PE Is Giving Me A Headache
For the past few weeks I have been getting light headaches and photosensitivity after pe’ing and I would like to know how common this is. I have read up a bit on over masturbation and it’s chemical effects on the brain and so far I believe it’s either a sudden drop in blood pressure, a rise in pde2, low oxygen levels,inflammation, or a lack of certain trace vitamins. All I have been taking for it is 2 or 3 tsp of GABA and a lot of water with a liquid multi vitamin.
I am not real worried but would like to know if anyone else has this problem and what you guys do to resolve the pain. I have tried low doses of NSAIDs but I am not comfortable with relying on pain relievers all the time. Idk maybe I should be practicing breathing techniques before PE and whole body stretches afterwards.