Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Size Debate website question

Penis Size Debate website question

I know we’ve gone over this site thousands of times, but I have a quick question about the author’s opinion about erect girth in the end of the penis size debate website.
I have this site on my favorites and am pretty much really into it. I go on it probably on average of ten minutes a day, but not every day because I do have a busy life.
I pretty much agree with everything the author says about the ideal length, but the girth just doesn’t fly with my opinion on the ideal girth size. I think the ideal size is in between 5.75EG to 6 EG for 97% of women; which I consider on the huge side. Anyone over 6.5EG might as well join a circus.

I am not going to go over the statistics of this author’s opinion because I am sure most of us have memorized it by now. I just want to know why he doesn’t consider 5.5EG on the big side.
He says that you have to be at least 5.75EG to be considered thick or big. That’s just not fair, or is it? I need to know the truth once and for all. Is 5.5EG still average? Would it depend on the
shape of the man’s penis? So if you have two inch’s of width and still are 5.5EG (which I am at the moment); is this on the big side? Also, is 1.8 inches in diameter big or average (my starting diameter)? I need some expert opinions. I am more comfortable now that I know I can make it bigger, so I want some really honest straight answers from some straight shooters.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

The average is under 5. I would think 5.25 and up is going to be large in any woman’s eyes.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Originally Posted by hopeful2hanglow
The average is under 5. I would think 5.25 and up is going to be large in any woman’s eyes.

You really think so? My biggest fear is that it may not be to a promiscuous little whore.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Mr. T
I know we’ve gone over this site thousands of times, but I have a quick question about the author’s opinion about erect girth in the end of the penis size debate website.
I have this site on my favorites and am pretty much really into it. I go on it probably on average of ten minutes a day, but not every day because I do have a busy life.
I pretty much agree with everything the author says about the ideal length, but the girth just doesn’t fly with my opinion on the ideal girth size. I think the ideal size is in between 5.75EG to 6 EG for 97% of women; which I consider on the huge side. Anyone over 6.5EG might as well join a circus.

I am not going to go over the statistics of this author’s opinion because I am sure most of us have memorized it by now. I just want to know why he doesn’t consider 5.5EG on the big side.
He says that you have to be at least 5.75EG to be considered thick or big. That’s just not fair, or is it? I need to know the truth once and for all. Is 5.5EG still average? Would it depend on the
shape of the man’s penis? So if you have two inch’s of width and still are 5.5EG (which I am at the moment); is this on the big side? Also, is 1.8 inches in diameter big or average (my starting diameter)? I need some expert opinions. I am more comfortable now that I know I can make it bigger, so I want some really honest straight answers from some straight shooters.

What’s the point of discussing this site? The guy just makes up his own “information”. Here is a post I wrote about it a while back in response to a member whose unhealthy obsessions were being fed by that site: Invisible - estimating penis size of your partner’s former lover.

There is no way 5.5” EG can be considered average. It’s at least a 90th percentile size. Anyone who tells you that it isn’t big is being unrealistic and/or dishonest.

You’ve been obsessing about this for some time now (Are we forever changed?). Now you know the truth so let your fears go, once and for all.

I visited PSD frequently a while back, but now think it is generally discouraging. I think the preferred size chart is the opinion of size queens to be honest.

I say the best motivation I’ve gotten is just reading some threads here at thunders.

Pre-PE: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG-------> Current Stats: 8" BPEL x 5.25" EG-------> Goal: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG - 7" BG

Doki-Doki LOLI POP CHAN! Sugoi Desu~~~

To all the big/huge guys with this mental problem. Take pictures of your unit from low down angles; angles from a girls perspective, THEN you will realize that your packing something monsterous!

A promiscuous little whore has seen at least 8x6…so you need to get there at least.

Nobody’s getting all bent out of shape over my 7x6.375 NBP…they can all suck it and fuck it no problem.

I appreciate the support Invisible, you are a good thunder buddy. I understand, believe, and know that your everyday average 25 year old women who has slept with in between 3 and 8 different men will think anything over 6.5NBP and 5.25EG is “hung”; and anything over 7.0EL and 5.5EG is pretty huge. She will also be flabbergasted at the site of anything that is over 7.5EL * 5.75EG and possibly worship the ground that the proud owner walks on. Guy’s with big dicks, if they are also good looking and goal orientated IMHO can get away with murder in relationships. To me having a big dick is more of a quality of life thing now more then ever brothers.

