Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

One Month of no PE

When I started hitting length really hard two years ago I stopped working girth for a few months. I went from 6” mseg to about 5 1/2” mseg. It was scary, but I guess it wasn’t cemented. I’d say, don’t take a break, it did nothing for me gains wise, except bring back some length gains that I had from fatigue from hanging/extending 24/7.

I just finished a month and a half break from PE and from here. I just started again on Monday, and I didn’t lose any of my gains.

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
When I started hitting length really hard two years ago I stopped working girth for a few months. I went from 6” mseg to about 5 1/2” mseg. It was scary, but I guess it wasn’t cemented. I’d say, don’t take a break, it did nothing for me gains wise, except bring back some length gains that I had from fatigue from hanging/extending 24/7.

1/2 lost of girth is insane! I thought I was going crazy. How fast it took to gain back that girth(if you did)

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

Very nice work kazooplayer! My hat’s off to you for your dedication.

My theory is that all factors held constant, the time required per incremental gain is an exponential function. I think if you allow yourself a long break, you may be able to speed the rate of gains for a time once you restart. I’m talking about a 6 month (or longer) break, not a couple of weeks. I’m testing the theory, now. Well, kind of - my break was more like 2 years. The idea is to erase your body’s protective measures that have created resistance to the strain.

During my break, I lost almost all of my 1/4” girth gain as fast as I acquired it, but didn’t lose any of my 5/8” length gain. It leads me to believe that rapid length gains are a more permanent phenomenon than rapid girth gains, but I don’t think that this is the case for long-term gains. I only gained 1/4” to your 0.8” and over 4 months as opposed to 2.5 years, so I would hope that most of your gains are more permanent than mine were. Fortunately, it seems to be coming back faster than I originally gained it.

I would be extremely curious to see how much you lose and how quickly. I’m also curious about your routine and how regularly you tracked your gains. My projections for gaining 0.8” girth are about 3 years, which is pretty close to how long it has taken you. The difference may be that I started at about 6” girth. What girth did you start at?

In summary, you should expect to lose some girth, but I would expect (hope) that you will keep most of it just because you’ve had it for so long. This isn’t based as much on my brief experience as 6 years of reading in the forum, and paying close attention to the guys that provide a lot of data.

Originally Posted by big Bori333
1/2 lost of girth is insane! I thought I was going crazy. How fast it took to gain back that girth(if you did)

Took probably two or three months to get it back to 5 3/4”, but I haven’t been able to successfully push past that point without clamping.

Originally Posted by slipstream
Very nice work kazooplayer! My hat’s off to you for your dedication.

My theory is that all factors held constant, the time required per incremental gain is an exponential function. I think if you allow yourself a long break, you may be able to speed the rate of gains for a time once you restart. I’m talking about a 6 month (or longer) break, not a couple of weeks. I’m testing the theory, now. Well, kind of - my break was more like 2 years. The idea is to erase your body’s protective measures that have created resistance to the strain.

During my break, I lost almost all of my 1/4” girth gain as fast as I acquired it, but didn’t lose any of my 5/8” length gain. It leads me to believe that rapid length gains are a more permanent phenomenon than rapid girth gains, but I don’t think that this is the case for long-term gains. I only gained 1/4” to your 0.8” and over 4 months as opposed to 2.5 years, so I would hope that most of your gains are more permanent than mine were. Fortunately, it seems to be coming back faster than I originally gained it.

I would be extremely curious to see how much you lose and how quickly. I’m also curious about your routine and how regularly you tracked your gains. My projections for gaining 0.8” girth are about 3 years, which is pretty close to how long it has taken you. The difference may be that I started at about 6” girth. What girth did you start at?

In summary, you should expect to lose some girth, but I would expect (hope) that you will keep most of it just because you’ve had it for so long. This isn’t based as much on my brief experience as 6 years of reading in the forum, and paying close attention to the guys that provide a lot of data.

I started at about 4.3 inches of girth - rough, I know.

My routine has consisted of just about everything. I’ve literally tried every theory I’ve found, and lately, nothing has seemed to work, so it’s rest time for me.

I don’t think I could go more than a month; it’s been a few days, and I’m already second-guessing it :(

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by 10inchadvantage
Took probably two or three months to get it back to 5 3/4”, but I haven’t been able to successfully push past that point without clamping.

Oh boy, you got to love clamping; the only way to retrieve that girth and more.

Started: Bpel 7 mseg 4.5

Current: Bpel 7.5 mseg 4.75

Goal: at least 8.5X6.5

ADS instead of deconditioning breaks?

No-one could answer with authority whether ADS instead of decon would be a faster solution to recover the best conditions for further growth.

Since you would prefer not to have an extended break from PE, maybe you could try an ADS only routine for a month to see what happens.

Except I don’t want any length :P

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Like dongalong said, very light ADS may be the way to take a break without losing any length, but I don’t know of any data that backs that up. And specific to your problem, very low vaccuum pumping is the only thing that is close to ADS for girth. Clearly, unless you have a lot of privacy that may not be much of any option. I wish there was something as stealthy as ADS for girth. I’d be all over that.

I think that you’ve just hit the very steep part of that time/growth curve. Without a substantial break, I think you’re facing an increasingly slower growth rate.

Originally Posted by slipstream
Like dongalong said, very light ADS may be the way to take a break without losing any length, but I don’t know of any data that backs that up. And specific to your problem, very low vaccuum pumping is the only thing that is close to ADS for girth. Clearly, unless you have a lot of privacy that may not be much of any option. I wish there was something as stealthy as ADS for girth. I’d be all over that.

I think that you’ve just hit the very steep part of that time/growth curve. Without a substantial break, I think you’re facing an increasingly slower growth rate.

If you can stretch out a jelly cock ring just enough to where you can wear it for hours at a time then it’ll work as a good ADC.

I’ve never had any luck with ADC’s, they just make my unit retreat.

I have been growing since my break… seems my junk needed a rest; I’ll keep you all posted with any further developments.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

I never take breaks. PE has become part of my life. Gains are inconsistent but I don’t mind if I don’t make gains for a few months as long as the overall curve shows upwards.

In your situation I would start a routine that I never tried before or didn’t practise for a long time. I am switching length and girth routines, for example (after a few months in general).

Gains have been hard to achieve - I have no interest in loosing any of these based on the deconditioning theory - a THEORY I don’t believe that it is required. If you switch between girth and length exercises you are giving a decon break to a part of your dick every once in a while - that should be enough.

Later - ttt


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