I’d be somewhat worried a few might run away.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

My goal is 9”X 6”, I’ll get there eventually.

7.5 x 5.5, maybe even a tad smaller.

Girls i’ve been with who were not asian or on the extra petite side had complained about the size of my above-average-length one as it was, and i think girth larger than my wished size is something only few girls could take with perfect comfort.

I think the 8x6 is a male-derived standard. I don’t trust the integrity of that chart you see floating around claiming that the ideal penis size according to women is something like 8.25x6.5. that’s waaay larger than most porn stars and utter horse shit.

Start - 09/28/16: BPEL: 6.5" MEG: 4.66" (Pumping, Clamping, Cockrings & Stretches)

Current - 11/25/20: BPEL: 7.2" (+.7") MEG: 4.75" (+.09") --- Roughly 1 year of PE and a long hiatus in between.

Girthquest: Short-term Goal: MEG: 5" -- Ultimate Cemented Goal: MEG: 5.25"

Originally Posted by Pizzza
7.5 x 5.5, maybe even a tad smaller.

Girls i’ve been with who were not asian or on the extra petite side had complained about the size of my above-average-length one as it was, and i think girth larger than my wished size is something only few girls could take with perfect comfort.

I think the 8x6 is a male-derived standard. I don’t trust the integrity of that chart you see floating around claiming that the ideal penis size according to women is something like 8.25x6.5. that’s waaay larger than most porn stars and utter horse shit.

You quote the “penis size debate” chart, which is debunked for preying on men to sell penis pills. Despite having been on some Internet or tv talk show as shown for like 5 seconds.

It’s horse shit.

Honestly, we PE and most goals are impractical for many women cuz 8x6” is OUR gold standard. Women will decide how they like a penis on feel. Not with painstaking measurement.

That said, I’d pick something less practical than now but with the EQ and frequency to fuck 3 or more times daily. And if forced to pick one thing, EQ and frequency over all things if the fairy is limiting wishes.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.


4/16 BPEL 7.2 MSEG 6.0

1/17 BPEL 7.75 MSEG ~6.2 BEG 6.75

Size anxiety is the mere response to viewing other males as a threat and the corresponding jealousy it causes. Realize that your feelings are a response to a perceived threat and the anxiety will disappear. My log: Big Booty Extravaganza (and Log)

Dear dick fairy, I do not wish for specific size of my schlong.
Why, do you ask?
It is because I am pretty sure that I can reach my goal by myself, it is just slightly above 1” ;)
I also think that with PE I can keep my manhood healthy and active for long time.

However if you would be so nice I would wish for becoming a shower instead of grower ;)
And if you can’t fulfill this wish, then give me 1,5” in length to my dick.

"If you desire one thing for so long, it is a given that you will miss other things along the way. That is how it is... that is life."

Would love to have a 7”x5” completely soft flaccid. That being said…..8.5”x5.5” erect.

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic


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