The bigger my dick gets, the more I come to terms with the statistics that that brutally honest and insensitive fuck wrote. I hate to say this, but even though he exaggerates, he doesn’t exaggerate excessively. His numbers are actually very accurate IMO when it comes to length and little inflated with girth; but he is almost spot on. He just may have seen one to many porns, or is really out to hurt the average man. Before I started any form of PE, I was 5.2EG with a kegeled squeeze, which I figured would be my size in a sexual situation. My penis was actually closer to 5.1EG and maybe 5.0EG on a horrible dick day. I have come so far to have gained nearly half an inch of girth, which I am afraid I will lose because I have lost every other gain I made until now. It is still hard to believe that this is working so well for me with my new routine. I think if I tone it down a little more, I may gain even more.

There are many exceptions to the actual numbers, such as shape as I mentioned above. I feel blessed to have a more wider shape because if I ever hit six inches of girth, my dick might be 2.2 inches in diameter, which is visually massive.

Rushmore: sometimes women will not tell a man he has a big dick because she doesn’t want the man to feel inferior because they might be very interested in you and may think if you do feel inferior that you will leave her and find someone better. It is simply a tactic women use to play with are heads, and you are deeply confused if you can’t see that with that Bardamen Bailey traveling circus girth that you have there. You need to be aware of that bro.

What pisses me off the most is how much penis size varies between man, and how much better a man is at making a women happy if he is endowed. It isn’t fair to men to have such disadvantages when they are below 5EG and 6EL. It is like these men are cursed, and I feel cursed in the girth department to be born with a cock that is so close to 5EG. It has ruined my state of well being for so may years, and has killed my confidence with the ladies. The only reason why I have slept with nearly 20 women is because I am actually a very handsome guy with a nice body with above average intelligence. Once I get “the penis” the ladies better watch the fuck out because I am going to tear some shit up.

I wanted to be genuine with this post because I want you guy’s to know how I feel and think about the importance of penis size. Everything I typed is seriously how I feel deep down and it is scary to think that I may lose my gains. At this point, I feel this needs to work in order for me to live my life to the fullest. I realize I have psychiatric problems and probably should get some help, but the section in PSD about how therapists use despicable tactics to make us feel better about are dicks is just so spot on. Like the old saying, if a finger can make her climax, then if your dick is as big as a finger then you have nothing to worry about. In PSD, the author says that they use this despicable line to temporarily reduce the anxiety of the patient, when they well know that a finger has joints that can move at 90 degree angles and that a penis can just be thrusted and moved up and down; and that a small penis will visually not turn her on at all anyways.

I am just going to stop here because it is upsetting for me to type this shit.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg


The first order of business is for you to stop visiting the site in question - it’s feeding you lies. You need to get back to reality.

You’ll never truly be happy until you get over this.

I know what I want, and I'm coming to get it.

Ace's Place - A Dissemination Of Success... ?

I read somewhere that the thickness of a Duracell size “D” battery is the norm. My flaccid is a bit thicker than a size “D” battery. I’m thinking anything over 5.25” in girth is big. We hear at Thunders count mid shaft girth. But many surveys say at the widest point. For me that would be the glans. Or at least it use to be.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
I read somewhere that the thickness of a Duracell size “D” battery is the norm. My flaccid is a bit thicker than a size “D” battery. I’m thinking anything over 5.25” in girth is big. We hear at Thunders count mid shaft girth. But many surveys say at the widest point. For me that would be the glans. Or at least it use to be.

How big is a D battery? It seems a little under 5 from what I rembember.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by Mr. T
You really think so? My biggest fear is that it may not be to a promiscuous little whore.

Yeah, but why worry about impressing someone you would call a promiscuous little whore?

Why don’t you look at the scientific studies instead.

For example per the lifestyles condom study, average girth was 4.972 inches, with the majority of the guys ranging between 4.7 inches and 5.1 inches.

I think these are the pretty standard numbers that come out of these studies.

Numbers and statistics of average men don’t interest me anymore. Average is unappealing to me and that is why I and we practice PE. The majority of men IMO are small. Average is small and visually ridiculous/unappealing to me and big is where it’s at.

PS: I want to impress promiscuous little whore’s because that is my nature.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

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