perception problems
This may be a little off topic, but I am starting to feel bad about my size. I don’t know if I have penis dysmorphic disorder or what. My perception of my penis size also changes frequently.
What I mean by that is some days it looks bigger or smaller than other days despite remaining the same size. I always look at my penis in my bathroom mirror. It is a very true reflection; it took me sometime to find the perfect mirror, but I found it. Anyways, sometimes my penis will look thin and sometimes it will look thick when I am looking in this same mirror. It’s like I am seeing things; it is pretty fucked up.
Also, when I look in the mirror I am not moving around, I stay in the same spot and the perception still changes from day to day. This also has being going on way before I heard of jelqing or anything related to enlarging the penis. I also have a camcorder that I used to hook up to the tv to check out my size, for some reason my penis seems extra long and extra thin when I use this camera. I haven’t used the camcorder for a few years to look at my penis because it depressed me. Do some cameras do that? Also, I have been measuring to often once again. Measuring is addicting for me; I have a hard time controlling my self. If I continue with this behavior I think it is hurting my chances of gaining. Can anybody give me some support on this issue? Can anybody relate to this kind of perception behavior?