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Method to PREVENT clamping discoloration


Method to PREVENT clamping discoloration

I just started clamping again, and I tend to get micro-bleeding into the skin that leads to the discoloration. This is due to hemosiderin or iron from the blood that gets deposited into the deep layers of the skin and cause that darkening.

I don’t like it or want it. The Firegoat rolls are somewhat helpful, but its a lot like bailing out the water that is filling your boat. I think its better to KEEP THE WATER OUT in the first place.

So what occurred to me is counter pressure to the surface of the skin to prevent the capillaries from expanding and breaking in the first place.

I was going to use a HTW (hair tie wrap) but didn’t think it would be enough. So I’ve been experimenting with ACE bandage wrap.

It is very effective, its just a matter of finding the right amount of wrap to protect the capillaries without limiting expansion of the tunica.

Give it a try if you are either clamping or want to clamp but don’t want discoloration.

After your clamping session, go ahead and do the Firegoat rolls anyway, and you will find that it is a very effective combination.

I was going to post a topic soon about what methods people use to prevent discolouration, I always suffer greatly from it but I don’t understand what you mean. I use a thick wrap and the clamp goes on that. The rest of my dick is exposed and that is where the discolouration happens. Is your solution to wrap the whole dick and some how that helps?

I still don’t know what firegoat rolls, tried searching for it but all I got from it was threads about how effective it is.

Start: 5.75 inch BPEL 4.75 inch girth BSEG (Nov 1 2007)

Current: 7.4 inch BPEL 5.4 inch MSEG 5.75 inch BSEG (Oct 24 2009)

Goal: 7 inch NBPEL 5.5 inch EG=> New Goal: 7.75 inch BPEL 5.75 MSEG

Originally Posted by Aznteddy
I still don’t know what firegoat rolls, tried searching for it but all I got from it was threads about how effective it is.

“firegoat roll” discoloration prevention, control, and removal

For me, it basically make my dick appear lighter after some exercise like clamping, but still leaves the marks like the purple or red spots.

Originally Posted by Audacia

I was going to post a topic soon about what methods people use to prevent discolouration, I always suffer greatly from it but I don’t understand what you mean. I use a thick wrap and the clamp goes on that. The rest of my dick is exposed and that is where the discolouration happens. Is your solution to wrap the whole dick and some how that helps?

Yes, you use something like an Ace bandage, which is elastic. You wrap the entire dick, except the head. The compression prevents the capillaries from expanding and bursting, which either stops or greatly reduces the discoloration that ACCUMULATES over time.

Originally Posted by Audacia
“firegoat roll” discoloration prevention, control, and removal

For me, it basically make my dick appear lighter after some exercise like clamping, but still leaves the marks like the purple or red spots.

The purple and red spots are larger (than capillaries)blood vessels bursting. The larger the blood vessel, the larger the red or purple area.

We already do condom pumping. Why not condom clamping?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Good idea, Lamp — seems like a tight condom would do the trick. Easy too.

Sparkyx, thanks for posting this - I got some minor discoloration during the two weeks I clamped even with doing firegoat’s roll. My unit is really dark anyway, I do not want it any darker.

I wouldn’t mind if my unit got uniformly darker. However, for a while, I had kind of a pinto pony effect going on, and if I get a choice about in which aspect I get to increase that resemblance, I’m after the size more than the coloration. :)

My discoloration has subsided somewhat with a change in routine after a deconditioning break. If (when) I try clamping again, I think I’ll give it a try using a condom.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Mine wasn’t “pinto pony” - more like “barber pole”

First quarter of my unit - normal color

Then darker area

Last quarter - normal color

Nobody would notice but me, but don’t like it, don’t want it worse.

Probably should stick to jelqing, manual squeezes and pumping. . .

Originally Posted by Lampwick
I wouldn’t mind if my unit got uniformly darker. However, for a while, I had kind of a pinto pony effect going on, and if I get a choice about in which aspect I get to increase that resemblance, I’m after the size more than the coloration. :)

My discoloration has subsided somewhat with a change in routine after a deconditioning break. If (when) I try clamping again, I think I’ll give it a try using a condom.

The higher the pressure internally, the more counter pressure to prevent blood migration.

Let me know how the condoms work. Gets a bit expensive after a while, doesn’t it?

The nice thing about the ace bandage, is you can leave the glans unwrapped for greater expansion.


Believe it and Achieve it.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
[CONDOMS] Gets a bit expensive after a while, doesn’t it?

Cheap non-lubed ones are just fine. Sometimes you can find condoms at the dollar store. Plus you can reuse a single condom multiple times if you are using it for PE. So it wouldn’t have to cost that much.

You could also cut the top of the condom off if you want your glans exposed.

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