55% chance of NOT being gay if you wear ball weights
Here’s the results guys:
You have a 55% chance of NOT being gay if you wear ball weights or at least own a pair.
The replies to our questionnaire show that there are ball stretchers all over the world. About half of the replies come from stretchers in America and a quarter from the UK. But stretching has fans in Canada, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand, and in almost every country in Europe. Age is no barrier: the youngest stretcher is in his teens; the oldest well into his sixties. Most stretchers are in their thirties or forties and are in well established jobs and relationships. Nearly half are self-employed or in skilled or executive employment, but all occupations (and the unemployed and retired) are well represented. Well over half declare a religious background, mostly in Christianity, but there is a handful of Jewish stretchers. [We look forward to hearing from members of other faiths.] Over 70% are in a stable relationship. Of these, some 55% are heterosexual, over 25% homosexual, and about 20% bi-sexual.